//*  Dummy UserAnalysis Script to be used with gui.C 
//*  Functions in this scripts are called by GUIMainMacro.C  
//*  In this script, global functions, UserInitialize() nad UserAnalysis()
//*  Must be defined.  UserInitialize() is called at job initialization 
//*  to initialize histograms, etc.  It is also called when reset historgam
//*  menu is selected from JSF Control Panel.  UserAnalysis() is called 
//*  during the event loop after executing Process functions of JSF modules
//*  and display event daia but before display histogram.  See GetEvent()
//*  function in GUIMainMacro.C, where UserAnalysis() is called.
//*  UserSetOptions() and UserTerminate() may be defined in this file.
//*  UserSetOptions() are called before declaration of JSF modules.
//*  It can be used to set parameters optional for user analsis.
//*  UserTerminate() is called during the JSF termination process.
//*  When runmode=4, UserModuleDefine() must be defined in this file.
//*  It is used to define JSF modules specific to user analysis.  
//*$Id: UserAnalysis.C,v 1.1 2009/07/21 04:21:54 miyamoto Exp $

JSFWriteStdHep *stdhep;

void UserAnotherModules()
  cerr << "UserModuleDefine was called." <<endl;
  stdhep=new JSFWriteStdHep();


void UserInitialize()

void UserAnalysis()
  Int_t ievt=gJSF->GetEventNumber();
  if( ievt < 100 || ( ievt < 1000 && ievt%100 == 1 ) 
	|| ( ievt < 10000 && ievt%1000 == 1 ) || ievt%10000 ==1 ) {
     std::cout << "Event No. " << gJSF->GetEventNumber() << std::endl;

  if( gJSF->GetEventNumber() < 5 ) {
    Double_t sesum=0.0;
    Double_t spxsum=0.0;
    Double_t spysum=0.0;
    Double_t spzsum=0.0;
    Int_t spncall=0;
    JSFSpring *spr=(JSFSpring*)gJSF->FindModule("JSFSpring");
    JSFSpringBuf *sbuf=(JSFSpringBuf*)spr->EventBuf();
    TClonesArray *spa=sbuf->GetPartons();
    JSFSpringParton *sp=0;
    for(Int_t i=0;i<sbuf->GetNpartons() ; i++) {
        if( sp->GetNDaughter() == 0 ) {
    std::cerr << " Spring ncall=" << spncall 
	<< "Esum=" << sesum << " Pxsum=" << spxsum
	<< " Pysum=" << spysum << " Pzsum=" << spzsum
	<< std::endl;

    JSFGenerator *gen=(JSFGenerator*)gJSF->FindModule("JSFGenerator");
    JSFGeneratorBuf *gbuf=(JSFGeneratorBuf*)gen->EventBuf();
    std::cerr << " # of GeneratorParticles=" << gbuf->GetNParticles() << std::endl;

    Double_t esum=0.0;
    Double_t pxsum=0.0;
    Double_t pysum=0.0;
    Double_t pzsum=0.0;
    Int_t nsum=0;
    TClonesArray *gp=gbuf->GetParticles();
    JSFGeneratorParticle *p=0;
    for( Int_t i=0;i<gbuf->GetNParticles();i++) {
      if( p->GetNDaughter() == 0 ) {
//       if( p->GetStatus()==1 ) {

   std::cerr << " nsum=" << nsum << "Sum E=" << esum << " SumPx=" << pxsum 
	<< " SumPy=" << pysum << " SumPz=" << pzsum << std::endl;



void DrawHist()
