### ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### ### System (TkDesk Configuration File) ### ### Contains global definitions for TkDesk, such as which shell commands, ### colors and fonts to use, etc. Also contains configuration parameters ### for the built-in editor. ### ### *** Press F5 to save changes and reload this file into TkDesk, ### *** F6 to do the same plus to close this window. ### ### ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### ========================================================================= ### Color Settings ### ========================================================================= ### basic background and foreground color: set tkdesk(color,background) #d9d9d9 set tkdesk(color,foreground) black ### colors for selecting text in text and entry widgets: set tkdesk(color,select_bg) #c3c3c3 set tkdesk(color,select_fg) black ### color for check boxes of activated check buttons: set tkdesk(color,check_on) #b03060 ### colors of the focus rectangle: set tkdesk(color,focus) $tkdesk(color,foreground) set tkdesk(color,nofocus) $tkdesk(color,background) ### background, foureground, and insert colors of entry and text widgets: set tkdesk(color,entry_bg) white set tkdesk(color,entry_fg) black set tkdesk(color,text_bg) white set tkdesk(color,text_fg) black set tkdesk(color,insert) black ### background and selection color of the file listboxes: set tkdesk(color,filelb) $tkdesk(color,background) set tkdesk(color,listsel) white ### background color of icon windows (to fake transparent icons): set tkdesk(color,icon) #185f6a ### color of the drag'n'drop cursor: set tkdesk(color,drag) wheat ### color of annotation entries in file popup menus: set tkdesk(color,annotation) gray55 ### Note: ### Colors of directories, files etc. are now set in the file FileTags! ### ========================================================================= ### Font Settings ### ========================================================================= ### Fonts for labels, buttons, menubuttons, and menus: set tkdesk(font,labels) -*-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-* set tkdesk(font,buttons) $tkdesk(font,labels) set tkdesk(font,menubuttons) $tkdesk(font,labels) #set tkdesk(font,menubuttons) -*-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-* set tkdesk(font,menus) $tkdesk(font,menubuttons) ### Fonts for entries and text widgets (preferrably mono-spaced): #set tkdesk(font,entries) -*-lucidatypewriter-medium-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-* set tkdesk(font,entries) a12 set tkdesk(font,text) $tkdesk(font,entries) set tkdesk(kanjiFont,entries) k12 set tkdesk(kanjiFont,text) $tkdesk(kanjiFont,entries) ### A mono-spaced font for table-like output (disk usage etc.): set tkdesk(font,mono) -*-lucidatypewriter-medium-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-* #set tkdesk(font,mono) -*-courier-medium-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-* ### The standard font for file listings, drectory menus, etc.: set tkdesk(font,file_lbs) -*-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-* ### The font to use for the status bar and "# items" display: set tkdesk(font,status) -*-helvetica-medium-o-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-* ### The font to use for the balloon-help: set tkdesk(font,balloon) -*-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-* ### The font to use for simple dialog boxes: set tkdesk(font,dialogs) -*-times-medium-r-*-*-18-*-*-*-*-*-*-* ### Note: ### Fonts of directories, files etc. are now set in the file FileTags! ### ========================================================================= ### File List Settings ### ========================================================================= ### Default number of file listboxes in file browser windows: set tkdesk(num_lbs) 3 ### These determine the initial window size: set tkdesk(file_lb,width) 20 set tkdesk(file_lb,height) 20 ### Wether or not you want all scrollbars of file browser and list ### windows to appear only when they are required: set tkdesk(dynamic_scrollbars) 1 ### Definition of the string to appear in the title of file browser ### and file list window, and in the icon when they are iconified. ### The following percent sequences will be expanded: ### %d - Name of current directory ### %p - Complete current path ### %u - User name ### %h - Host name ### %v - TkDesk version set tkdesk(title,browser) "%u@%h: %d" set tkdesk(title,list) "%d" set tkdesk(title,icon) "%d" ### ========================================================================= ### Shell Command Settings ### ========================================================================= ### The defaults are all quite "BSD'ish". If you're not sure if they work for ### you, just try to run TkDesk with these settings (they should be okay in ### most cases). set tkdesk(cmd,whoami) "whoami" ;# used to determine user's login name set tkdesk(cmd,du) "du" ;# for Disk Usage: usage in KB set tkdesk(cmd,df) "df" ;# for getting free disk space in KB set tkdesk(cmd,sort) "sort -rn" ;# for Disk Usage: list biggest first set tkdesk(cmd,cp) "cp -r" ;# copy recursively set tkdesk(cmd,mv) "mv -f" ;# move and rename set tkdesk(cmd,rm) "rm -rf" ;# delete recursively and don't ask set tkdesk(cmd,ln) "ln -f" ;# for "hard" links set tkdesk(cmd,symln) "ln -sf" ;# for symbolic links set tkdesk(cmd,touch) "touch" ;# to create new files set tkdesk(cmd,mkdir) "mkdir" ;# to create new directories set tkdesk(cmd,print) "lpr" ;# default command for printing set tkdesk(cmd,netscape) "netscape" ;# command for surfing :-) set tkdesk(cmd,mail) "mail -s %s %a" ;# mailing, %s: subject, %a: address ### The following specifies the command to be used when "Execute as ### Superuser" is selected in the "Options" menu, or when the dsk_exec_as_root ### function is used. "%c" will be replaced with the actual command that ### is to be used: set tkdesk(cmd,su,exec) {xterm -sb -T "%c" -n "%c" -e su root -c "%c"} #set tkdesk(cmd,su,exec) {xterm -sb -T "%c" -n "%c" -e sudo %c} ### The same for viewing command output ("View output" checked): set tkdesk(cmd,su,view) {xterm -sb -T "%c" -n "%c" -e pauseme su root -c "%c"} #set tkdesk(cmd,su,view) {xterm -sb -T "%c" -n "%c" -e pauseme sudo %c} ### ========================================================================= ### Editor Settings ### ========================================================================= ### Your favourite editor (for quick edits): ### (If you want to use a terminal based editor such as vi (yes, there ### actually are people doing that!), note that you have to replace ### "builtin" with "xterm -e vi" or sth. similar.) set tkdesk(editor,cmd) "builtin" ;# Of course! ;-) ### Can your editor take more than one file on the command line? ### (The builtin can, so this is set to 1.) set tkdesk(editor,mfiles) 1 ### ### The following settings are only for the built-in editor: set tkdesk(editor,font) $tkdesk(font,text) set tkdesk(editor,kanjiFont) $tkdesk(kanjiFont,text) set tkdesk(editor,print_command) "lpr" set tkdesk(editor,default_geometry) "80x25" set tkdesk(editor,auto_indent) 1 set tkdesk(editor,do_backups) 0 set tkdesk(editor,cursor) black ### ### Preset the way the editor handles long lines (none, char, or word): set tkdesk(editor,wrap) char ### ### Whether to use "real" tabs, or replace them with tab_width blanks: set tkdesk(editor,real_tabs) 1 set tkdesk(editor,tab_width) 8 ### ### If you have problems with Backspace and Delete appearing to be ### "swapped", uncomment the following lines: #set tmpbnd [bind Text ] #bind Text [bind Text ] #bind Text $tmpbnd #set tmpbnd [bind Entry ] #bind Entry [bind Entry ] #bind Entry $tmpbnd #unset tmpbnd ### ========================================================================= ### Other Settings ### ========================================================================= ### ### Period between updates of the file lists in seconds: set tkdesk(update,file_lists) 5 ### ### Period between updates of the Job Control window in seconds: set tkdesk(update,jobs) 10 ### ### Auto-Save TkDesk's history and layout every x *minutes*: set tkdesk(update,config) 10 ### ### Others: set tkdesk(history_size) 30 ;# size of history popup menus set tkdesk(ask_on_exit) 1 ;# ask before exiting? set tkdesk(pad) 4 ;# determines the widgets' borderwidth set tkdesk(tearoff-menus) 0 ;# 1 if menus should be tear-off-able ### Paths for images (XPMs, XBMs, GIFs, P?Ms) and sounds used by TkDesk, ### individual directories are separated by ":": set tkdesk(path,images) "$tkdesk(library)/images" set tkdesk(path,sounds) "$tkdesk(library)/sounds" ### These are the pixmaps used for the minimized trash directory, ### for file browser/list windows, and for help windows: set tkdesk(icon,trash-empty) next/recycle.xpm set tkdesk(icon,trash-full) next/recycle_full.xpm set tkdesk(icon,filebrowser) next/cabinet.xpm set tkdesk(icon,filelist) next/folders.xpm set tkdesk(icon,help) next/BookOpen.xpm set tkdesk(icon,editor) next/Write.xpm set tkdesk(icon,find) next/magnify.xpm ### Follow Motif look & feel as closely as possible? (Affects for instance ### the size of buttons and other not so important things): set tk_strictMotif 1 ### ### Do you want the focus to follow the mouse pointer? set tkdesk(focus_follows_mouse) 0 ### ### Line width of the focus rectangle: set tkdesk(focus_width) 2 ### Should desk items be managed by the window manager? This would allow ### for having a different set of desk items on each virtual screen. If you ### choose this you will probably want to configure your window manager to ### not decorate windows of class "dsk_DeskItem". set tkdesk(desk_items,wm_managed) 0 ### The maximum line width of desktop icon labels in character. ### TkDesk will break the filename at the closest suitable character. set tkdesk(desk_items,label_width) 12 ### Uncomment the following variable to move TkDesk's trash can to somewhere ### else than the default ~/.tkdesk/.trash: #set tkdesk(trashdir) ~/.trash ### If you want some Tcl code to be executed right after start-up ### has finished, uncomment and modify the following line: #set tkdesk(after_startup) {cb_info "Hi! How are you today?"} ### If you want some Tcl code to be executed right before shutdown ### of TkDesk, uncomment and modify the following line: #set tkdesk(at_exit) {cb_info "Bye, and have a nice day!"}