BPC(Beam Pipe Calorimeter)
BPC is a set of calorimeters covering the smallest angle
region of the AMY detector.
- Structure:
24 layers of concentric lead (1 mm) and scintillating
fiber (0.5 mm) sandwiches. 17.9 X0 effectively.
- Coverage: 59.5 mm < R <98.5 mm (1.9 deg < theta < 2.6 deg).
- Devided into 16 sectors in phi and 2 layers in theta.
- Photodiode readout.
- 5.4% energy resolution, 1.5 mm (in theta) and 2.0 mm (in phi)
spatial resolution at 29 GeV.
- N. Takashimizu
- S.K. Sahu