Update Notes

Am I the only one who is always looking forward to getting the next update?

Update from Pre-DR3 to DR3 (Aug 1, '98)

  1. Backup

    In MacOS

    Reboot and enter MkLinux.

    $ su
    # cp -p /mach_servers/vmlinux /mach_servers/vmlinux.pre-DR3
    # cp -p /mach_servers/default_pager /mach_servers/default_pager.pre-DR3

  2. FTP

    # mkdir /usr/src/dr3
    # cd /usr/src/dr3
    # ftp ftp.cc.miyazaki-u.ac.jp
    Name (....): anonymous
    Password: <my e-mail address>
    ftp> cd /pub/MkLinux/DR3
    ftp> get MacOS_Files.sea.hqx
    ftp> get RedHat/RPMS/default_pager-DR3-0.ppc.rpm
    ftp> get RedHat/RPMS/mklinux-release-DR3-0.noarch.rpm
    ftp> get RedHat/RPMS/mklinux_server-DR3-0.ppc.rpm
    ftp> bye

  3. Copy "MacOS_Files.sea.hqx" to MacOS Desktop

    # hmount /dev/sda7
    # hcopy -r /usr/src/dr3/MacOS_Files.sea.hqx :
    where "/dev/sda7" is my MacOS partition containing the system folder in which "Mach Kernel" resides.

  4. Replace Vmlinux and Default_Pager

    # rpm -Uvh default_pager-DR3-0.ppc.rpm
    # rpm -Uvh mklinux*
    where you may need to supply "--oldpackage" if your "rpm" command thinks the above RPMs are older than those installed.

  5. Reboot to MacOS
  6. Expand "Mac_Files.sea.hqx" with the Stuffit Expander and move
    "Mach Kernel" to the "Extensions" folder
    "MkLinux Booter" to the "Extensions" folder
    "MkLinux" to the "Control Panels" folder
    Never replace lilo.conf and MkLinux.prefs!

  7. Reboot to MkLinux and Check Versions
  8. $ cat /proc/version
    Linux version 2.0.33-osfmach3 (gilbert@venus.apple.com) (gcc version egcs-2.90.25 980302 (egcs-1.0.2 prerelease)) #1 Thu Jun 11 10:21:31 PDT 1998
    $ cat /proc/osfmach3/version
    Mach 3.0 VERSION(PMK1.1): gilbert ; Wed Jun 10 17:45:07 PDT 1998; mach_kernel/PRODUCTION (venus.apple.com)

    OK. I am now fully DR3!

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fujiik@jlcuxf.kek.jp Aug 1, 1998