### ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### ### FileTags (TkDesk Configuration File) ### ### Contains definitions for color and font of specific file types, that ### will be used in TkDesk's file lists. ### ### *** Press F5 to save changes and reload this file into TkDesk, ### *** F6 to do the same plus to close this window. ### ### ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### List of files to be ignored (these are not listed unless "Show All Files" ### is selected): #set tkdesk(file_tags,ignore) {{*~} {*.flc}} ### Definition of file tags respectively appearance: ### The entries are defined by the elements of a Tcl list. ### (In the following I try to explain its structure, although it will ### probably best to just have a look at the example definition below.) ### Each element of the list is again a Tcl list, which contains between ### 2 and 4 elements. The first element is a list of "glob" patterns ### that match this definition. The second element is the color to use ### for files matching one of those patterns. Elements number 3 and 4 are ### optional. The third element, if given, defines a font to use for these ### files, while the fourth element, gives the filename of an icon that ### is to be used if the "Add Icons" option has been activated (the path ### defaults to the "images" directory in TkDesk library path). Note that ### if you want the definition to contain an icon, but no font, that the ### third element has to be given as an empty list: {}. ### Tags for directories: ### ({patterns} {fgcolor} {font} {listicon} {deskicon}) set tkdesk(file_tags,directories) { {{!default} {blue2} {-*-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*} {ficons16/dir.xpm} {ficons32/dir.xpm}} {{!symlink} {blue2} {-*-helvetica-bold-o-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*} {ficons16/symdir.xpm} {ficons32/dir.xpm}} {{!opened} {blue2} {-*-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*} {ficons16/diropen.xpm} {ficons32/dir.xpm}} } ### Tags for executables: ### ({patterns} {fgcolor} {font} {listicon} {deskicon}) set tkdesk(file_tags,executables) { {{!default} {red} {-*-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*} {ficons16/exec.xpm} {ficons32/exec.xpm}} {{!symlink} {red} {-*-helvetica-bold-o-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*} {ficons16/symexec.xpm} {ficons32/exec.xpm}} {{tkdesk} {red} {-*-helvetica-*-r-*-*-18-*-*-*-*-*-*-*}} } ### Tags for regular files: ### ({{patterns} {fgcolor} {font} {listicon} {deskicon}}) set tkdesk(file_tags) { {{!default} {$tkdesk(color,foreground)} {$tkdesk(font,file_lbs)} {ficons16/file.xpm} {ficons32/file.xpm}} {{!symlink} {$tkdesk(color,foreground)} {-*-helvetica-medium-o-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*} {ficons16/sym.xpm} {ficons32/file.xpm}} {{*README*} {SteelBlue} {} {ficons16/text.xpm} {ficons32/info.xpm}} {{*.c} {$tkdesk(color,foreground)} {} {ficons16/c.xpm} {ficons32/dot_c.xpm}} {{*.dvi} {purple}} {{*.flc} {$tkdesk(color,foreground)} {} {mini-start.xpm} {ficons32/file.xpm}} {{{*.gif} {*.jpg} {*.jpeg} {*.tif} {*.tiff} {*.pcx} {*.p?m} {*.rle} {*.tdr} {*.fig} {*.obj}} {brown} {} {ficons16/image.xpm} {ficons32/gif.xpm}} {{{*.h} {*.inc}} {$tkdesk(color,foreground)} {} {ficons16/h.xpm} {ficons32/dot_h.xpm}} {{{*.bhook} {*.hbk}} {brown} {} {ficons16/image.xpm} {ficons32/gif.xpm}} {{{*.html} {*.url}} {$tkdesk(color,foreground)} {} {ficons16/html.xpm} {navigator.xpm}} {{*akefile} {$tkdesk(color,foreground)} {} {ficons16/system.xpm} {ficons32/makefile.xpm}} {{{*.mpg} {*.mpeg}} {magenta} {} {ficons16/video.xpm}} {{{*.ps} {*.eps} {*.epsf}} {orange3} {} {ficons16/archive.xpm} {ficons32/postscript.xpm}} {{.*rc} {$tkdesk(color,foreground)} {} {ficons16/system.xpm} {ficons32/system.xpm}} {{*.sgml} {SeaGreen}} {{{*.tar.z} {*.tar.gz} {*.tgz} {*.tar.Z} {*.taz} {*.t.Z}} {$tkdesk(color,foreground)} {} {ficons16/parcel.xpm} {ficons32/tar.xpm}} {{*.tcl} {$tkdesk(color,foreground)} {} {ficons16/tcl.xpm} {ficons32/bracket.xpm}} {{*.*tex} {blue2} {} {ficons16/tex.xpm} {ficons32/tex.xpm}} {{*.txt} {$tkdesk(color,foreground)} {} {ficons16/text.xpm} {ficons32/text.xpm}} {{*.viff} {SeaGreen}} {{{*.wav} {*.au} {*.voc}} {maroon} {} {ficons16/sound.xpm} {ficons32/sound.xpm}} {{*.xbm} {$tkdesk(color,foreground)} {} {ficons16/xbm.xpm} {ficons32/xbm.xpm}} {{*.xpm} {$tkdesk(color,foreground)} {} {ficons16/xpm.xpm} {ficons32/xpm.xpm}} {{*.xv} {SeaGreen}} {{{*~} {#*#}} {slategray}} }