/* * $Id: pfstagerd.c,v 1.1 1996/04/02 22:00:27 thakulin Exp $ * * $Log: pfstagerd.c,v $ * Revision 1.1 1996/04/02 22:00:27 thakulin * Change program name to pfstagerd so as not to clash with the shift * stager. Modify include file names and comments accordingly. * * Revision 1996/03/01 11:39:31 mclareni * Paw * */ /*CMZ : 2.06/13 24/11/94 11.44.02 by Timo Hakulinen*/ /*-- Author : Timo Hakulinen 25/08/94*/ /************************************************************************* * * pfstagerd.c * * This daemon runs in PIAF machines, and answers PIAF requests from * PIAF sessions for staging of a file or tape on disk. It accepts file * or tape identifiers or FATMEN paths as input and uses CLIO to transfer * the actual file. In principle one should check for proper user * authentication, but other network protocols like telnet are * disabled in PIAF servers so the call can only come from an * already authenticated client. * * This code requires an ANSI C compiler with POSIX.1 extensions and * 4.3BSD networking libraries. * * 4.3BSD specifics : select(), socket(), bind(), accept(), send(), * recv(), gethostname(), gethostbyaddr(), getpeername(), * getsockname(), htons(), htonl(), ntohs(), ntohl(), * inet_ntoa() * POSIX.1 specifics: waitpid(), sigaction() * POSIX.2 specifics: popen(), pclose() * * author: Timo Hakulinen, CERN / CN * date: 23/8/94 * *************************************************************************/ #include "pfstagerd.h" int master; /* are we a master or slave */ char *myname; /* name of the process (argv[0]) */ char *myipaddr; /* ip address in dotted decimal */ char *mymachname; /* host machine name */ char *mailbin; char *ftpbin; char *stagerbin; char *fatmenbin; char *dpmbin; char *rmbin; char *nfspath; char *tmppath; struct cliopar bclio; struct ftppar bftp; struct tcppar tcpparam; char *syslogchn; /* channel for the syslog facility */ char *errlogname; /* name of the error log file */ static FILE *errlogf; char *joblogname; /* name of the job log file */ static FILE *joblogf; char *dumpname; /* name of the status dump file */ int pendingtime; /* how many seconds a stagerequest is allowed to be pending due to the requested server being down before it's directed to another machine */ int selecttimeout; /* how many seconds to spend in select() at a time */ int stagetimeout; /* how many minutes the master waits for a slave to finish staging before reissuing it */ int pinginterval; /* how often idle slaves say hello to masters */ int stagecancel; /* the maximum time actual staging operation (file transfer) may take */ int userumask; /* the user's default umask */ char *admin; /* mailing address of the pfstagerd admin */ char *piafhome; /* the directory for piaf work relative to user's home directory */ char *configfile; int updateconfig; /* tells whether the config file should be updated */ int doshutdown; /* tells that we should exit in an orderly manner */ unsigned long master_id; struct client *clientlist; struct peer *selectlist; /* used by both slaves and masters (these peers are used in select() loop) */ struct peer *slavelist; /* only for masters */ struct revector *revectorlist; /* only for slaves */ struct transfer *transferlist; /* - " - */ /* these structs are init'ed to the correct zero values by the compilers so we can safely use them when initializing auto variables of the same type */ static struct cliopar clio_init = {"", "", "U", "", 200}; static struct ftppar ftp_init = {-1, -1, -1, -1}; static struct tcppar tcp_init = {-1, -1, 1}; struct client cl_init; struct stage st_init; struct peer pe_init; static int stdstreams = 1; char *ftyptb[] = {"","local","tape","fatmen"}; char *statustb[] = {"","error","completed","running","pending","broken connection"}; static void update_errlog(int lev,char *s,va_list arg_ptr) { if (errlogname) { /* try to be conservative with the buffer allocation */ char buf[50 + 3 * PATH_MAX]; int n; n = vsprintf(buf,s,arg_ptr); if (errno) n += sprintf(buf + n," : (%s)",strerror(errno)); sprintf(buf + n,"\n"); if (errlogf) { char ctimbuf[26], *lstr; time_t tim = time((time_t)0); strcpy(ctimbuf,ctime(&tim)); ctimbuf[24] = '\0'; switch (lev) { case LOG_INFO: lstr = "LOG_INFO"; break; case LOG_ERR: lstr = "LOG_ERR"; break; default: lstr = "LOG_?"; } fprintf(errlogf,"%s %s %ld %s ",ctimbuf,myname,(long)getpid(),lstr); fputs(buf,errlogf); } else syslog(lev,buf); } } void errlog(int lev,char *s,...) { va_list arg_ptr; #ifdef DEBUG_LOG va_start(arg_ptr,s); dvlog_error(s,arg_ptr); va_end(arg_ptr); #endif va_start(arg_ptr,s); update_errlog(lev,s,arg_ptr); va_end(arg_ptr); } /*ARGSUSED*/ static void prjoblog(int lev,char *s,...) { va_list arg_ptr; if (!joblogf) return; va_start(arg_ptr,s); vfprintf(joblogf,s,arg_ptr); va_end(arg_ptr); } void joblog(struct client *cl_dat,struct stage *st_dat) { int i; size_t pssiz; char *psbuf; #ifdef PRETTY_LOGTIME char queuebuf[26], startbuf[26], endbuf[26]; #endif void (*func)(int,char *,...); if (!joblogname) return; if (joblogf) func = prjoblog; else func = (void (*)(int,char *,...))syslog; #ifdef PRETTY_LOGTIME strcpy(queuebuf,ctime(&st_dat->sg_queuetime)); queuebuf[24] = '\0'; strcpy(startbuf,ctime(&st_dat->sg_starttime)); startbuf[24] = '\0'; strcpy(endbuf,ctime(&st_dat->sg_endtime)); endbuf[24] = '\0'; #endif for (i = 0, pssiz = 0; i < st_dat->sg_fnum; i++) pssiz += strlen(st_dat->sg_ptfname[i].pf_name) + 3 + prlen_long(st_dat->sg_ptfname[i].pf_nrec) + prlen_ulong(st_dat->sg_ptfname[i].pf_size); psbuf = (char *)x_malloc(pssiz); for (i = 0; i < st_dat->sg_fnum; i++) { if (i > 0) strcat(psbuf,","); sprintf(psbuf + strlen(psbuf),"%s:%ld:%lu",st_dat->sg_ptfname[i].pf_name, st_dat->sg_ptfname[i].pf_nrec,st_dat->sg_ptfname[i].pf_size); } (*func)(LOG_INFO, #ifdef PRETTY_LOGTIME "%lu %s %s %s %lu %s %s %s %s %d %lu %lu %s %s %s %s %s %d %d\n", #else "%lu %s %s %s %lu %s %s %s %s %d %lu %lu %s %s %lu %lu %lu %d %d\n", #endif cl_dat->ct_clientid, cl_dat->ct_username, cl_dat->ct_machname, cl_dat->ct_ipaddr, st_dat->sg_stageid, st_dat->sg_sfname, st_dat->sg_tfname, st_dat->sg_otfname ? st_dat->sg_otfname : "*", psbuf, st_dat->sg_ftyp, st_dat->sg_fsiz, st_dat->sg_fdone, st_dat->sg_masterip, st_dat->sg_serverip, #ifdef PRETTY_LOGTIME queuebuf, startbuf, endbuf, #else (unsigned long)st_dat->sg_queuetime, (unsigned long)st_dat->sg_starttime, (unsigned long)st_dat->sg_endtime, #endif st_dat->sg_retcode, st_dat->sg_status); x_free(psbuf); } void fatal(int docore,char *s,...) { va_list arg_ptr; va_start(arg_ptr,s); update_errlog(LOG_ERR,s,arg_ptr); va_end(arg_ptr); va_start(arg_ptr,s); if (stdstreams) { fprintf(stderr,"%s : ",myname); vfprintf(stderr,s,arg_ptr); if (errno) fprintf(stderr," : (%s)",strerror(errno)); fprintf(stderr,"\n"); va_end(arg_ptr); fflush(stderr); } if (docore) abort(); else exit(1); } /* * Finds out our own ip address and host name. */ static void set_myipaddr() { struct hostent *he; char *tmp, buf[MAXHOSTNAMELEN + 1]; if (gethostname(buf,sizeof buf) < 0) fatal(0,"set_myipaddr() : gethostname() fails"); mymachname = dupstr(buf); if (!(he = gethostbyname(mymachname))) fatal(0,"set_myipaddr() : gethostbyname() fails"); tmp = inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr *)he->h_addr); myipaddr = dupstr(tmp); } void get_child_stat(pid_t pid,int wstat,struct stage *st_dat) { if (WIFEXITED(wstat)) { DLOG_MSG(("get_child_stat() : WIFEXITED")); /* if we don't find the stage, it's probably ok - this was most likely just some other child finishing (started by system() or popen()) */ if (!st_dat) if (!(st_dat = find_stagebypid(pid))) { remove_transferbypid(pid); return; } st_dat->sg_retcode = (char)WEXITSTATUS(wstat); if (st_dat->sg_retcode != 0) st_dat->sg_status = SGD_STATUS_ERROR; else st_dat->sg_status = SGD_STATUS_DONE; DLOG_STAGE(st_dat); } else if (WIFSIGNALED(wstat)) { errlog(LOG_ERR,"get_child_stat() : WIFSIGNALED pid=%ld, sig=%ld%s", (long)pid,(long)WTERMSIG(wstat), #ifdef WCOREDUMP WCOREDUMP(wstat) ? ", core dumped" : ", no core file" #else "" #endif ); if (!st_dat) if (!