software mokka

How to Mokka

How to Mokka simulation
A very simple example for a bash user to run Mokka with ILD_00 detector model is

$ . /proj/soft/ilcsoft/v01-06/Mokka/mokka-06-07-patch01/
$ Mokka mokka.steer < mokka.g4

where mokka.steer and mokka.g4 are files for parameters. Parameters to be modified in these files are as follows:


Theta momentum scan macro for Mokka

# Theta momentum scan macro for Mokka
# Obtained from Steve
/generator/generator particleGun
/gun/position 0 0 0
/gun/directionSmearingMode uniform
/gun/phiSmearing 180 deg
/gun/particle mu+
# 8.0 degrees 1.535889 0.1396 radians
/gun/direction 0.13917 0.000000 0.9902681
/gun/momentum 3.000000
/run/beamOn 1000
/gun/momentum 6.000000
/run/beamOn 1000
/gun/momentum 25.000000
/run/beamOn 1000
/gun/momentum 100.000000
/run/beamOn 1000
 # 32.005200 degrees 0.558596 radians

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