4. Querying

Contents of this section

The -q option specifies query mode.

The following options specify information you want:

<nothing>    Name, version, release
-i              Name, description, builder, build date, etc
-l              List of files in package
-d              List of documentation
-c              List of configuration files

The following options specify what packages you want to query:

name            Installed package name
-a              All installed packages
-f file         Installed package owning file
-p package      Query RPM package

Combine one of each of the above options to form a query. For example, to list all the packages installed on your system:

rpm -qa

To list all the configuration files enter:

rpm -qac

To list all the documentation in the package owning /usr/bin/jed enter:

rpm -qdf /usr/bin/jed

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