* * $Id: vax,v 1996/03/01 11:39:28 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: vax,v $ * Revision 1996/03/01 11:39:28 mclareni * Paw * * #if defined(CERNLIB_VAX) *CMZ : 2.07/00 24/04/95 16.10.29 by O.Couet *-- Author : J.Bunn 12/01/95 $!======================================================================== $! $! Name : PAW $! $! Purpose : Invokes the required version of the PAW executable $! $! Arguments : See PAW /HELP $! $! Created 25-NOV-1994 Julian J. Bunn $! Mods 7-MAR-1995 Roger Ruber (for UCX) $! 24-APR-1995 Julian J. Bunn (corrections for batch mode) $! $!======================================================================== $ ON ERROR THEN $ GOTO EXIT $ ON CONTROL_Y THEN $ GOTO EXIT $ all_opts = "''p1' ''p2' ''p3' ''p4' ''p5' ''p6' ''p7' ''p8'" $! $! If a site paw_options.com exists, then take override symbols from that ... $! $ if f$search("cern_root:[exe]paw_options.com") .nes. "" then @cern_root:[exe]paw_options $! $! Otherwise, set them here ... $! $ if f$type(root_dir) .eqs. "" then root_dir = f$trnlnm("CERN")-"]" ! The root of the CERN Program Library Tree, minus it's appendage $ if f$type(driver_override) .eqs. "" then driver_override = "" ! "X11" for X, "DGKS" for DEC GKS, "GKS" for GTS-GRAL $ if f$type(TCP_override) .eqs. "" then TCP_override = "" ! "_U" for UCX, "_M" for Multinet, "" for not linked with IP $! ! (no IP means no NETWORK menu in PAW, and, e.g. no PIAF access) $ if f$type(level_override) .eqs. "" then level_override = "" ! NEW or OLD or PRO or blank $ if f$type(plusplus_override) .eqs. "" then plusplus_override = "" ! ++ or blank $ if f$type(transport_override) .eqs. "" then transport_override = ""! blank or TCPIP or DECNET or WINTCP (to create remote displays) $ set symbol/scope=local $! $! Other symbols used in the procedure $ paw_choice = "" ! will be the selected PAW exe $ paw_available = "" ! will be list of PAW exe locally available $ paw_options = "" ! the options to be passed to the PAW exe $ node = "" ! will be the remote node name for remote display $ transport_type = "" ! will be transport to remote node $ display_was_created = "no" $ display_exists = "no" $ create_display = "no" $ help = "no" $! $! First extract any overrides set by the user on the command line $ lopts = f$length(all_opts) $ lpp = f$locate("++",all_opts) $ lip = f$locate("=TCPIP",all_opts) $ lde = f$locate("=DECNET",all_opts) $ lwi = f$locate("=WINTCP",all_opts) $ lnode = f$locate("/NOD",all_opts) $ lx11 = f$locate("/X",all_opts) $ ldgks = f$locate("/D",all_opts) $ lgks = f$locate("/G",all_opts) $ lpro = f$locate("/P",all_opts) $ lold = f$locate("/O",all_opts) $ lnew = f$locate("/NE",all_opts) $ lquer = f$locate("/Q",all_opts) $ lhelp = f$locate("HELP",all_opts) $ lmult = f$locate("/M",all_opts) $ lucx = f$locate("/U",all_opts) $ lbare = f$locate("/NOT",all_opts) $ llist = f$locate("/L",all_opts) $ if lx11 .ne. lopts then driver_override = "X11" $ if ldgks .ne. lopts then driver_override = "DGKS" $ if lgks .ne. lopts then driver_override = "GKS" $ if lnew .ne. lopts then level_override = "NEW" $ if lold .ne. lopts then level_override = "OLD" $ if lpro .ne. lopts then level_override = "PRO" $ if lpp .ne. lopts then plusplus_override = "PP" $ if lpp .ne. lopts then driver_override = "" ! driver IS Motif $ if lpp .ne. lopts .and. lbare .ne. lopts