SAC(Small Angle Calorimeter)
SAC is a set of calorimeters covering the small angle
region of the AMY detector.
- Structure:
22 layers of lead (4.1 mm) and plastic scintillator (4 mm)
sandwiches. 17.2 X0.
- Coverage: 70 mm < R <235 mm.
- Devided into 24 sectors in phi.
- Wave length shifter and Photodiode readout.
- 8 defining counters made of CaF2 on each side for
Luminosity measurement.
- Si pad detector at the shower maximum for the measurement of
theta coordinate of showers.
- 3.4% energy resolution, 2.5 mm (in theta direction) and 1.1 mm (in phi direction)
spatial resolution at 29 GeV.
- Half module of SAC under construction
- Si pad detector