Up: Commands
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Coordinate transformation (shift of origin, rotation,
Lorentz transformation) of particle coordinate, energy-momentum,
polarization, etc.
Using this command, you can transform a collision
at an angle into a head-on collision.
[LASER,] ;
Shift of origin. (m)
- Spacial rotation angle (radian). (rotation of the coordinate
- Lorentz boost parameter
(Boost of the coordinate axis).
- Unit vector along the rotation axis.
Need not be normalized exactly.
- Unit vector along the boost direction.
Need not be normalized exactly.
- No transformation of particles. If specified,
RIGHT, LEFT, KIND operands are ignored.
- Select right- or left-going particles only.
If omitted, both are transformed.
- k
- Select only particles of kind k. If omitted, all species
are transformed.
- Lorentz transformation of external field
(transformation of the field strength and
the boundary).
- Lorentz transformation of
The three types of transformations are carried out in the order
of the input keywords TXYS, ANGLE, BETAGAMMA.
With one LORENTZ command, each transformation can be specified
at most once.
Note that, for any type, the transformation is that of the coordinate
axis rather than the particles themselves. Thus, for example,
if you say TXYS=(0,0,0,1), then the s-coordinate of the particles
by 1 meter.
Toshiaki Tauchi
Thu Dec 3 17:27:26 JST 1998