(st_dat = find_stagebypid(pid))) { remove_transferbypid(pid); return; } st_dat->sg_retcode = SGD_RET_SIGNAL; st_dat->sg_status = SGD_STATUS_ERROR; } else if (WIFSTOPPED(wstat)) errlog(LOG_ERR,"get_child_stat() : WIFSTOPPED pid=%ld, sig=%ld", (long)pid,(long)WSTOPSIG(wstat)); else { errlog(LOG_ERR,"get_child_stat() : strange process termination pid=%ld", (long)pid); if (!st_dat) if (!(st_dat = find_stagebypid(pid))) { remove_transferbypid(pid); return; } st_dat->sg_retcode = SGD_RET_UNKNOWN; st_dat->sg_status = SGD_STATUS_ERROR; } } static void sig_handler(int sig) { int wstat; pid_t pid; int oerrno = errno; errno = 0; switch (sig) { case SIGUSR1: errlog(LOG_INFO,"sig_handler() : SIGUSR1"); dumpstatus(); break; case SIGTERM: errlog(LOG_INFO,"sig_handler() : SIGTERM"); doshutdown = 1; break; case SIGHUP: errlog(LOG_INFO,"sig_handler() : SIGHUP"); updateconfig = 1; break; case SIGPIPE: errlog(LOG_INFO,"sig_handler() : SIGPIPE"); break; case SIGCHLD: DLOG_MSG(("sig_handler() : SIGCHLD")); for (;;) { errno = 0; pid = waitpid(-1,&wstat,WNOHANG | WUNTRACED); DLOG_MSG(("sig_handler() : pid=%ld",(long)pid)); /* when pid == 0, it means that there are no more processes in the queue */ if (pid == 0) break; else if (pid < 0) { /* errlog(LOG_ERR,"sig_handler() : pid=%ld",(long)pid);*/ if (errno == EINTR) continue; break; } else get_child_stat(pid,wstat,(struct stage *)0); } break; default: errlog(LOG_INFO,"sig_handler() : strange signal (%d)",sig); } errno = oerrno; } static int syslogfacility(char *buf,int *fac) { if (streql(buf,"local0")) *fac = LOG_LOCAL0; else if (streql(buf,"local1")) *fac = LOG_LOCAL1; else if (streql(buf,"local2")) *fac = LOG_LOCAL2; else if (streql(buf,"local3")) *fac = LOG_LOCAL3; else if (streql(buf,"local4")) *fac = LOG_LOCAL4; else if (streql(buf,"local5")) *fac = LOG_LOCAL5; else if (streql(buf,"local6")) *fac = LOG_LOCAL6; else if (streql(buf,"local7")) *fac = LOG_LOCAL7; else return 0; return 1; } static int set_bin(char **bin,char **blist,int n) { int i; struct stat sbuf; if (*bin) { if (stat(*bin,&sbuf) == 0) return 1; errno = 0; return 0; } for (i = 0; i < n; i++) if (stat(blist[i],&sbuf) == 0) { *bin = dupstr(blist[i]); errno = 0; return 1; } errno = 0; return 0; } static int bufscale(int c) { return c == 'K' ? 1024 : c == 'M' ? 1024 * 1024 : 1; } static int timescale(int c) { return c == 'm' ? 60 : c == 'h' ? 60 * 60 : 1; } static void read_config_file() { static char syntax[] = "read_config_file() : config file syntax error on line %d (\"%s\")"; char *buf, *buf2; int line, i1, i2, i3, i4, c; char c1, c2, c3; unsigned int ui; struct stat sbuf; FILE *f; struct peer *pe_dat; char *c_mailbin = (char *)0; char *c_ftpbin = (char *)0; char *c_stagerbin = (char *)0; char *c_fatmenbin = (char *)0; char *c_dpmbin = (char *)0; char *c_rmbin = (char *)0; char *c_joblogname = (char *)0; char *c_errlogname = (char *)0; char *c_syslogchn = (char *)0; char *c_nfspath = (char *)0; char *c_tmppath = (char *)0; char *c_dumpname = (char *)0; char *c_admin = (char *)0; char *c_piafhome = (char *)0; struct cliopar c_bclio; struct ftppar c_bftp; struct tcppar c_tcpparam; int c_syslogf; int c_pendingtime = -1; int c_selecttimeout = -1; int c_stagetimeout = -1; int c_pinginterval = -1; int c_stagecancel = -1; int c_userumask = -1; struct peer *c_selectlist = (struct peer *)0; c_bclio = clio_init; c_bftp = ftp_init; c_tcpparam = tcp_init; if (stat(configfile,&sbuf) < 0) { /* if we are here because we got a signal to update, don't die (because we probably have clients running) but leave the old config as is */ if (updateconfig) { updateconfig = 0; return; } fatal(0,"read_config_file() : error doing stat on %s",configfile); } if (!