1999/06/20 [0] To configure eth0 using dhcpcd R5 takes extreemly long time to start up, when nfsd sendmail cannaserver are in the init list. I decided to turn them off, or I need to change the default run level to 2 in /etc/inittab and use telinit to change the run level. X also takes very long to time to start up, too. I should do '/etc/rc.d/init.d/network stop' if I don't connect to KEK (just connecting to MN128 makes things worse). From this situation, one can restart the network at home as # /etc/rc.d/init.d/network start # dhcpcd [1] To start dialup connection use lynx, since somehow R5's netscape (4.6.1) refuses to start up, if no usable DNS is available. $ lynx [2] To disconnect $ netscape http://setup.mn128-soho-sl10 disconnect [3] To kill dhcpcd # dhcpcd -k # /etc/rc.d/init.d/network stop