August 1, 1997 This README contains the instructions on installing the second part of DR2.1update4: more Shared Library based packages. In the previous update (DR2.update3), an initial set of packages were installed onto your system using the "install_shlibs" script. Now, we're going to install a few more packages. Most notably, the Xwindows packages will be installed. Also, some of the packages that were installed in DR2.1update3 have newer versions, so those are being replaced as well. Prerequisites ------------- You should complete the first part of DR2.1update4 before installing the shared libraries. Instructions for this are in the file README.install. Reboot your MkLinux machine after you've installed the new Microkernel, Linux Server, and Default Pager. These instructions assume that you are installing onto a system that has the shared libraries from DR2.1update3. If you are installing this update onto a system that does not have any shared libraries on it (such as a pure DR2.1 installation, or DR2.1update2), then you should use the alternate installation script. Please see the last section of this document. Obtaining the packages and installation script ---------------------------------------------- There are dozens of methods for getting the packages and scripts onto your MkLinux system. However, the goal is to create a directory structure somewhere in your MkLinux filesystem that is similar to the directory structure under DR2.1update4 on the ftp site (and its mirrors). In a nutshell, you want to have a directory containing the file "install_shlibs.u3u4". Also in that directory, you should have another directory "RPMS". In the RPMS directory you should have another directory called "ppc". In that ppc directory, you will have all the RPM packages. They all will have the suffix ".ppc.rpm". (top)---+ | +install_shlibs.u3u4 | +RPMS---+ | +ppc----+package1.ppc.rpm +package2.ppc.rpm +package3.ppc.rpm . . . One way to get the files into this structure is to use ftp directly from MkLinux: # mkdir update4 # cd update4 # mkdir RPMS # mkdir RPMS/ppc # ftp (use anonymous FTP, as usual) > cd /pub/Updates/DR2.1update3 (cd to the top of DR2.1update3) > get install_shlibs (get the install script) > lcd RPMS/ppc (change local directory) > cd RPMS/ppc (change remote directory) > prompt (turn off prompting) > mget * (retrieve all the .ppc.rpm's) > quit Set install_shlibs.u3u4 to be executable: # chmod +x install_shlibs.u3u4 You should now have the correct directory structure for installing the shared libraries. There are many other ways to obtain these files and get them onto your MkLinux filesystem. One method would be to use a MacOS based FTP client (such as Fetch), then use either LinuxDisks or the HFS Utils (under MkLinux) to move the files over to the Mklinux Filesystem. There is more information on these tools in the file README.install. Whichever method you choose, just mimic the directory structure shown above and you should be ready to proceed. Backup all your data -------------------- You should save any files on your MkLinux system that are important to you. Naturally, we try to make this update as "safe" as possible. However, it _is_ possible that this procedure could ruin your current MkLinux installation beyond repair. Run the installation script --------------------------- Run the script as root. Make sure there are no other users on the system when you perform the update. Run the script from the directory it's in. # ./install_shlibs.u3u4 The script will check to see that all the necessary RPM packages are where they belong, and then continue with the installation. Once the installation has completed, you may want to reboot, just to make sure everything is sane. Cleanup ------- Once the packages have been installed, it is not necessary for you to keep them around. If you want, you may delete the ".ppc.rpm" files to recover the disk space. ALTERNATE instructions for DR2.1, DR2.1update1, and DR2.1update2 systems ------------------------------------------------------------------------ There is a script, in the "Alternates" directory, which will install some of the shared library packages from DR2.1update3, and some from DR2.1update4. To upgrade a DR2.1, DR2.1update1, or DR2.1update2 system to DR2.1update4, here's what you do: Read through the README.shlibs file that was in the DR2.1update3 directory. Read the earlier sections of this README.shlibs file. This will give you an idea of what to expect. Install the DR2.1update4 Microkernel, Linux server, and default pager. See README.install for instructions on how to do this. Reboot. Obtain the necessary RPMS. In the "Alternates" directory, there is a different "RPMS/ppc" subdirectory which contains symbolic links to all the real rpm files in the DR2.1update3 and DR2.1update4 areas. FTP from there, and the symbolic links on the FTP site should magically point to the right files for you. Get the script "install_shlibs.u2u4", also in the alternates directory. Note the slight spelling change from the script mentioned in the earlier sections of this document. This is the script to use when upgrading from update2 (or earlier) to update4. Similar to the instructions above, run the install_shlibs.u2u4 script: # ./install_shlibs.u2u4 When the script completes, your system will be a DR2.1update4 system.