98/12/06 Disable Gnome [1] /etc/inittab # vi /etc/inittab ... id:3:initdefault: [2] $HOME/.xinitrc $ vi $HOME/.Xclients Note that throwing away error message to /dev/null to avoid freezing of X. (e.g.) #!/bin/bash #-- # Set mouse acceleration paramaters #-- xset m 4 2 #-- # Activate auto-repeat #-- xset r on #-- # Set the background color #-- xsetroot -solid "#185f6a" #-- # Start some nice programs #-- INXINIT=yes source $HOME/.bashrc if [ `checkhost jlcux1 2> /dev/null` = up ]; then if [ `wnnstat jlcux1 | grep -c No` = 1 ]; then kinput2 -wnn -jserver jlcux1 -wnnenvrc6 /var/lib/wnn6/ja_JP/wnnenvrc 2> /dev /null & else kinput2 -wnn 2> /dev/null & fi else kinput2 -wnn 2> /dev/null & fi # ical -iconic & tkdesk -fvwm 2> /dev/null & #-- # Start the window manager and wait for it to finish #-- exec fvwm2 2> ~/.FVWM2-errors