# WHIZARD configuration file # The selected model (O'Mega) model SM # Processes for 6-fermion/gamma-gamma # (Methods: chep=CompHEP, mad=MadGraph, omega=O'Mega) # (Options: s=selected diagrams, number=QCD order [Madgraph]) # f=fudged width [O'Mega] # # Tag In Out Method Option #===================================================== ######################################################################### # # 6-fermion production # Compatible with \gamma\gamma --> W+W- type u_j \bar{d}_j d_k \bar{u}_k # aa_n1e1e1n1_o A,A n1,E1,e1,N1 omega f aa_n2e2du_o A,A n2,E2,d,U omega f # 6-fermion production # Compatible with \gamma\gamma --> ZZ type u_j \bar{u}_j u_k \bar{u}_k # aa_uucc_o A,A u,U,c,C omega f # 6-fermion production # Compatible with \gamma\gamma --> ZZ type u_j \bar{u}_j d_k \bar{d}_k # aa_n1n1dd_o A,A n1,N1,d,D omega f # 6-fermion production # Compatible with \gamma\gamma --> ZZ type d_j \bar{d}_j d_k \bar{d}_k # aa_e1e1e2e2_o A,A e1,E1,e2,E2 omega f aa_dddd_o A,A d,D,d,D omega f