/* * $Id: master.c,v 1.2 1996/04/02 22:00:24 thakulin Exp $ * * $Log: master.c,v $ * Revision 1.2 1996/04/02 22:00:24 thakulin * Change program name to pfstagerd so as not to clash with the shift * stager. Modify include file names and comments accordingly. * * Revision 1996/03/01 11:39:30 mclareni * Paw * */ /*CMZ : 13/11/95 18.35.53 by Timo Hakulinen*/ /*-- Author : Timo Hakulinen 25/08/94*/ /************************************************************************* * * master.c * * Routines peculiar to masters (names starting with "m_"). * * author: Timo Hakulinen, CERN / CN * date: 25/8/94 * *************************************************************************/ #include "pfstagerd.h" /* these are used a lot in report forms */ static char n_a[] = ""; static char none[] = ""; /* * Retrieve the client information. If the client is already * in the list, just return it. If not, add it to the list. */ static struct client * m_get_clientspecs(int sock) { struct client cl_tmp, *cl_dat; DLOG_MSG(("m_get_clientspecs(%d)",sock)); cl_tmp = cl_init; if (!get_client(sock,&cl_tmp)) goto errout; /* check if we already have this client booked, if not make new entry */ if (!(cl_dat = find_client(&cl_tmp))) { cl_tmp.ct_clientid = NEW_CLIENTID; cl_tmp.ct_stagelist = (struct stage *)0; cl_dat = (struct client *)x_malloc(sizeof cl_dat[0]); *cl_dat = cl_tmp; } /* else see if any of the auxiliary info needs updating */ else { if (cl_tmp.ct_machname && !streql(cl_tmp.ct_machname,cl_dat->ct_machname)) { if (cl_dat->ct_machname) x_free(cl_dat->ct_machname); cl_dat->ct_machname = cl_tmp.ct_machname; cl_tmp.ct_machname = (char *)0; } if (cl_tmp.ct_passwd && !streql(cl_tmp.ct_passwd,cl_dat->ct_passwd)) { if (cl_dat->ct_passwd) x_free(cl_dat->ct_passwd); cl_dat->ct_passwd = cl_tmp.ct_passwd; cl_tmp.ct_passwd = (char *)0; } release_client(&cl_tmp); } DLOG_CLIENT(cl_dat); return cl_dat; errout:; release_client(&cl_tmp); return (struct client *)0; } /* * Consult disk pool manager for suitable file names. */ static int m_diskpool(struct client *cl_dat,struct stage *st_dat) { int i, sn; char rbuf[PATH_MAX + 1], *fname; char cmd[2 * PATH_MAX + 50]; unsigned long fsize; FILE *f; /* if the file shouldn't be striped at all */ if (bftp.bf_stripenum <= 0) sn = 1; else sn = bftp.bf_stripenum; st_dat->sg_ptfname = (struct pfinfo *)x_malloc(sn * sizeof(struct pfinfo)); st_dat->sg_fnum = sn; fname = strrchr(st_dat->sg_tfname,'/'); /* found a slash? */ if (fname) fname++; else fname = st_dat->sg_tfname; fsize = st_dat->sg_fsiz / 1024; sprintf(cmd,"%s -r -n%d -s%luK -u%s %s", dpmbin,sn,fsize,cl_dat->ct_username,fname); if (!(f = popen(cmd,"r"))) { errlog(LOG_ERR,"m_diskpool() : can't open pipe (%s)",cmd); st_dat->sg_retcode = SGD_RET_POPEN; goto errout; } for (i = 0; i < sn && !feof(f) && !ferror(f); i++) { if (fscanf(f,"%s%*[^\n]",rbuf) < 1) break; fgetc(f); st_dat->sg_ptfname[i].pf_name = dupstr(rbuf); } if (ferror(f) || i <= 0) { errlog(LOG_ERR,"m_diskpool() : trouble getting file names (%s)", ferror(f) ? "ferror" : "pool exhausted?"); pclose(f); st_dat->sg_retcode = SGD_RET_POPEN; goto errout; } if (i < sn) st_dat->sg_fnum = i; pclose(f); return 1; errout:; if (st_dat->sg_ptfname) { for (i = 0; i < sn; i++) if (st_dat->sg_ptfname[i].pf_name) x_free(st_dat->sg_ptfname[i].pf_name); x_free(st_dat->sg_ptfname); } return 0; } /* normalize the file path (expand '/../', '/./', and '//') */ static char * m_norm_fname(char *fn) { char *ss; for (ss = fn; (ss = strchr(ss,'/')) != (char *)0; ) { char *sx = (char *)0; if (ss[1] == '.') { if (ss[2] == '.' && ss[3] == '/') { sx = &ss[4]; if (ss == fn) return (char *)0; for (; ss[-1] != '/'; ss--) ; } else if (ss[2] == '/') { sx = &ss[3]; ss++; } } else if (ss[1] == '/') { sx = &ss[2]; ss++; } if (sx) { if (!