then plusplus_override = "P" ! temporary fix for PAWP.EXE ! $ if lip .ne. lopts then transport_override = "TCPIP" $ if lde .ne. lopts then transport_override = "DECNET" $ if lwi .ne. lopts then transport_override = "WINTCP" $ if lquer .ne. lopts then help = "yes" $ if lhelp .ne. lopts then help = "yes" $ if lmult .ne. lopts then TCP_override = "_M" $ if lucx .ne. lopts then TCP_override = "_U" $ if lbare .ne. lopts then TCP_override = "" $ if lnode .ne. lopts then create_display = "yes" $ if lip .ne. lopts then create_display = "yes" $ if lde .ne. lopts then create_display = "yes" $ if lwi .ne. lopts then create_display = "yes" $ if lnode .ne. lopts $ then $ topts = f$extract(lnode,999,all_opts) $ node = f$element(1,"=",topts) $ node = f$element(0,"/",node) $ endif $ cernlib_version = "pro" $ if f$type(cern_level) .nes. "" then cernlib_version = cern_level $ if level_override .nes. "" then cernlib_version = level_override $! $ if help .eqs. "yes" $ then $ gosub help_text $ goto EXIT $ endif $! $ if llist .ne. lopts then gosub select_paw $! $get_connection_type: $ if transport_override .nes. "" then transport_type = transport_override $ if f$trnlnm("DECW$DISPLAY") .nes. "" then display_exists = "yes" $ if display_exists .eqs. "yes" .and. create_display .eqs. "no" then goto get_paw_type $! $!If the user has not specified /NODE or decnet,tcpip,wintcp transport, then use port settings $ if create_display .eqs. "yes" then goto set_display $ create_display = "yes" $ port = f$getdvi("TT","TT_ACCPORNAM") $ lport = f$length(port) $ if f$locate("/",port) .ne. lport $ then $!Terminal cannot be used to get remote machine on user's behalf $ goto get_paw_type $ endif $ if f$locate("::",port) .ne. lport $ then $!A DECnet connection $ node = f$extract(0,f$locate("::",port),port) $ transport_type = "DECNET" $ goto set_display $ endif $ If F$LOCATE("Port:",port).ne.lport ! UCX connection $ Then $!A UCX connection $ port=F$EXTRACT(0,F$LOCATE("Port:",port),port) $ If F$LOCATE("Host:",port).ne.lport $ Then $ port=F$EDIT(F$EXTRACT(F$LOCATE(":",port)+1,lport,port),"TRIM,\ COMPRESS") $ node=port $ Endif $ transport_type = "TCPIP" $ goto set_display $ Endif $ If F$TRNLNM("TWG$ETC").nes."".and.F$LOCATE(".",port).nes.lport ! Wollongong $ Then $!A Wollongong connection $ tmp =F$EXTRACT(0,F$LOCATE(".",port)+1,port) $ tmp2=F$EXTRACT(F$LOCATE(".",port)+1,lport,port) $ tmp =tmp + F$EXTRACT(0,F$LOCATE(".",tmp2)+1,tmp2) $ tmp2=F$EXTRACT(F$LOCATE(".",tmp2)+1,F$LENGTH(tmp2),tmp2) $ tmp =tmp + F$EXTRACT(0,F$LOCATE(".",tmp2)+1,tmp2) $ tmp2=F$EXTRACT(F$LOCATE(".",tmp2)+1,F$LENGTH(tmp2),tmp2) $ tmp =tmp + F$EXTRACT(0,F$LOCATE(".",tmp2),tmp2) $ node=tmp $ transport_type = "WINTCP" $ goto set_display $ Endif $ if f$locate(".",port) .ne. lport $ then $ node = port $ transport_type = "TCPIP" $ goto set_display $ endif $! $set_display: $!In this section we set a display if required, prompting for missing information $ if create_display .eqs. "yes" $ then $ if transport_type .eqs. "" $ then $ write sys$output " " $ write sys$output "You can display PAW output locally (LOCAL), on a remote VMS workstation $ write sys$output "via DECNET (DECNET) or to a remote workstation \ via TCP/IP." $ write sys$output " " $loop2: $ if f$mode() .eqs. "BATCH" then goto batch $ inquire/nopun transport_type "Select one of DECNET