# File: .cshrc # (Update Record) # 97/04/16 K.Fujii Original Version. # #-- # Terminal Setting #-- if ($?prompt) then # interactive shell # set prompt string switch ("$prompt") case '# ': echo "You are super user !!" case '% ': set prompt = "$LOGNAME@`hostname`[\!]$prompt" breaksw default: set prompt = "$LOGNAME@`hostname`[\!]% " breaksw endsw stty erase "^H" kill "^U" intr "^C" eof "^D" susp "^Z" \ hupcl ixon ixoff tostop endif #-- # Some aliases... #-- source $HOME/.aliases #-- # Variable settings #-- set mail = (30 /usr/spool/mail/$user) # check my mail set history = 30 # History stores last 30 commands set ignoreeof # Can't log out with ^D (ctl-D) set notify # provide notification of job completion unset noglob # allow filename expansion #-- # The following settings can provide extra security # To use, remove the leading # #-- # set noclobber # forbid use of > to automatically overwrite # set nonomatch # ignore nil filename matches #-- # Default PATH #-- set path=(\ /usr/local/bin \ /usr/local/guavac/bin \ /bin \ /usr/bin \ /usr/X11R6/bin\ ) #-- # Personal Settings #-- set path=(. $HOME/bin $path) #-- # Other personal environmental variables #-- setenv PRINTER qms3g414 setenv LESSCHARSET sjis setenv LCVUEBIN /home/fujiik/bin setenv JSERVER fujiimac setenv WNNENVRC /usr/local/wnn/lib/wnn/ja_JP/wnnenvrc #setenv CLASSPATH .\:/usr/local/kaffe/share/kaffe/classes.zip\:/usr/local/kaffe/share/kaffe/biss.zip #setenv KAFFEHOME /usr/local/kaffe/share/kaffe setenv HOST `hostname` if ( $?DISPLAY ) then set CRT_HERE = `echo $DISPLAY | cut -d: -f1` if ( $CRT_HERE == "" ) then set CRT_HERE = $HOST endif if ( `echo $CRT_HERE | cut -d. -f1` == fujiimac ) then setenv VUEJFONTSIZE 12 else if ( `echo $CRT_HERE | cut -d. -f1` == fujiipb ) then setenv VUEJFONTSIZE 12 else setenv VUEJFONTSIZE 14 endif else setenv VUEJFONTSIZE 14 endif