*sx) return (char *)0; memmove(ss,sx,strlen(sx) + 1); ss--; } else ss++; } return fn; } static int m_expand_tfname(struct client *cl,struct stage *st) { char *s, *ss, pp[PATH_MAX + 1]; struct passwd *pw; if (!st->sg_tfname) { s = strrchr(st->sg_sfname,'/'); if (s) { s++; /* ouch, the file name ended with a slash - no good */ if (!*s) { st->sg_retcode = SGD_RET_TFNAME; return 0; } } else s = st->sg_sfname; } else s = st->sg_tfname; /* if we don't find user's password entry we must kick him out, because that means that something's quite wrong with this user */ pw = getpwnam(cl->ct_username); if (pw && pw->pw_dir) { strcpy(pp,pw->pw_dir); if (pp[strlen(pp) - 1] != '/') strcat(pp,"/"); strcat(pp,piafhome); } else { errlog(LOG_ERR,"m_expand_tfname() : user %s@%s has no %s", cl->ct_username,cl->ct_machname, pw ? "passwd entry" : "home directory"); st->sg_retcode = pw ? SGD_RET_PW : SGD_RET_PWDIR; return 0; } /* is the file name relative to the user's home dir? */ if (s[0] != '/') { ss = (char *)x_malloc(strlen(pp) + strlen(s) + 1); strcpy(ss,pp); strcat(ss,s); s = st->sg_tfname; /* kludge to ensure that we have something to free */ st->sg_tfname = dupstr(ss); } else st->sg_tfname = dupstr(s); #ifdef APPEND_HBOOK_EXT /* one more twist: append ".hbook" to files that don't have it - note that also files that really aren't hbook files get the same treatment because we find out too late */ if (!streql(&st->sg_tfname[strlen(st->sg_tfname) - sizeof HBOOK_EXT + 1], HBOOK_EXT)) { ss = (char *)x_malloc(strlen(st->sg_tfname) + 7); strcpy(ss,st->sg_tfname); strcat(ss,HBOOK_EXT); x_free(st->sg_tfname); st->sg_tfname = ss; } #endif ss = dupstr(st->sg_tfname); if (!m_norm_fname(ss)) { st->sg_retcode = SGD_RET_TFNAME; x_free(ss); return 0; } x_free(st->sg_tfname); st->sg_tfname = ss; /* file name too long? */ if (strlen(st->sg_tfname) > (size_t)PATH_MAX) { errlog(LOG_ERR,"m_expand_tfname() : user %s@%s, file name %s too long", cl->ct_username,cl->ct_machname,st->sg_tfname); if (s) x_free(s); st->sg_retcode = SGD_RET_PATHLEN; return 0; } /* last check: does the path point to the piaf home dir? */ if (!strneql(pp,st->sg_tfname,strlen(pp))) { if (s) x_free(s); st->sg_retcode = SGD_RET_PIAFHOME; return 0; } if (s) x_free(s); return 1; } /* * Figure out things about the file names and slave servers. */ static int m_misc_setup(struct client *cl_dat,struct stage *st_dat) { /* figure out the full physical path of the name for the file and check it - the path has to point to the person's piaf home dir */ if (!m_expand_tfname(cl_dat,st_dat)) return 0; if (!m_diskpool(cl_dat,st_dat)) return 0; #if 0 /* check the format of the physical target file (tells which server to use) - it has to be at least approximately right or we'll die later */ if (!strneql(st_dat->sg_ptfname,nfspath,strlen(nfspath))) return 0; #endif /* figure out the ip address of one of the required slave server - if none of the servers has come up yet, we get null here and have to try again later */ /* first try any preferred server name */ if (st_dat->sg_prserver) st_dat->sg_serverip = find_peeripbyname(st_dat->sg_prserver); /* try to assign a random slave based on the target file name */ if (!st_dat->sg_serverip) { int n = rand() % st_dat->sg_fnum; st_dat->sg_serverip = find_peeripbypath(st_dat->sg_ptfname[n].pf_name); } /* then check out the others */ if (!st_dat->sg_serverip) { int i; for (i = 0; i < st_dat->sg_fnum && !st_dat->sg_serverip; i++) st_dat->sg_serverip = find_peeripbypath(st_dat->sg_ptfname[i].pf_name); } /* if still no luck, pick any available slave at random */ if (!st_dat->sg_serverip) { struct peer *pe; int m, mm; for (pe = slavelist, m = 0; pe; pe = pe->pr_next) if (pe->pr_up) m++; if (m > 0) { mm = rand() % m; for (pe = slavelist, m = 0; pe; pe = pe->pr_next) if (pe->pr_up && m++ == mm) { st_dat->sg_serverip = dupstr(pe->pr_ipaddr); break; } } } return 1; } /* * Retrieve the actual specs of the file to be staged. */ static struct stage * m_get_stagespecs(int sock) { struct stage st_tmp, *st_dat; DLOG_MSG(("m_get_stagespecs(%d)",sock)); st_tmp = st_init; if (!get_stage(sock,&st_tmp)) { release_stage(&st_tmp); return (struct stage *)0; } st_tmp.sg_masterip = dupstr(myipaddr); st_tmp.sg_stageid = NEW_STAGEID; st_tmp.sg_status = st_tmp.sg_retcode = 0; st_tmp.sg_queuetime = st_tmp.sg_starttime = time((time_t *)0); st_dat = (struct stage *)x_malloc(sizeof st_dat[0]); *st_dat = st_tmp; DLOG_STAGE(st_dat); return st_dat; } /* * Send the necessary client information to the slave. */ static int m_put_clientspecs(int sock,struct client *cl_dat) { DLOG_MSG(("m_put_clientspecs(%d)",sock)); DLOG_CLIENT(cl_dat); return put_client(sock,cl_dat); } /* * Send the specs of the file to be staged to the slave. */ static int m_put_stagespecs(int sock,struct stage *st_dat) { DLOG_MSG(("m_put_stagespecs(%d)",sock)); DLOG_STAGE(st_dat); st_dat->sg_starttime = time((time_t *)0); return put_stage(sock,st_dat); } /* * Retrieve the results from the slave about the file to be staged. */ static struct stage * m_get_stageresults(int sock,struct stage *st,struct revector **rvpp) { struct client cl_tmp, *cl_dat; struct stage st_tmp, *st_dat; DLOG_MSG(("m_get_stageresults(%d)",sock)); cl_tmp = cl_init; st_tmp = st_init; if (!get_client(sock,&cl_tmp) || !get_stage(sock,&st_tmp)) goto errout; /* check the client and stage id - if we don't find it, it means that either this stage belongs to another master and we're being used as a backup, or we've gone down in the past and this is just one of those earlier stages */ /* Input parameter st is set when we have asked the slave to send data concerning one particular stage, which we want to update. In that case we don't have to search the list to find it. */ st_dat = st ? st : find_stagebyid(st_tmp.sg_stageid,&cl_dat); if (st_dat) { /* ok, this is one of ours - update info */ if (st || cl_dat->ct_clientid == cl_tmp.ct_clientid) { struct stage *stt = st_dat->sg_next; release_client(&cl_tmp); release_stage(st_dat); *st_dat = st_tmp; st_dat->sg_next = stt; } /* What the... stage id matches but not client id? Must be a bug or an extremely old stage still floating around. */ else { errlog(LOG_ERR, "m_get_stageresults() : stage id %lu ok, client id %lu != %lu", st_tmp.sg_stageid,cl_tmp.ct_clientid,cl_dat->ct_clientid); goto errout; } } /* somebody elses leftover (or maybe ours) */ else { /* Oops, no - for some reason it seems to be ours or else such a stage that we've processed before. Maybe there has been a break in communications so that the slave thinks we didn't get the info earlier and is now resending it although we actually did and have already mailed the user. Just clear and tell the slave to forget. */ *rvpp = find_revect(st_tmp.sg_stageid); if (*rvpp) { errlog(LOG_INFO, "m_get_stageresults() : stage %lu belonging to master %lu appears twice", st_tmp.sg_stageid,MAST_NUM(st_tmp.sg_stageid)); goto errout; } else if (MAST_NUM(st_tmp.sg_stageid) == master_id) { errlog(LOG_INFO, "m_get_stageresults() : unknown stage %lu of master %lu", st_tmp.sg_stageid,MAST_NUM(st_tmp.sg_stageid)); *rvpp = add_revect(st_tmp.sg_stageid); goto errout; } errlog(LOG_INFO, "m_get_stageresults() : accepting stage %lu belonging to master %lu", st_tmp.sg_stageid,MAST_NUM(st_tmp.sg_stageid)); /* from now on treat this orphan as one of our own... */ if (!(cl_dat = find_clientbyid(cl_tmp.ct_clientid))) { cl_dat = x_malloc(sizeof cl_tmp); *cl_dat = cl_tmp; cl_dat->ct_next = clientlist; clientlist = cl_dat; } else release_client(&cl_tmp); st_dat = x_malloc(sizeof st_tmp); *st_dat = st_tmp; st_dat->sg_next = cl_dat->ct_stagelist; cl_dat->ct_stagelist = st_dat; } /* The target file name may be corrected by the slave. If the name received from the slave is different, it means that the original target file name as delivered wasn't ok, or it was left out altogether so that slave had to fill it in. */ /* staging end time */ st_dat->sg_endtime = time((time_t *)0); DLOG_STAGE(st_dat); return st_dat; errout:; release_client(&cl_tmp); release_stage(&st_tmp); return (struct stage *)0; } static int m_emit_stagerequest(struct peer *pe_dat,struct client *cl_dat, struct stage *st_dat) { int sock; struct sockaddr_in *addrp; int ok, down; #ifdef ACK_EVERYTHING int msg; #endif DLOG_MSG(("m_emit_stagerequest() : connect to slave")); if (!