6. Verifying

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Verifying packages can be a very enlightenting experience. To verify, use -V along with one of the ``package selection options'' listed in the Querying section. For instance, if you are having trouble with the Emacs package, and can not figure out the problem, one of the first things you might do is verify the package:

rpm -Vf /usr/bin/emacs

If any anomolies are reported, you should rerun the verification in verbose mode with -v:

rpm -Vvf /usr/bin/emacs

This will list the exact discrepencies the rpm finds, including changed permission, owners, groups, file sizes, etc. Sometimes, these changes are normal and are not cause for alarm. For instance, if you modify a configuration file, the verification will report it, but it is not necessarily a problem. The /dev/tty* files are another example. These files change ownership as users log in and out, so changes in ownership may not be cause for alarm.

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