# .bashrc # (Update Record) # 97/10/15 K.Fujii Original Version. #-- # User specific aliases and functions #-- # Source global definitions if [ -f /etc/bashrc ]; then . /etc/bashrc fi #-- # Get the aliases and functions #-- alias dir="/bin/ls -Fgl" # as DOS dir command alias h="history" # short name for history command alias l="ls -aFqC" # list files in columns and mark directories alias ll="ls -aFlg" # long listing # The following aliases can provide extra security # To use, remove the leading # # alias rm="rm -i" # prompt before removing any file # alias cp="cp -i" # prompt before overwriting any file with cp # alias mv="mv -i" # prompt before overwriting any file with mv #-- # User specific environment and startup programs #-- if [ "${INXINIT:-x}" = "x" ]; then stty erase "^H" kill "^U" intr "^C" eof "^D" susp "^Z" \ hupcl ixon ixoff tostop fi umask 022 export JDK_HOME=/usr/local/jdk1.1.3 #export JAVA_COMPILER=mwjit-970916 PATH=$HOME/bin:/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin PATH=$PATH:/proj/phys/lclib/pro/bin:/cern/pro/bin PATH=$PATH:$JDK_HOME/bin:/usr/local/HotJava1.1/bin PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/netscape/bin ENV=$HOME/.bashrc USERNAME="fujiik" export USERNAME ENV PATH export JLESSCHARSET=japanese-euc export LESSCHARSET=japanese-euc export LCVUEBIN=/home/fujiik/bin export HOST=`hostname` export PERL_BADLANG=0 export PRINTER=qms3g414 export JSERVER=fujiimac export WNNENVRC=/usr/local/wnn/lib/wnn/ja_JP/wnnenvrc