(addrp = tcpconaddr(pe_dat)) || (sock = tcpconnect(addrp)) < 0) { pe_dat->pr_up = 0; return 0; } ok = 1; /* if error in delivery, try again some other time */ if ((down = !send_msg(sock,SGD_MSG_STAGE) || !m_put_clientspecs(sock,cl_dat) || !m_put_stagespecs(sock,st_dat) #ifdef ACK_EVERYTHING || (msg = recv_msg(sock)) < 0) || msg != SGD_MSG_OK #else ) #endif ) { errlog(LOG_ERR, "m_emit_stagerequest() : trouble connecting to slave %s (%s)", pe_dat->pr_machname,down ? "conn" : "ack"); if (down) pe_dat->pr_up = 0; ok = 0; } x_close(sock); pe_dat->pr_last = time((time_t *)0); return ok; } static char reportform1[] = "\ source file name : %s\n\ target file name : %s%s%s%s\n\ physical source file name : %s\n\ physical target file name(s): %s\n"; static char reportform2[] = "\ %s\n"; static char reportform3[] = "\ file type : %s\n\ total file size in bytes : %lu\n\ bytes transferred so far : %lu (%d%%)\n\ assigned master : %s (%s)\n\ preferred server : %s\n\ assigned server : %s%s%s%s\n\ stage id number : %lu\n\ queueing time : %s\ starting time : %s%s\ %s : %s%s\ stager return code : %s\n\ stage completion status : %s\n"; static char tersereportform[] = "\ %s %s %s (%d%% done)\n"; /* * Send mail to the client about a completed stage. */ static int m_mail_client(struct client *cl_dat,struct stage *st_dat) { char cmd[PATH_MAX + 50]; char queuebuf[26], startbuf[26], endbuf[26], buf[100]; char rbuf[PATH_MAX + 2 * MAX_ULSTR + 20]; struct in_addr saddr; FILE *f; int ok, ret, dodiv, ccadmin, i; struct hostent *he = (struct hostent *)0; if (st_dat->sg_serverip) { saddr.s_addr = inet_addr(st_dat->sg_serverip); he = gethostbyaddr((char *)&saddr,sizeof(struct in_addr),AF_INET); } sprintf(buf,"%d (%s)",st_dat->sg_retcode,st_retcodestr(st_dat->sg_retcode)); sprintf(cmd,"%s -t",mailbin); if (!(f = popen(cmd,"w"))) return 0; dodiv = st_dat->sg_fsiz > 10000000 || st_dat->sg_fdone > 10000000; ccadmin = admin && st_dat->sg_status == SGD_STATUS_ERROR; fprintf(f,"\ Subject: Staging %s (file %s)\n\ To: %s@%s\n\ %s%s%s\ \n\ Summary of the stage for user %s@%s:\n\ \n", st_dat->sg_status == SGD_STATUS_ERROR ? "error" : "successful", st_dat->sg_sfname,cl_dat->ct_username,cl_dat->ct_machname, ccadmin ? "Cc: " : "", ccadmin ? admin : "", ccadmin ? " (stager admin)\n" : "", cl_dat->ct_username, cl_dat->ct_machname); if (st_dat->sg_ptfname) { sprintf(rbuf,"%s (",st_dat->sg_ptfname[0].pf_name); if (st_dat->sg_ptfname[0].pf_nrec >= 0) sprintf(rbuf + strlen(rbuf),"%ld records, ", st_dat->sg_ptfname[0].pf_nrec); sprintf(rbuf + strlen(rbuf),"%lu bytes)",st_dat->sg_ptfname[0].pf_size); } else strcpy(rbuf,n_a); fprintf(f,reportform1, st_dat->sg_sfname, st_dat->sg_tfname ? st_dat->sg_tfname : none, st_dat->sg_otfname ? " (requested as: " : "", st_dat->sg_otfname ? st_dat->sg_otfname : "", st_dat->sg_otfname ? ")" : "", st_dat->sg_psfname ? st_dat->sg_psfname : n_a, rbuf); for (i = 1; i < st_dat->sg_fnum; i++) { sprintf(rbuf,"%s (",st_dat->sg_ptfname[i].pf_name); if (st_dat->sg_ptfname[i].pf_nrec >= 0) sprintf(rbuf + strlen(rbuf),"%ld records, ", st_dat->sg_ptfname[i].pf_nrec); sprintf(rbuf + strlen(rbuf),"%lu bytes)",st_dat->sg_ptfname[i].pf_size); fprintf(f,reportform2,rbuf); } fprintf(f,reportform3, ftyptb[st_dat->sg_ftyp], st_dat->sg_fsiz, st_dat->sg_fdone, (int)(st_dat->sg_fsiz > 0 ? ((dodiv ? st_dat->sg_fdone / 100 : st_dat->sg_fdone) * 100 / (dodiv ? st_dat->sg_fsiz / 100 : st_dat->sg_fsiz)) : 0), myipaddr, mymachname, st_dat->sg_prserver ? st_dat->sg_prserver : none, st_dat->sg_serverip ? st_dat->sg_serverip : n_a, he ? " (" : "", he ? he->h_name : "", he ? ")" : "", st_dat->sg_stageid, strcpy(queuebuf,ctime(&st_dat->sg_queuetime)), st_dat->sg_starttime > 0 ? strcpy(startbuf,ctime(&st_dat->sg_starttime)) : n_a, st_dat->sg_starttime > 0 ? "" : "\n", "ending time ", st_dat->sg_endtime > 0 ? strcpy(endbuf,ctime(&st_dat->sg_endtime)) : n_a, st_dat->sg_endtime > 0 ? "" : "\n", buf, statustb[st_dat->sg_status]); /* normally -1 in connection with pclose() means that the descriptor to be closed wasn't opened with popen(), but here we know this to be true - however, popen can return -1 for legitimate reasons if the child terminates without giving exit status, which can happen if e.g. a grandchild isn't properly waited for */ if ((ret = pclose(f)) == 0 || ret == -1) ok = 1; else ok = 0; return ok; } /* * Send the status of the file to be staged to the client. */ static int m_put_clientstatus(int sock,int verbose,struct stage *st_dat) { int atend, dodiv, ret, i, doneperc; struct in_addr saddr; char queuebuf[26], startbuf[26], endbuf[26]; struct hostent *he; size_t bufsiz; char *buf; char buf2[100]; DLOG_MSG(("m_put_clientstatus(%d)",sock)); DLOG_STAGE(st_dat); dodiv = st_dat->sg_fsiz > 10000000 || st_dat->sg_fdone > 10000000; doneperc = (int)(st_dat->sg_fsiz > 0 ? ((dodiv ? st_dat->sg_fdone / 100 : st_dat->sg_fdone) * 100 / (dodiv ? st_dat->sg_fsiz / 100 : st_dat->sg_fsiz)) : 0); if (verbose) { if (st_dat->sg_serverip) { saddr.s_addr = inet_addr(st_dat->sg_serverip); he = gethostbyaddr((char *)&saddr,sizeof(struct in_addr),AF_INET); } else he = (struct hostent *)0; atend = st_dat->sg_status == SGD_STATUS_DONE || st_dat->sg_status == SGD_STATUS_ERROR; if (atend) sprintf(buf2,"%d (%s)",st_dat->sg_retcode, st_retcodestr(st_dat->sg_retcode)); else { sprintf(buf2,n_a); st_dat->sg_endtime = time((time_t *)0); } /* buffer size approximately according to usage (slightly conservative) */ bufsiz = prlen_stage(st_dat) + strlen(reportform1) + st_dat->sg_fnum * strlen(reportform2) + strlen(reportform3) + 50; buf = (char *)x_malloc(bufsiz); /* almost everything is sent */ sprintf(buf,reportform1, st_dat->sg_sfname, st_dat->sg_tfname ? st_dat->sg_tfname : none, st_dat->sg_otfname ? " (orig. name: " : "", st_dat->sg_otfname ? st_dat->sg_otfname : "", st_dat->sg_otfname ? ")" : "", st_dat->sg_psfname ? st_dat->sg_psfname : n_a, st_dat->sg_ptfname[0].pf_name); for (i = 1; i < st_dat->sg_fnum; i++) sprintf(buf + strlen(buf),reportform2, st_dat->sg_ptfname[i].pf_name); sprintf(buf + strlen(buf),reportform3, ftyptb[st_dat->sg_ftyp], st_dat->sg_fsiz, st_dat->sg_fdone, doneperc, myipaddr, mymachname, st_dat->sg_prserver ? st_dat->sg_prserver : none, st_dat->sg_serverip ? st_dat->sg_serverip : n_a, he ? " (" : "", he ? he->h_name : "", he ? ")" : "", st_dat->sg_stageid, strcpy(queuebuf,ctime(&st_dat->sg_queuetime)), st_dat->sg_starttime > 0 ? strcpy(startbuf,ctime(&st_dat->sg_starttime)) : n_a, st_dat->sg_starttime > 0 ? "" : "\n", atend ? "ending time " : "current time", st_dat->sg_endtime > 0 ? strcpy(endbuf,ctime(&st_dat->sg_endtime)) : n_a, st_dat->sg_endtime > 0 ? "" : "\n", buf2, statustb[st_dat->sg_status]); } /* terse format */ else { bufsiz = strlen(tersereportform) + strlen(ftyptb[st_dat->sg_ftyp]) + strlen(st_dat->sg_sfname) + strlen(statustb[st_dat->sg_status]) + 20; buf = (char *)x_malloc(bufsiz); sprintf(buf,tersereportform,ftyptb[st_dat->sg_ftyp], st_dat->sg_sfname,statustb[st_dat->sg_status],doneperc); } if (!sendstr(sock,buf)) ret = 0; else ret = 1; x_free(buf); return ret; } static void m_dostatus(int sock,struct client *cl_dat,struct revector **rvpp) { struct stage *st, *stt; int n; DLOG_MSG(("m_dostatus()")); if (!cl_dat->ct_stagelist) { /* nothing to send - this client no longer in the queue */ sendul(sock,(unsigned long)0); release_client(cl_dat); x_free(cl_dat); return; } /* how many stages going on at the moment */ for (st = cl_dat->ct_stagelist, n = 0; st; st = st->sg_next) n++; if (!sendul(sock,(unsigned long)n)) return; for (st = cl_dat->ct_stagelist, stt = (struct stage *)0; st; stt = st, st = stt ? stt->sg_next : cl_dat->ct_stagelist) { /* we only have to ask slaves about those stages that are running */ if (st->sg_status == SGD_STATUS_RUNNING) { int slavesock, ok; struct sockaddr_in *addrp; struct peer *pe; if (!