# ============================================== # TTBB specific parameters # ============================================= TTZBases.ZModesLo: 7 #!zmodeslo TTZBases.ZModesHi: 12 #!zmodeshi # ============================================== # TTZBases specific parameters # ============================================= TTZBases.ISRBM: 118 #!isrbm TTZBases.FinalStatesMix: 0 #!dmode TTZBases.WmModesLo: 1 #!wmmodeslo TTZBases.WmModesHi: 3 #!wmmodeshi TTZBases.WpModesLo: 1 #!wpmodeslo TTZBases.WpModesHi: 3 #!wpmodeshi TTZBases.ACC1: 0.02 #!acc1 TTZBases.ACC2: 0.005 #!acc2 TTZBases.ITMX1: 100 #!itmx1 TTZBases.ITMX2: 200 #!itmx2 TTZBases.NCALL: 400000 #!ncall TTZBases.Roots: 1000.0 #!roots TTZBases.PolElectron: 1.00 #!pele TTZBases.PolPositron: -1.00 #!ppos TTZBases.SigmaEbeam: 0.005 TTZBases.Alphai: 128. TTZBases.Alphas: 0.120 TTZBases.MassW: 80.0 TTZBases.MassZ: 91.18 TTZBases.MassHiggs: 120.0 TTZBases.MassTop: 175. TTZBases.ISR_LLA_Order: 3 #!lla_order TTZBases.Store_Remnants: 1 #!store_remnants TTZBases.Store_Beams: 1 #!store_beams TTZBases.LumiFileDirectory: /nfs/g/ilc/soft/utils64/energy_spread #!lumifile # ==================================================== # Spring info # ==================================================== JSFGUI.Spring.SharedLibrary: TTZSpring.so JSF.SharedLibraries: libJSFReadStdHep.so:libJSFBeamGeneration.so:TTZSpring.so:libS4Utils.so:libAnlib.so:libJSFAnlib.so JSFGUI.Spring.ModuleName:TTZSpring # ======================================================= # Core parameters # ======================================================= ## Use RunMode=1 and EventType=2 to run spring by "jsf gui.C" JSFGUI.RunMode: 1 # runmode = 1 to generate events JSFGUI.EventType: 2 # EventType 0=Pythia, 1=debug generator 2=Bases/Spring generator JSFGUI.SimulationType: 0 #!simtype # Do not run simulation, if simtype=0 JSFGUI.OutputFileName:/dev/null #!OutputFile JSFGUI.NEventsAnalize: 50100 #!maxevt JSFGUI.Spring.BasesFile:bases.root #!basesfile # A file name of bases data. JSFQuickSim.ParameterFile:$(LCLIBROOT)/simjlc/param/gld_v4p.com ##################################################################### # BSParameters #################################################################### JSFBeamGeneration.FileName:/nfs/g/ilc/soft/samples/gen/bsdata/sb2009_1000_wTF.root #!bsfile JSFBeamGeneration.ParName:500_nominal #!bsname JSFBeamGeneration.Width:0.0005 JSFBeamGeneration.IBType:2 #!bstype JSFBeamGeneration.WidthEPlus:0.0004 #!bswEplus JSFBeamGeneration.WidthEMinus:0.0011 #!bswEminus #################################################### # Optional parameters for JSFWriteJSF class #################################################### JSFWriteStdHep.OutputSizePerFileInkB:500000 JSFWriteStdHep.MaxNumberOfFiles:10 JSFWriteStdHep.OutputFileName:E1000-Waisty_opt_Jan2012.Pttz-2l2nbb-zqq.eR.pL.Gp20120112.I106348 #!stdhep JSFWriteStdHep.OutputTitle:physsim-ttz-2l2nbb-zqq #!stdhep-title # Title of data, which is written in the stdhep file. JSFWriteStdHep.NTries:50100 #!stdhep-ntries # Number of events in this file. JSFWriteStdHep.DebugLevel:0 #!stdhep-debug # Debug level of JSFWriteStdHep class JSFWriteStdHep.EventSource: 4 # generator input data # =0 : /hepevt/ common block # =1 : /jetset/ are converted to /hepevt/ and written to stdhep # =2 : JSFGeneratorBuf are stored to /hepevt/, then written to # stdhep file. JSFWriteStdHep.ProcessID:106348 #!processid # ProcessID which is written to then file, when HEPEV4 # is not prepared. # JSFWriteStdHep.CrossingAngle: 10.0 #!xangle # ============================================= # JSFHadronizer parameters # ============================================= JSFHadronizer.Type: 2 # (1,2)=(0ld,new) JSFHadronizer.ParameterSet: 1 # Pythia parameter set (0=default, 1=DBD standard) ###### CAUTION ################################################ # The Mh should be set consistently with ZHHBases.MassH here # to allow Pythia to calculate branching fractions correctly! ############################################################### JSFHadronizer.HiggsMass: 120.0 # Higgs mass for Hadronizer #!hmass JSFHadronizer.HiggsWidth: 0.3605E-2 # Higgs Width for Hadronizer #!hwidth JSFHadronizer.LoadPythia: 0 # (0,1) = (not load, load) libPythia6.so JSFHadronizer.ExitOnError: 0 JSFHadronizer.PrintDecayModeTable: 1 #!print_decay_mode # 1(0) To print out (not print ) decay mode table # H decay mode # mdcyh = 0; // H --> all (default) # = 1; // H --> d dbar # = 2; // H --> u ubar # = 3; // H --> s sbar # = 4; // H --> c cbar # = 5; // H --> b bbar # = 6; // H --> t tbar # = 7; // H --> b' b'bar # = 8; // H --> t' t'bar # = 9; // H --> e- e+ # = 10; // H --> mu- mu+ # = 11; // H --> tau- tau+ # = 12; // H --> tau'- tau'+ # = 13; // H --> glue glue # = 14; // H --> gamma gamma # = 15; // H --> gamma Z0 # = 16; // H --> Z0 Z0 # = 17; // H --> W+ W- JSFHadronizer.DecayModeForH: 0