TCPIP WINTCP \ LOCAL : " $ if f$locate(transport_type,"DECNET TCPIP WINTCP LOCAL") .eq. f$length("DECNET TCPIP WINTCP LOCAL") then goto loop2 $ if transport_type .eqs. "LOCAL" $ then $ create_display = "no" $ goto get_paw_type $ endif $ endif $loop3: $ if node .eqs. "" $ then $ if f$mode() .eqs. "BATCH" then goto batch $ write sys$output " " $ if transport_type .eqs. "DECNET" then inquire/nopun node "Enter the \ DECnet node name : " $ if transport_type .eqs. "TCPIP" then inquire/nopun node "Enter the \ IP name or number of the remote node : " $ if transport_type .eqs. "WINTCP" then inquire/nopun node "Enter the \ IP name or number of the remote node : " $ write sys$output " " $ goto loop3 $ endif $ comm = "set display/create/transport=''transport_type'/node=''node'" $ write sys$output "Creating DISPLAY with : ""''comm'""" $ 'comm $ if .not. $severity then goto exit $ display_was_created = "yes" $ display_exists = "yes" $ endif $get_paw_type: $ pp = plusplus_override $ if driver_override .nes. "" then driver = driver_override $ tcp = TCP_override $ write sys$output "The ''cernlib_version' version of the PAW''pp' ''driver' \ driver for PAW is selected." $ paw_choice = "PAW''pp'''driver'''tcp'" $got_paw_choice: $ pawfile = f$search(root_dir+cernlib_version+".*...]"+paw_choice+".EXE") $ if pawfile .eqs. "" $ then $ write sys$output "The PAW exe called ''paw_choice' is not available." $ paw_choice = "" $ paw_available = "" $ gosub select_paw $ goto got_paw_choice $ endif $ pawcomm = "$''pawfile'''all_opts'" $ set symbol/scope=global $ kxterm:=="CERN:[''cernlib_version'.exe]kxterm" $ write sys$output "Executing ''pawfile'" $ deassign sys$input $ pawcomm 'paw_options' $EXIT: $ if display_was_created .eqs. "yes" then set display/delete/node='node' $ EXIT $HELP_TEXT: $ type sys$input $ DECK The PAW command is invoked as follows: $ PAW[++] [/option...] where "++" invokes the PAW version with the Motif user interface. The allowed qualifiers are as follows: /OLD Selects an executable from the OLD CERN Library /PRO Selects an executable from the PRO CERN Library /NEW Selects an executable from the NEW CERN Library /X11 Selects the X11 driver for X Window displays /DGKS Selects the DEC GKS driver /GKS Selects the GTS-GRAL GKS driver /MULTINET Selects an executable linked with Multinet TCP/IP /UCX Selects an executable linked with DEC TCP/IP (UCX) /NOTCPIP Selects an executable without IP (no NETWORK commands) /TRANSPORT= These qualifiers are used to set the display to a /NODE= remote DECNET or IP connected workstation. /LIST Lists the available PAW EXE files on the system /HELP Displays this help There are some defaults that have already been set for you. They are: $ EOD $ if level_override .nes. "" then - write sys$output " The ''level_override' versions of PAW" $ if plusplus_override .eqs. "PP" then - write sys$output " the PAW++ Motif user interface" $ if driver_override .nes. "" then - write sys$output " The driver for ''driver_override'" $ if TCP_override .eqs. "_M" then - write sys$output " Linked with Multinet" $ if TCP_override .eqs. "_U" then - write sys$output " Linked with UCX" $ if TCP_override .eqs. "" then - write sys$output " Linked without a TCP/IP package" $ if transport_override .nes. "" then - write sys$output " Displays to be created over ''transport_override'" $ write sys$output " " $ return $GET_PAW_LIST: $ if paw_available .nes. "" then goto end_get_paw_list $ write sys$output " " $ write sys$output "Listing available versions of PAW in ''cernlib_version' \ ..." $ write sys$output " " $loop1: $ pawfile = f$search(root_dir+cernlib_version+".