(f = fopen(configfile,"r"))) { if (updateconfig) { updateconfig = 0; return; } fatal(0,"read_config_file() : error opening %s",configfile); } /* make sure we don't run out of buffer space for fscanf */ buf = (char *)x_malloc(sbuf.st_size + 1); buf2 = (char *)x_malloc(sbuf.st_size + 1); for (line = 1; !feof(f) && !ferror(f); line++) { /* leading whitespace */ fscanf(f,"%*[ \t]"); /* empty line or eof */ if ((c = fgetc(f)) == '\n' || feof(f)) continue; ungetc(c,f); /* comment? */ if (c != '#') { fscanf(f,"%s",buf); if (streql(buf,"master")) { if (!master) { if (fscanf(f,"%s%d%d",buf,&i1,&i2) != 3) { if (updateconfig) goto noupdate; fatal(0,syntax,line,buf); } pe_dat = (struct peer *)x_malloc(sizeof pe_dat[0]); *pe_dat = pe_init; /* first see if the parameter is dotted decimal, then host name */ if (inet_addr(buf) != (unsigned long)-1) pe_dat->pr_ipaddr = dupstr(buf); else { struct hostent *he = gethostbyname(buf); if (!he) { if (updateconfig) goto noupdate; fatal(0,"read_config_file() : host name %s on line %d unknown", buf,line); } pe_dat->pr_ipaddr = dupstr(inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr *)he->h_addr)); } pe_dat->pr_conport = i1; pe_dat->pr_lisport = i2; pe_dat->pr_keep = 0; pe_dat->pr_next = c_selectlist; c_selectlist = pe_dat; } } else if (streql(buf,"slave") || streql(buf,"client")) { if (master) { if (fscanf(f,"%d",&i1) != 1) { if (updateconfig) goto noupdate; fatal(0,syntax,line,buf); } pe_dat = (struct peer *)x_malloc(sizeof pe_dat[0]); *pe_dat = pe_init; pe_dat->pr_ipaddr = (char *)0; pe_dat->pr_lisport = i1; pe_dat->pr_keep = buf[0] == 's' ? 1 : 0; pe_dat->pr_next = c_selectlist; c_selectlist = pe_dat; } } else if (streql(buf,"pending")) { if (master) { c1 = ' '; if (fscanf(f,"%d%c",&i1,&c1) < 1) { if (updateconfig) goto noupdate; fatal(0,syntax,line,buf); } c_pendingtime = i1 * timescale(c1); } } else if (streql(buf,"pollcon")) { if (!master) { c1 = ' '; if (fscanf(f,"%d%c",&i1,&c1) < 1) { if (updateconfig) goto noupdate; fatal(0,syntax,line,buf); } c_selecttimeout = i1 * timescale(c1); } } else if (streql(buf,"stagetimeout")) { if (master) { c1 = ' '; if (fscanf(f,"%d%c",&i1,&c1) < 1) { if (updateconfig) goto noupdate; fatal(0,syntax,line,buf); } c_stagetimeout = i1 * timescale(c1); } } else if (streql(buf,"pinginterval")) { if (!master) { c1 = ' '; if (fscanf(f,"%d%c",&i1,&c1) < 1) { if (updateconfig) goto noupdate; fatal(0,syntax,line,buf); } c_pinginterval = i1 * timescale(c1); } } else if (streql(buf,"stagecancel")) { if (!master) { c1 = ' '; if (fscanf(f,"%d%c",&i1,&c1) < 1) { if (updateconfig) goto noupdate; fatal(0,syntax,line,buf); } c_stagecancel = i1 * timescale(c1); } } else if (streql(buf,"umask")) { if (!master) { if (fscanf(f,"%o",&ui) != 1) { if (updateconfig) goto noupdate; fatal(0,syntax,line,buf); } c_userumask = (int)ui; } } else if (streql(buf,"mail")) { if (fscanf(f,"%s",buf) != 1) { if (updateconfig) goto noupdate; fatal(0,syntax,line,buf); } if (c_mailbin) x_free(c_mailbin); c_mailbin = dupstr(buf); } else if (streql(buf,"ftp")) { if (!master) { if (fscanf(f,"%s",buf) != 1) { if (updateconfig) goto noupdate; fatal(0,syntax,line,buf); } if (c_ftpbin) x_free(c_ftpbin); c_ftpbin = dupstr(buf); } } else if (streql(buf,"stager")) { if (!master) { if (fscanf(f,"%s",buf) != 1) { if (updateconfig) goto noupdate; fatal(0,syntax,line,buf); } if (c_stagerbin) x_free(c_stagerbin); c_stagerbin = dupstr(buf); } } else if (streql(buf,"fatmen")) { if (!master) { if (fscanf(f,"%s",buf) != 1) { if (updateconfig) goto noupdate; fatal(0,syntax,line,buf); } if (c_fatmenbin) x_free(c_fatmenbin); c_fatmenbin = dupstr(buf); } } else if (streql(buf,"dpmanager")) { if (fscanf(f,"%s",buf) != 1) { if (updateconfig) goto noupdate; fatal(0,syntax,line,buf); } if (c_dpmbin) x_free(c_dpmbin); c_dpmbin = dupstr(buf); } else if (streql(buf,"rmutil")) { if (!master) { if (fscanf(f,"%s",buf) != 1) { if (updateconfig) goto noupdate; fatal(0,syntax,line,buf); } if (c_rmbin) x_free(c_rmbin); c_rmbin = dupstr(buf); } } else if (streql(buf,"merrlog") || streql(buf,"serrlog")) { if (master && buf[0] == 'm' || !master && buf[0] == 's') { if (fscanf(f,"%s",buf) != 1) { if (updateconfig) goto noupdate; fatal(0,syntax,line,buf); } if (c_errlogname) x_free(c_errlogname); c_errlogname = dupstr(buf); } } else if (streql(buf,"mjoblog") || streql(buf,"sjoblog")) { if (master && buf[0] == 'm' || !master && buf[0] == 's') { if (fscanf(f,"%s",buf) != 1) { if (updateconfig) goto noupdate; fatal(0,syntax,line,buf); } if (c_joblogname) x_free(c_joblogname); c_joblogname = dupstr(buf); } } else if (streql(buf,"syslogd")) { if (!master) fscanf(f,"%*s"); if (fscanf(f,"%s",buf) != 1) { if (updateconfig) goto noupdate; fatal(0,syntax,line,buf); } if (!syslogfacility(buf,&c_syslogf)) { if (updateconfig) goto noupdate; fatal(0,syntax,line,buf); } else { if (c_syslogchn) x_free(c_syslogchn); c_syslogchn = dupstr(buf); } } else if (streql(buf,"nfspath")) { size_t n; if (fscanf(f,"%s",buf) != 1) { if (updateconfig) goto noupdate; fatal(0,syntax,line,buf); } if (c_nfspath) x_free(c_nfspath); c_nfspath = (char *)x_malloc(strlen(buf) + 2); strcpy(c_nfspath,buf); n = strlen(c_nfspath); if (c_nfspath[n - 1] != '/') c_nfspath[n] = '/'; } else if (streql(buf,"tmppath")) { size_t n; if (fscanf(f,"%s",buf) != 1) { if (updateconfig) goto noupdate; fatal(0,syntax,line,buf); } if (c_tmppath) x_free(c_tmppath); c_tmppath = (char *)x_malloc(strlen(buf) + 2); strcpy(c_tmppath,buf); n = strlen(c_tmppath); if (c_tmppath[n - 1] != '/') c_tmppath[n] = '/'; } else if (streql(buf,"dumpfile")) { if (fscanf(f,"%s",buf) != 1) { if (updateconfig) goto noupdate; fatal(0,syntax,line,buf); } if (c_dumpname) x_free(c_dumpname); c_dumpname = dupstr(buf); } else if (streql(buf,"admin")) { if (master) { if (fscanf(f,"%s",buf) != 1) { if (updateconfig) goto noupdate; fatal(0,syntax,line,buf); } if (c_admin) x_free(c_admin); c_admin = dupstr(buf); } } else if (streql(buf,"piafhome")) { size_t n; if (fscanf(f,"%s",buf) != 1) { if (updateconfig) goto noupdate; fatal(0,syntax,line,buf); } if (c_piafhome) x_free(c_piafhome); c_piafhome = (char *)x_malloc(strlen(buf) + 2); strcpy(c_piafhome,buf); n = strlen(c_piafhome); if (c_piafhome[n - 1] != '/') c_piafhome[n] = '/'; } else if (streql(buf,"builtinclio")) { if (!master) { c1 = ' '; if (fscanf(f,"%d%s%d%s%d%d%c",&i1,buf,&i2,buf2,&i3,&i4,&c1) < 6) { if (updateconfig) goto noupdate; fatal(0,syntax,line,buf); } c_bclio.bc_version = i1; if (c_bclio.bc_server) x_free(c_bclio.bc_server); c_bclio.bc_server = dupstr(buf); c_bclio.bc_port = i2; if (c_bclio.bc_login) x_free(c_bclio.bc_login); c_bclio.bc_login = dupstr(buf2); c_bclio.bc_retries = i3; c_bclio.bc_wait = i4 * timescale(c1); } } else if (streql(buf,"builtinftp")) { int rem; c3 = ' '; if (fscanf(f,"%d%c%d%d%c%d%c",&i1,&c1,&i2,&i3,&c2,&i4,&c3) < 6 || i1 <= 0) { if (updateconfig) goto noupdate; fatal(0,syntax,line,buf); } c_bftp.bf_bufsize = i1 * bufscale(c1); c_bftp.bf_stripenum = i2; c_bftp.bf_minsize = i3 * bufscale(c2); c_bftp.bf_dotransfer = i4 * bufscale(c3); if (c_bftp.bf_bufsize < c_bftp.bf_dotransfer) c_bftp.bf_bufsize = c_bftp.bf_dotransfer; rem = c_bftp.bf_bufsize % c_bftp.bf_dotransfer; if (rem > 0) c_bftp.bf_bufsize += c_bftp.bf_dotransfer - rem; } else if (streql(buf,"tcpparam")) { if (fscanf(f,"%d%c%d%c%d",&i1,&c1,&i2,&c2,&i3) < 5) { if (updateconfig) goto noupdate; fatal(0,syntax,line,buf); } c_tcpparam.tc_rcvbuf = i1 * bufscale(c1); c_tcpparam.tc_sndbuf = i2 * bufscale(c2); c_tcpparam.tc_nodelay = i3; } else { if (updateconfig) goto noupdate; fatal(0,syntax,line,buf); } } /* skip the rest of the line */ fscanf(f,"%*[^\n]"); /* swallow the newline */ fgetc(f); } /* figure out all the necessary binaries */ { /* all the standard places where various utilities could be */ static char *sendmail[] = {"/usr/lib/sendmail","/usr/sbin/sendmail", "/usr/bin/sendmail","/bin/sendmail","/etc/sendmail", "/usr/local/bin/sendmail"}; static char *pfget[] = {"/usr/local/bin/pfget"}; static char *fmget[] = {"/usr/local/bin/fmget"}; static char *rmutil[] = {"/usr/local/bin/pfrm"}; static char *ftp[] = {"/usr/ucb/ftp","/usr/bsd/ftp","/usr/bin/ftp", "/bin/ftp"}; static char *stager[] = {"/usr/local/bin/clioread"}; static char nobin[] = "read_config_file() : no %sbin (%s)"; static char null[] = "NULL"; if (!set_bin(&c_mailbin,sendmail,SIZE(sendmail))) { if (updateconfig) goto noupdate; fatal(0,nobin,"mail",c_mailbin ? c_mailbin : null); } if (!set_bin(&c_dpmbin,pfget,SIZE(pfget))) { if (updateconfig) goto noupdate; fatal(0,nobin,"dpm",c_dpmbin ? c_dpmbin : null); } if (!master) { if (!set_bin(&c_fatmenbin,fmget,SIZE(fmget))) { if (updateconfig) goto noupdate; fatal(0,nobin,"fatmen",c_fatmenbin ? c_fatmenbin : null); } if (c_bftp.bf_bufsize > 0) { if (!set_bin(&c_rmbin,rmutil,SIZE(rmutil))) { if (updateconfig) goto noupdate; fatal(0,nobin,"rm",c_rmbin ? c_rmbin : null); } } else if (!set_bin(&c_ftpbin,ftp,SIZE(ftp))) { if (updateconfig) goto noupdate; fatal(0,nobin,"ftp",c_ftpbin ? c_ftpbin : null); } if (!c_bclio.bc_server && !set_bin(&c_stagerbin,stager,SIZE(stager))) { if (updateconfig) goto noupdate; fatal(0,nobin,"stager",c_stagerbin ? c_stagerbin : null); } } } /* normal termination, update config */ if (mailbin) x_free(mailbin); mailbin = c_mailbin; if (ftpbin) x_free(ftpbin); ftpbin = c_ftpbin; if (stagerbin) x_free(stagerbin); stagerbin = c_stagerbin; if (fatmenbin) x_free(fatmenbin); fatmenbin = c_fatmenbin; if (dpmbin) x_free(dpmbin); dpmbin = c_dpmbin; if (rmbin) x_free(rmbin); rmbin = c_rmbin; if (c_pendingtime < 0) pendingtime = DEF_PENDINGTIME; else pendingtime = c_pendingtime; if (c_selecttimeout < 0) selecttimeout = DEF_SELECTTIMEOUT; else selecttimeout = c_selecttimeout; if (c_stagetimeout < 0) stagetimeout = DEF_STAGETIMEOUT; else stagetimeout = c_stagetimeout; if (c_pinginterval < 0) pinginterval = DEF_PINGINTERVAL; else pinginterval = c_pinginterval; if (c_stagecancel < 0) stagecancel = DEF_STAGECANCEL; else stagecancel = c_stagecancel; if (c_userumask < 0) userumask = DEF_USERUMASK; else userumask = c_userumask; if (nfspath) x_free(nfspath); nfspath = c_nfspath; if (!nfspath) nfspath = dupstr(DEF_NFSPATH); if (tmppath) x_free(tmppath); tmppath = c_tmppath; if (!tmppath) tmppath = dupstr(DEF_TMPPATH); if (dumpname) x_free(dumpname); dumpname = c_dumpname; if (admin) x_free(admin); admin = c_admin; if (piafhome) x_free(piafhome); piafhome = c_piafhome; if (!piafhome) piafhome = dupstr(DEF_PIAFHOME); if (bclio.bc_server) { x_free(bclio.bc_server); x_free(bclio.bc_login); } bclio = c_bclio; bftp = c_bftp; tcpparam = c_tcpparam; if (syslogchn) { x_free(syslogchn); closelog(); } syslogchn = c_syslogchn; if (syslogchn) #ifdef LOG_AUTH openlog("pfstagerd",LOG_PID | LOG_CONS,c_syslogf); #else openlog("pfstagerd",LOG_PID | LOG_CONS); #endif if (errlogname) x_free(errlogname); errlogname = c_errlogname; if (errlogf) { fclose(errlogf); errlogf = (FILE *)0; } if (errlogname && !streql(errlogname,"syslogd")) { errlogf = fopen(errlogname,"a"); if (errlogf) setvbuf(errlogf,(char *)0,_IONBF,0); } if (joblogname) x_free(joblogname); joblogname = c_joblogname; if (joblogf) { fclose(joblogf); joblogf = (FILE *)0; } if (joblogname && !streql(joblogname,"syslogd")) { joblogf = fopen(joblogname,"a"); if (joblogf) setvbuf(joblogf,(char *)0,_IONBF,0); else errlog(LOG_ERR,"read_config_file() : fopen returns null (file %s)", joblogname); } if (selectlist) { struct peer *ppe, *ppee; /* release the whole list */ while (selectlist) { ppe = selectlist; selectlist = selectlist->pr_next; /* only listened to sockets need to be closed because we waited until all connects were closed */ if (ppe->pr_up) { /* don't close socket but just re-use if it has the same port number - otherwise the 2MSL delay in closing sockets causes our forthcoming re-bind to fail for the same port */ for (ppee = c_selectlist; ppee; ppee = ppee->pr_next) if (ppee->pr_lisport == ppe->pr_lisport) { /* only things to be copied are the socket num and the up status */ ppee->pr_sock = ppe->pr_sock; ppee->pr_up = 1; break; } if (!ppee) x_close(ppe->pr_sock); } release_peer(ppe); x_free(ppe); } } selectlist = c_selectlist; updateconfig = 0; noupdate:; /* error, discard update */ if (updateconfig) { if (c_mailbin) x_free(c_mailbin); if (c_ftpbin) x_free(c_ftpbin); if (c_stagerbin) x_free(c_stagerbin); if (c_fatmenbin) x_free(c_fatmenbin); if (c_dpmbin) x_free(c_dpmbin); if (c_rmbin) x_free(c_rmbin); if (c_syslogchn) x_free(c_syslogchn); if (c_nfspath) x_free(c_nfspath); if (c_tmppath) x_free(c_tmppath); if (c_dumpname) x_free(c_dumpname); if (c_admin) x_free(c_admin); if (c_piafhome) x_free(c_piafhome); if (c_bclio.bc_server) { x_free(c_bclio.bc_server); x_free(c_bclio.bc_login); } if (c_errlogname) x_free(c_errlogname); if (c_joblogname) x_free(c_joblogname); if (c_selectlist) { struct peer *ppe; /* release the whole list */ while (c_selectlist) { ppe = c_selectlist; c_selectlist = c_selectlist->pr_next; release_peer(ppe); x_free(ppe); } } updateconfig = 0; } fclose(f); x_free(buf); x_free(buf2); } /* * Open sockets to the outside world. In master mode all sockets * are listened to, in slave mode connect is made. */ static void init_sockets() { struct peer *pe_dat; if (master) { int cup = 0, sup = 0; for (pe_dat = selectlist; pe_dat; pe_dat = pe_dat->pr_next) { struct sockaddr_in *addrp; if (!pe_dat->pr_up) { /* masters listen to connections from others */ if (!(addrp = tcplisaddr(pe_dat))) continue; DLOG_SOCKADDR_IN(addrp); if ((pe_dat->pr_sock = tcplisten(addrp)) < 0) continue; } pe_dat->pr_up = 1; if (pe_dat->pr_keep) sup = 1; else cup = 1; } if (!(cup && sup)) fatal(0, "init_sockets() : master couldn't listen to sockets (sup=%d, cup=%d)", sup,cup); } else { for (pe_dat = selectlist; pe_dat; pe_dat = pe_dat->pr_next) { struct sockaddr_in *addrp; struct hostent *he; /* slaves do the initial connect */ if (!(addrp = tcpconaddr(pe_dat))) continue; DLOG_SOCKADDR_IN(addrp); he = gethostbyaddr((char *)&addrp->sin_addr,sizeof(struct in_addr), AF_INET); if (he) pe_dat->pr_machname = dupstr(he->h_name); } } } /************************************************************************* * * The main program. Calling for masters and slaves is different. * Note that command line parsing is less than clever, so the order and * format of the parameters is significant. * * Master: * * call: pfstagerd [-p] -m mnum configfile * * where mnum is the master id number (0...7), * configfile is the full path to the configfile, * -p causes the host name and process id to be * printed to stdout if the program starts ok * * example: pfstagerd -m 0 /usr/local/etc/pfstagerd.conf * * Slave: * * call: pfstagerd [-p] -s configfile * * where configfile is the full path to the configfile * -p as explained above * * example: pfstagerd -s /usr/local/etc/pfstagerd.conf * *************************************************************************/ int main(int argc, char **argv) { int printok = 0; myname = argv[0]; errno = 0; /* this umask is for the internal use by pfstagerd - umask for users' files is determined in the config */ umask(022); /* get arguments */ { int c; extern int optind, opterr; extern char *optarg; opterr = 0; while ((c = getopt(argc,argv,"pm:s")) != EOF) { switch (c) { case 'p' : printok = 1; break; case 'm' : if (!isdigit(*optarg)) fatal(0,"main() : no master id specified"); master_id = (unsigned long)atol(optarg); master = 1; if (master_id >= MAX_MASTERS) fatal(0,"main() : invalid master id %d",master_id); break; case 's' : master = 0; break; case '?' : default : fatal(0,"main() : unknown option -%c",c); } } if (optind >= argc) fatal(0,"main() : config file name required"); configfile = argv[optind]; } read_config_file(); DLOG_OPEN(master ? "master.log" : "slave.log"); DLOG_MSG(("main() : calling sigaction()")); /* set all kinds of signals */ { struct sigaction sact; sact.sa_handler = sig_handler; sigemptyset(&sact.sa_mask); sact.sa_flags = 0; #ifdef SA_NOCLDSTOP /* don't worry if a child gets stopped - operator did it */ sact.sa_flags |= SA_NOCLDSTOP; #endif #ifdef SA_INTERRUPT /* just in case - only old SunOS is supposed to have this */ sact.sa_flags |= SA_INTERRUPT; #endif /* needed for getting statuses of exiting children */ if (!master && sigaction(SIGCHLD,&sact,(struct sigaction *)0) < 0) fatal(0,"main() : cannot set SIGCHLD"); sact.sa_flags = 0; #ifdef SA_RESTART /* other signals should restart any interrupted system functions if possible */ sact.sa_flags |= SA_RESTART; #endif /* for resetting config if necessary */ if (sigaction(SIGHUP,&sact,(struct sigaction *)0) < 0) fatal(0,"main() : cannot set SIGHUP"); /* for orderly shutdown */ if (sigaction(SIGTERM,&sact,(struct sigaction *)0) < 0) fatal(0,"main() : cannot set SIGTERM"); /* to prevent lost connections from killing us */ if (sigaction(SIGPIPE,&sact,(struct sigaction *)0) < 0) fatal(0,"main() : cannot set SIGPIPE"); /* for making status dumps */ if (sigaction(SIGUSR1,&sact,(struct sigaction *)0) < 0) fatal(0,"main() : cannot set SIGUSR1"); } /* initialize rand() */ srand((unsigned int)time((time_t)0)); /* find out who we are */ set_myipaddr(); init_sockets(); /* set the process to be the process group leader and disassociate it from the controlling terminal - fork to get a unique pid first */ { pid_t pid; if ((pid = fork()) < 0) fatal(0,"main() : fork() fails"); else if (pid != 0) return 0; /* now that we should be running ok, print out an acknowledgement */ if (printok) { printf("started %s %s %ld\n",master ? "master" : "slave", mymachname,(long)getpid()); fflush(stdout); } fclose(stdin); fclose(stdout); fclose(stderr); stdstreams = 0; } setsid(); /* ok, start waiting for calls */ for (;;) { int sel, poll; fd_set fd; int maxsock; struct peer *pe_dat; struct timeval timeout; /* is it time to quit? */ if (doshutdown && !clientlist) break; /* have we received a signal to reconfigure? */ if (updateconfig) { read_config_file(); init_sockets(); } timeout.tv_usec = 0; if (master) { long ltmp; /* check any pending stage requests (only applicable to masters) - also sends reminders if the timeouts for running stages are up */ poll = m_flush_pending(<mp); timeout.tv_sec = ltmp; } else { long ltmp; int fastpoll = 0; /* say hello to all masters that we haven't talked to lately */ poll = s_ping_masters(<mp); timeout.tv_sec = ltmp; /* before going to select(), check if we must report ourselves to a master or if there are finished children */ if (!doshutdown) fastpoll |= s_init_masters(); fastpoll |= s_check_children(); if (fastpoll) { poll = 1; timeout.tv_sec = selecttimeout; } } FD_ZERO(&fd); maxsock = 0; for (pe_dat = selectlist; pe_dat; pe_dat = pe_dat->pr_next) if (pe_dat->pr_up && (!doshutdown || pe_dat->pr_keep)) { FD_SET(pe_dat->pr_sock,&fd); /* find out the highest socket number for select() */ if (maxsock < pe_dat->pr_sock) maxsock = pe_dat->pr_sock; } DLOG_MSG(("main() : maxsock = %d",maxsock)); /* should never happen */ if (maxsock >= FD_SETSIZE) { maxsock = FD_SETSIZE - 1; errlog(LOG_ERR,"main() : maxsock=%d, FD_SETSIZE=%d",maxsock,FD_SETSIZE); } /* blocks until something arrives or a signal occurs */ DLOG_MSG(( "main() : calling x_select() poll=%d, timeout={tv_sec=%ld,tv_usec=%ld}", poll,timeout.tv_sec,timeout.tv_usec)); errno = 0; sel = x_select(maxsock + 1,&fd,(fd_set *)0,(fd_set *)0, poll ? &timeout : (struct timeval *)0); /* something in the socket? */ if (sel > 0) { for (pe_dat = selectlist; pe_dat; pe_dat = pe_dat->pr_next) if (pe_dat->pr_up && FD_ISSET(pe_dat->pr_sock,&fd)) { struct peer pe_tmp; pe_tmp = *pe_dat; /* accept the connection */ DLOG_MSG(("main() : calling x_accept()")); pe_tmp.pr_sock = x_accept(pe_dat->pr_sock,(struct sockaddr *)0,(int *)0); if (pe_tmp.pr_sock >= 0) { char *s; struct revector *rv = (struct revector *)0; #ifdef ACK_EVERYTHING int ok; if (master) ok = m_master_ops(pe_tmp.pr_sock,&rv); else ok = s_slave_ops(pe_tmp.pr_sock,&rv); send_msg(pe_tmp.pr_sock,ok ? SGD_MSG_OK : SGD_MSG_ERROR); #else if (master) m_master_ops(pe_tmp.pr_sock,&rv); else s_slave_ops(pe_tmp.pr_sock,&rv); #endif if (rv) { if (!(s = get_peerip(pe_tmp.pr_sock,(struct sockaddr_in **)0))) errlog(LOG_ERR,"main() : get_peerip fails"); } x_close(pe_tmp.pr_sock); /* this call probably shouldn't be at the top level, but we have to kludge an ack / close previous connection before sending MSG_FORGET if necessary */ if (rv && s) { struct peer *pe; if (!(pe = find_peerbyip(master ? slavelist : selectlist,s))) errlog(LOG_ERR,"main() : strange peer ip %s",s); else tell_to_forget(pe,rv); } } } } /* else its an exception of some kind, probably just a child signing off */ } return 0; }