(pe = find_slavebyip(st->sg_serverip))) { errlog(LOG_ERR,"m_dostatus() : peer list corrupted"); return; } if (!(addrp = tcpconaddr(pe)) || (slavesock = tcpconnect(addrp)) < 0) { errlog(LOG_INFO,"m_dostatus() : cannot connect to slave %s", st->sg_serverip); st->sg_status = SGD_STATUS_CONNECT; st->sg_starttime = time((time_t *)0); pe->pr_up = 0; } else { int down; #ifdef ACK_EVERYTHING int msg; #endif ok = 1; if ((down = !send_msg(slavesock,SGD_MSG_STATUS) || !sendul(slavesock,st->sg_stageid) || !m_get_stageresults(slavesock,st,rvpp) #ifdef ACK_EVERYTHING || (msg = recv_msg(slavesock)) < 0) || msg != SGD_MSG_OK #else ) #endif ) { errlog(LOG_ERR, "m_dostatus() : trouble connecting to slave %s (%s)", pe->pr_machname,down ? "conn" : "ack"); ok = 0; } x_close(slavesock); pe->pr_last = time((time_t *)0); if (!ok) { if (down) { pe->pr_up = 0; st->sg_status = SGD_STATUS_CONNECT; } st->sg_starttime = time((time_t *)0); } } } if (!m_put_clientstatus(sock,0,st)) return; /* if status is error/done and nowait not set, it's our job to destroy the stage instance now that the info's been delivered */ if (!st->sg_nowait && (st->sg_status == SGD_STATUS_DONE || st->sg_status == SGD_STATUS_ERROR)) { if (stt) stt->sg_next = st->sg_next; else cl_dat->ct_stagelist = st->sg_next; release_stage(st); x_free(st); st = stt; } } /* if the stagelist for a client got empty, destroy client too */ if (!cl_dat->ct_stagelist) remove_client(cl_dat); } /* * Master operations. */ int m_master_ops(int sock,struct revector **rvpp) { struct client *cl_dat; struct stage *st_dat; struct peer *pe_dat; unsigned long ultmp; int msg; DLOG_MSG(("m_master_ops(%d)",sock)); /* ask what he wants */ if ((msg = recv_msg(sock)) < 0) return 0; switch (msg) { /* client asks the status of his ongoing stages */ case SGD_MSG_STATUS: if (!(cl_dat = m_get_clientspecs(sock))) { /*#if 0*/ #ifndef ACK_EVERYTHING send_msg(sock,SGD_MSG_ERROR); #endif return 0; } m_dostatus(sock,cl_dat,rvpp); /*#if 0*/ #ifndef ACK_EVERYTHING send_msg(sock,SGD_MSG_OK); #endif break; /* client asks staging of a file to PIAF server */ case SGD_MSG_STAGE: if (!(cl_dat = m_get_clientspecs(sock)) || !(st_dat = m_get_stagespecs(sock))) { char *s; /* free the client struct only if it's really a new one, i.e., it's got an empty stagelist - we don't want to yank a client with ongoing stages */ if (cl_dat && !cl_dat->ct_stagelist) { release_client(cl_dat); x_free(cl_dat); } s = get_peerip(sock,(struct sockaddr_in **)0); errlog(LOG_ERR,"m_master_ops() : can't get %s specs (client %s)", cl_dat ? "stage" : "client", s ? s : ""); /*#if 0*/ #ifndef ACK_EVERYTHING send_msg(sock,SGD_MSG_ERROR); #endif return 0; } /*#if 0*/ #ifndef ACK_EVERYTHING send_msg(sock,SGD_MSG_OK); #endif /* set up miscellaneous things - if it fails, mail client */ if (!m_misc_setup(cl_dat,st_dat)) { st_dat->sg_status = SGD_STATUS_ERROR; if (st_dat->sg_nowait) { if (!m_mail_client(cl_dat,st_dat)) errlog(LOG_ERR,"m_master_ops() : can't send mail to %s@%s", cl_dat->ct_username,cl_dat->ct_machname); if (!cl_dat->ct_stagelist) { release_client(cl_dat); x_free(cl_dat); } release_stage(st_dat); x_free(st_dat); } break; } /* ok, add a new client to the list */ if (!cl_dat->ct_stagelist) { cl_dat->ct_next = clientlist; clientlist = cl_dat; } /* Put the new stage process to the client's stage list. One should really check whether the file to be staged is the same file as was specified for an earlier stage command, so that the same file won't get staged twice, but which parameters should one check to get a reliable answer? Maybe the client wants to have the same file staged twice under different names, but then it would make sense to make a link after the first stage is finished, but what if