--------------------------- Rawhide world on MklinuxG7 --------------------------- Let's go "Rawhide world" using the vmlinux+installer like DR3, together Nubus users too. This vmlinux+installer is useful linuxppc/R5 in linuxppc box,too. Kaoru Fukui fix readme.first wed 26 may 1999 Wed 19 May 1999 ** How to install as MkLinux** 1. /*RPM files*/ Download many RedHat/RPMS files from ftp://ftp.linux.org/pub/linuxppc-dev-rel/1.0/RedHat/RPMS. Not use the files for linuxppc kernel. (kernel-pmac,kernel-prep,kernel-source,kernel-chrp,pmac-utils,and others) Put RPMS files in ext2,becase you can use genhdlist on R4 or mklinux. /*hdlist*/ Download RedHat/base/hdlist from /linuxppc-dev-rel/1.0/RedHat/base/hdlist. Put it in RedHat/base/*. But it's too big size. You can generate hdlist using genhdlist yourself, Plaese read RedHat/base/Readme.hdlist /*comps*/ Remove some filenames in comps for linuxppc kernel, or use Installer-for-MkLinuxG7R5/RedHat/base/comps,it's already rewrite. Please read Redhat/base/Readme.comps. /*need files*/ You must put 4 files into Redhat/base/* . They are comps,hdlist,install3.tr, and stage2.img. More 1 file ,you put ppc as mark file under RedHat/* also. 2. Download these files for installing Mklinux . clock-mklinux default_pager mklinux-release mklinux_server rc.local-linuxppc These two files I use allways. FileRunner hfsutils Add five files from Installer-for-MkLinux-G7R5/RedHat/RPMS/* to Redhat/RPMS. Add these filenames in your comps,or use My comps. 3. Uncompress Mac_Files.sit, put in MacOS. 4. Put mach_servers in MacOs. 5. Selecet boothd by mklinux-cotrol-panel 6. Go restart Mac. [Problems] 1. If you have the stop when booting at "VFS:Mounted root (ext2 filesystem) readonly", You need the command of "ln -sf /dev/tty0 /dev/console", Or use instead/SysVinit-2.76-2.ppc.rpm. the cause is SysVinit-2.74-11.ppc.rpm. 2. "mount: fs type devpts not supported by kernel" "Mounting other filesystems failed" If you find these error when booting twice. the first error is in fstab,the second one is in rc.sysinit. /*fstab*/ none /dev/pts devpts mode=0622 0 0 *** Delete this line in fstab.*** /*rc.sysnit*/ action "Mounting local filesystems" mount -a -t nonfs,smbfs,ncpfs,proc *** Delete "nonfs" in the line like that.*** action "Mounting local filesystems" mount -a -t smbfs,ncpfs,proc The comps has many bugs.Take care. Mac_Files.sit have "Mach kernel" from globegate.utm.edu/MkLinux generic7. The other files are same. >Installing the Mac OS-side files >================================ >There are five files in the "Mac Files" folder. Copy the two files "MkLinux >Booter" and "Mach Kernel" to your Extensions folder. Copy the control panel >"MkLinux" to your Control Panels folder. Copy the two files "lilo.conf" and >"MkLinux.prefs" to your Preferences folder. >The initial boot of MkLinux just runs the installer. Currently, things are Vmlinux+installer is rebuilt using "Mklinux generic7" and "Linuxppc-dev-rel R5's installer", I used initrd-network.img.gz. I could not use initrd-network.img.gz without fix for Mklinux. *initrd-network.img.gz I made /dev/* and deleted modules.conf under /etc, deleted all files under /modules. They are linuxppc kernel's. I added mach_servers/mach_init in it. Then I wrapped it with Mklinux-kernel. Enjoy Rawhide on MklinuxG7R5! Thanks Kaoru Fukui