A private version of whizard2 with tauola is placed in this folder. Contents: orig/build-whizard2-tauola.sh A script build whizard2 with tauola. Set environiment parameters in this script properly to meet your environment. whizard-2.2.8.tar.gz will be downloaded if not exist in advane. This script un-tar whizard2-tauola interface files and apply patch to whizard2, then build whizard2. orig/whizard2-tauola-20160121.tar.gz tauola itself and whizard2 tauola interface routines. orig/whizard-2.2.8-tauola.patch Patches to be applied to the whizard-2.2.8 source files. examples/run_many.sh A script to run several whizard2 jobs to test tauola interface. examples/sindarin Whizard2 input files for text whizard2 run. readhepev4/ A small fortran program to read and dump hep.ev4 files created by whizard2. build.sh is a script to build program and read_all.sh reads all hep.ev4 files in examples directory. Event dump will be created in readhepev4 directory. 21 January 2016 Akiya Miyamoto