the stage requests go to different slaves, which don't know about this possibility, etc., etc. This is really something that the master has to decide... but later. */ st_dat->sg_next = cl_dat->ct_stagelist; cl_dat->ct_stagelist = st_dat; /* create a string of available slave ip-address/port combos so that the slave doing the staging can transfer parts of the file to other slaves */ if (bftp.bf_dotransfer > 0) { size_t len; char *s; for (pe_dat = slavelist, len = 0; pe_dat; pe_dat = pe_dat->pr_next) if (pe_dat->pr_up) len += strlen(pe_dat->pr_machname) + strlen(pe_dat->pr_ipaddr) + prlen_long((long)pe_dat->pr_conport) + 3; if (len > 0) { s = (char *)x_malloc(len); for (pe_dat = slavelist, len = 0; pe_dat; pe_dat = pe_dat->pr_next) if (pe_dat->pr_up) { sprintf(&s[len],"%s%s:%s:%d",len > 0 ? " " : "", pe_dat->pr_machname,pe_dat->pr_ipaddr,pe_dat->pr_conport); len += strlen(&s[len]); } st_dat->sg_slavelist = s; } else st_dat->sg_slavelist = (char *)0; } else st_dat->sg_slavelist = (char *)0; /* start talking to the slave - from now on we don't assume a working connection with the client any more */ if (!st_dat->sg_serverip || !(pe_dat = find_slavebyip(st_dat->sg_serverip)) || !pe_dat->pr_up) { /* ugh, the requested slave isn't running */ st_dat->sg_status = SGD_STATUS_PENDING; if (st_dat->sg_serverip && pe_dat) pe_dat->pr_up = 0; break; } /* ok, send staging request to slave - if we get an error here, it doesn't necessarily mean that the server is down, though (why the heck not?? I forget what's the original idea behind that assertion) */ if (m_emit_stagerequest(pe_dat,cl_dat,st_dat)) st_dat->sg_status = SGD_STATUS_RUNNING; else st_dat->sg_status = SGD_STATUS_PENDING; break; /* slave tells us that it's ready for business, find its attributes and add to the slavelist */ case SGD_MSG_INIT: { char *s; struct sockaddr_in *addrp; /* the port to use when connecting to the slave */ if (!recvul(sock,&ultmp)) return 0; /* get the slave ip address */ if (!(s = get_peerip(sock,&addrp))) { errlog(LOG_ERR,"m_master_ops() : can't get peername (MSG_INIT)"); return 0; } /* if we have this slave already in the list, it means that it has gone down at one point and is now reconnecting, or it's just saying hello to us, else if this is the first connect, create new instance */ if (!(pe_dat = find_slavebyip(s))) { struct peer pe_tmp; struct hostent *he; if (!(he = gethostbyaddr((char *)&addrp->sin_addr, sizeof(struct in_addr),AF_INET))) { errlog(LOG_ERR,"m_master_ops() : gethostbyaddr() error (peer %s)",s); return 0; } pe_tmp = pe_init; pe_tmp.pr_ipaddr = dupstr(s); pe_tmp.pr_machname = dupstr(he->h_name); pe_tmp.pr_next = slavelist; pe_dat = (struct peer *)x_malloc(sizeof pe_dat[0]); *pe_dat = pe_tmp; slavelist = pe_dat; } pe_dat->pr_conport = (int)ultmp; pe_dat->pr_last = time((time_t *)0); pe_dat->pr_up = 1; } break; /* slave reports a successful staging operation or it tells us to forget it because another master has already taken care of it */ case SGD_MSG_OK: case SGD_MSG_FORGET: if (msg == SGD_MSG_OK) { if (!(st_dat = m_get_stageresults(sock,(struct stage *)0,rvpp))) { if (!*rvpp) errlog(LOG_ERR,"m_master_ops() : can't get stageresults"); return 0; } pe_dat = find_slavebyip(st_dat->sg_serverip); cl_dat = find_clientbystageid(st_dat->sg_stageid); if (st_dat->sg_nowait && !m_mail_client(cl_dat,st_dat)) { errlog(LOG_ERR,"m_master_ops() : can't send mail to %s@%s", cl_dat->ct_username,cl_dat->ct_machname); pe_dat->pr_last = time((time_t *)0); pe_dat->pr_up = 1; return 0; } } else { if (!recvul(sock,&ultmp)) break; st_dat = find_stagebyid(ultmp,&cl_dat); pe_dat = find_slavebyip(st_dat->sg_serverip); } pe_dat->pr_last = time((time_t *)0); pe_dat->pr_up = 1; /* update log file */ if (msg == SGD_MSG_OK) joblog(cl_dat,st_dat); /* if we should wait for the client to query the status */ if (!st_dat->sg_nowait) break; /* remove the stage information and possibly client as well */ remove_stage(cl_dat,st_dat); break; /* one of our slaves telling that he's still alive */ case SGD_MSG_PING: { char *s; /* get the slave ip address */ if (!