while their corresponding RPMs are
where the symlinks package contains a startup script. There was no great difficulty in compiling them, except that ssh1 required this patch.
When I tried to install them, however, the rpm complained that some X11-related dynamic libraries are missing (they are actually there but not registered in the rpm's data base). The best solution to this problem is to make XFree86 into RPMs. However, since it takes time, I decided to get around this problem by preparing a dummy X11 RPM, which just pretend to provide those X11-related dynamic libraries. The SPEC file I used for it is here.
At this point, the installation of SSH is straightforward:
Notice, however, that this will overwrite APPLE's standard OpenSSH installation, so do it at your own risk. Note also that SSH is non-free unlike OpenSSH. It is available only for non-commercial use. Look at LICENSE for the conditions.
As for the RPMs I have built for MacOS X Release, the following directories might be useful:
where you can find spec files, my private patches, source RPMs, and binary RPMs, respectively. Note that the RPMS directory contains two subdirectories, "ppc" for architecture-dependent binariy packages, while "noarch" for those architecture-independent. For those packages without real source RPMs or those provided only as tar balls, you can find the corresponding original source packages and my private patches in src. The binary tar balls are in tgz.
These packages have been tested on my machines (G3 Series PowerBook, aka Wallstreet and Ti PowerBook G4) but might not work on your platform. Install them thus at your own risk.
Notice also that new packages are under ~fujiik/macosx/10.0.X/, while the old ones built on Public Beta are directly under ~fujiik/macosx/ and will not be supported.