Next: About this document
Previous: References
- 1
- G.Loew, these proceedings, and International Linear Collider Technical
Review Committee Report 1995, SLAC-R-95-471.
- 2
- JLC group, JLC-I(the green book),KEK Report 92-16, 1992.
- 3
- R.Settles, these proceedings, and also in the TRC
report [1].
- 4
- Proceedings of Workshop on Physics and
Experiments with Linear
Colliders(LCWS93), eds. F.A.Harris, S.L.Olsen, S.Pakvasa
and X.Tata (World Scientific, Singapore, 1993).
- 5
- Proceedings of Sixth International Workshop on Linear
Colliders (LC95), ed. J.Urakawa, KEK Proceedings 95-5, August 1995.
- 6
- Y.Okada, these proceedings.
- 7
- Liewellyn-Smith, talk at 17th international Symposium on
Lepton-Photon Interactions, Beijing, China, 7-12 August, 1995.
- 8
- M.E.Peskin,Complementarity of
and pp colliders from
the Exploration of Electroweak Symmetry Breaking,
SLAC-PUB-6582, Aug 1994. Lectures given at 22nd INS International Symposium on
Physics with High Energy Colliders, Tokyo, Japan,8-10 Mar 1994.
- 9
- D.Burke, proceedings of Workshop on Physics and
Experiments with Linear
Colliders, eds. R.Orava, P.Eerola and M.Nordberg
(World Scientific, Singapore, 1992) p51, and references therein.
- 10
- Proceedings of Fifth International Workshop on Linear
Colliders (LC93), October 13-21, 1993, SLAC report SLAC-436,p383.
- 11
- E.A.Kushnirenko,proceedings of The International Workshop on Final
Focus and Interaction Regions of Next Generation Linear Colliders, May 2-6,1992,
SLAC report SLAC-405,p225.
- 12
- T.Tauchi, K.Yokoya and P.Chen, Part. Accel. 41, 29 (1993).
- 13
- D.Schulte, private communication.
- 14
- T.Tauchi and K.Yokoya, Phys. Rev. E 51, 6119 (1995).
- 15
- D.Schulte, proceedings of LC95 [5], p1419.
- 16
- A.Miyamoto, proceedings of the Third Workshop on JLC ed.
A.Miyamoto, KEK Proceedings 92-13, December 1992, p389.
- 17
- P.Chen,
T.L.Barklow and M.E.Peskin, Phys. Rev. D 49, 3209 (1994).
- 18
- C.Damerell,these proceedings.
- 19
- Y.Fujii, in proceedings of LCWS93 [4],p782.
- 20
- Y.Sugimoto,Vertex Detector for JLC in
proceedings of the 2nd JLC Detector Workshop, ed. Y.Fujii, February 1-3, 1994, p109.
- 21
- T.Tsukamoto et al.,proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium
on Development of Semiconductor Tracking Detectors, October 10-13, 1995, to be published
in Nucl. Instr. and Meth.
- 22
- D.Jackson,these proceedings.
- 23
- I.Nakamura,these proceedings.
- 24
- R.L.Gluckstern, Nucl. Instrum. Methods 24, 381 (1963).
- 25
- N.Khalatyan,these proceedings.
- 26
- K.Ishii,these proceedings.
- 27
- S.Kim, Nucl. Instrum. Methods A 360, 206 (1995).
- 28
- K.l
ttmann, DESY 95-064;
K.Fujii and T.Omori, KEK Preprint 95-127.
- 29
- T.Omori, proceedings of LC95 [5], p606.
- 30
- T.Hirose,these proceedings.
- 31
- T.Okugi, proceedings of LC95 [5], p642.
- 32
- E.G.Bessonov, proceedings of LC95 [5], p594, and references
- 33
- V.V.Parkhomchuk, V.D.Shiltsev and G.V.Stupakov,
Part. Accel. 46, 241 (1994) and references therein.
- 34
- S.Kanda, proceedings of LCWS93, p758.
- 35
- S.Takeda(M.Yoshioka),these proceedings.
- 36
- C.Adolphsen,these proceedings.
Toshiaki Tauchi
Fri, Dec 20, 1996 02:24:05 PM