*...]PAW*.exe") $ if pawfile .eqs. "" then goto end_get_paw_list $ if f$locate("PAWSERV",pawfile) .ne. f$length(pawfile) then goto loop1 $ is = f$locate("]PAW",pawfile) + 1 $ pawfile = f$extract(is,999,pawfile) $ pawfile = f$extract(0,f$locate(".EXE",pawfile),pawfile) $ paw_type = "Unknown" $ if pawfile .eqs. "PAWPP" then paw_type = "PAW++ with no TCP/IP" $ if pawfile .eqs. "PAWPP_M" then paw_type = "PAW++ linked with Multinet" $ if pawfile .eqs. "PAWPP_U" then paw_type = "PAW++ linked with UCX" $ if pawfile .eqs. "PAWPP_W" then paw_type = "PAW++ linked with Wollongong" $ if pawfile .eqs. "PAWX11" then paw_type = "PAW for X11 with no TCP/IP" $ if pawfile .eqs. "PAWX11_M" then paw_type = "PAW for X11 linked with \ Multinet" $ if pawfile .eqs. "PAWX11_U" then paw_type = "PAW for X11 linked with UCX" $ if pawfile .eqs. "PAWX11_W" then paw_type = "PAW for X11 linked with \ Wollongong" $ if pawfile .eqs. "PAWDGKS" then paw_type = "PAW with DEC GKS and no TCP/IP" $ if pawfile .eqs. "PAWDGKS_M" then paw_type = "PAW with DEC GKS and linked \ with Multinet" $ if pawfile .eqs. "PAWDGKS_U" then paw_type = "PAW with DEC GKS and linked \ with UCX" $ if pawfile .eqs. "PAWDGKS_W" then paw_type = "PAW with DEC GKS and linked \ with Wollongong" $ write sys$output "*** File ''pawfile' which is ''paw_type'" $ paw_available = paw_available + " " + pawfile $ goto loop1 $end_get_paw_list: $ return $SELECT_PAW: $start_select_paw: $ gosub get_paw_list $ write sys$output " " $ if f$mode() .eqs. "BATCH" then goto batch $ inquire/nopun paw_choice "Select the PAW version you require from the \ above list (or QUIT) : " $ if f$extract(0,1,paw_choice) .eqs. "Q" then goto EXIT $ if f$locate(paw_choice,paw_available) .eq. f$length(paw_available) $ then $ write sys$output "''paw_choice' is not in the above list !" $ goto start_select_paw $ endif $end_select_paw: $ driver_override = "" $ tcp_override = "" $ plusplus_override = "" $ lpawc = f$length(paw_choice) $ if f$locate("X11",paw_choice) .ne. lpawc then driver_override = "X11" $ if f$locate("GKS",paw_choice) .ne. lpawc then driver_override = "GKS" $ if f$locate("DGKS",paw_choice) .ne. lpawc then driver_override = "DGKS" $ if f$locate("_U",paw_choice) .ne. lpawc then tcp_override = "_U" $ if f$locate("_M",paw_choice) .ne. lpawc then tcp_override = "_M" $ if f$locate("_W",paw_choice) .ne. lpawc then tcp_override = "_W" $ if f$locate("_",paw_choice) .eq. lpawc then tcp_override = "" $ if f$locate("PP",paw_choice) .ne. lpawc then plusplus_override = "PP" $ if f$locate("PP",paw_choice) .ne. lpawc then driver_override = "" $ if paw_choice .eqs. "PAWP" ! temporary fix for bad naming convention $ then $ plusplus_override = "P" $ driver_override = "" $ tcp_override = "" $ endif $ return $ $BATCH: $ copy sys$input sys$output PAW requires additional information on the command line before it can be run in batch. For example, you may need to specify the remote display device with /NODE and /TRANSPORT (or use SET DISPLAY/CREATE prior to calling PAW in the batch job). $ exit #endif