------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1999/06/27 Partition for R5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Filesystem 1k-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on /dev/hda8 247871 83912 151159 36% / /dev/hda10 991124 799541 140383 85% /usr /dev/hda11 1224703 747608 415317 64% /home Some directories in / or /usr partitions are actually set up as symbolic links, so that the real '/' and '/usr' can be initialized on system upgrading. /home/cernlib --> /cern /home/local --> /usr/local /home/opt --> /opt /home/proj --> /proj /home/redhat --> /usr/src/redhat ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1999/06/17 Partition for R5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Filesystem 1k-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on /dev/sda4 390134 44534 325451 12% / /dev/sda6 774871 583370 151469 79% /usr /dev/sda7 2420344 1049249 1245963 46% /home Some directories in / or /usr partitions are actually set up as symbolic links, so that the real '/' and '/usr' can be initialized on system upgrading. /home/cernlib --> /cern /home/local --> /usr/local /home/opt --> /opt /home/proj --> /proj /home/redhat --> /usr/src/redhat