(s = get_peerip(sock,(struct sockaddr_in **)0))) { errlog(LOG_ERR,"m_master_ops() : can't get peername (MSG_PING)"); return 0; } if (!(pe_dat = find_slavebyip(s))) { errlog(LOG_ERR,"m_master_ops() : ping from unknown slave %s",s); return 0; } pe_dat->pr_last = time((time_t)0); pe_dat->pr_up = 1; } break; default: errlog(LOG_ERR,"m_master_ops() : strange message (%d)",msg); return 0; } return 1; } int m_flush_pending(long *timeout) { struct client *cl, *cll; struct stage *st, *stt; int ret; time_t now = time((time_t)0); DLOG_MSG(("m_flush_pending()")); *timeout = stagetimeout; ret = 0; for (cl = clientlist, cll = (struct client *)0; cl; cll = cl, cl = cll ? cll->ct_next : clientlist) { for (st = cl->ct_stagelist, stt = (struct stage *)0; st; stt = st, st = stt ? stt->sg_next : cl->ct_stagelist) { struct peer *pe; /* in fact, according to ANSI the time difference should be calculated using difftime() function which returns a double value, but in unix we know that time() always returns the number of seconds since the epoch, which we can directly use in calculations thus avoiding loading the floating point libraries */ time_t tdiff = now - st->sg_starttime; int i; if (st->sg_status == SGD_STATUS_PENDING || st->sg_status == SGD_STATUS_CONNECT) { /* if all slaves were down, see if one has come up */ if (!st->sg_serverip) { if (st->sg_prserver) st->sg_serverip = find_peeripbyname(st->sg_prserver); if (!st->sg_serverip) { int n = rand() % st->sg_fnum; st->sg_serverip = find_peeripbypath(st->sg_ptfname[n].pf_name); } if (!st->sg_serverip) for (i = 0; i < st->sg_fnum && !st->sg_serverip; i++) st->sg_serverip = find_peeripbypath(st->sg_ptfname[i].pf_name); } /* ok, now we hopefully have an ip address - find the corresponding peer if it exists in our list */ if (st->sg_serverip) pe = find_slavebyip(st->sg_serverip); else pe = (struct peer *)0; /* if the pending time is up, find any running slave */ if ((!pe || !pe->pr_up) && tdiff >= pendingtime) { int m, mm; for (pe = slavelist, m = 0; pe; pe = pe->pr_next) if (pe->pr_up) m++; if (m > 0) { mm = rand() % m; for (pe = slavelist, m = 0; pe; pe = pe->pr_next) if (pe->pr_up && m++ == mm) { errlog(LOG_INFO, "m_flush_pending() : reassigning stage %lu from slave %s to %s", st->sg_stageid,st->sg_serverip ? st->sg_serverip : n_a, pe->pr_ipaddr); if (st->sg_serverip) x_free(st->sg_serverip); st->sg_serverip = dupstr(pe->pr_ipaddr); break; } } } if (pe && pe->pr_up && m_emit_stagerequest(pe,cl,st)) { st->sg_status = SGD_STATUS_RUNNING; if (stagetimeout >= 0) ret = 1; } else { if (pendingtime - tdiff < *timeout) *timeout = pendingtime - tdiff; if (*timeout < 0) *timeout = 0; ret = 1; } } /* is the timeout disabled? */ else if (stagetimeout < 0) continue; /* time to check if the slave is still up with our stage or if we have a finished stage waiting for the client query but whose timeout has passed */ else if (tdiff >= stagetimeout) { /* still running? */ if (st->sg_status == SGD_STATUS_RUNNING) { pe = find_slavebyip(st->sg_serverip); if (pe->pr_up && ping_peer(pe)) { pe->pr_last = now; continue; } pe->pr_up = 0; st->sg_status = SGD_STATUS_CONNECT; errlog(LOG_INFO,"m_flush_pending() : no response pinging slave %s", pe->pr_machname); } /* nope, the client hasn't asked for its status - just zap it */ else { if (stt) stt->sg_next = st->sg_next; else cl->ct_stagelist = st->sg_next; release_stage(st); x_free(st); st = stt; } } /* or just update the timeout for next check */ else { if (stagetimeout - tdiff < *timeout) *timeout = stagetimeout - tdiff; if (*timeout < 0) *timeout = 0; ret = 1; } } /* if the stagelist for a client got empty, destroy client too */ if (!cl->ct_stagelist) { if (cll) cll->ct_next = cl->ct_next; else clientlist = cl->ct_next; release_client(cl); x_free(cl); cl = cll; } } return ret; }