/* * $Id: pstage.c,v 1.3 1996/04/25 07:53:06 dinofm Exp $ * * $Log: pstage.c,v $ * Revision 1.3 1996/04/25 07:53:06 dinofm * VAX/VMS code wiped out. * * Revision 1.2 1996/04/02 21:54:00 thakulin * Changed pfstagerd.h and piaf.h include file paths. * * Revision 1996/03/01 11:39:28 mclareni * Paw * */ #include "paw/pilot.h" /*CMZ : 30/01/96 15.44.33 by Timo Hakulinen*/ /*-- Author : Timo Hakulinen 11/08/94*/ /************************************************************************* * * pstage.c * * author: Timo Hakulinen, CERN / CN * date: 11/8/94 * *************************************************************************/ /* PSTAGE is tested in pfstagerd.h, so this line must come first */ #define PSTAGE pstage_ #include "stagerd/pfstagerd.h" #include "piaf.h" /* messages to pass */ static char *sgd_msg[] = { "msg_none", "msg_error", "msg_ok", "msg_stage", "msg_status", "msg_init", "msg_ping", "msg_forget", "msg_trans", (char *)0 }; /* file types */ static char *sgd_ftyp[] = { "ftyp_none", "ftyp_local", "ftyp_tape", "ftyp_fatmen", (char *)0 }; /* stage statuses */ static char *sgd_status[] = { "status_none", "status_error", "status_done", "status_running", "status_pending", "status_connect", (char *)0 }; static int x_recv(int sock,char *buf,size_t len) { size_t n; int nn, ret; ret = 1; for (n = 0; n < len; n += (size_t)nn) { errno = 0; while ((nn = recv(sock,&buf[n],len - n,0)) <= 0) { if (nn == 0) goto end; piafl_error("x_recv() : recv returns <= 0"); if (errno == EINTR) continue; errno = 0; ret = 0; goto end; } } end:; return ret; } static int x_send(int sock,char *buf,size_t len) { size_t n; int nn; for (n = 0; n < len; n += (size_t)nn) { errno = 0; if ((nn = send(sock,&buf[n],len - n,0)) <= 0) { piafl_error("x_send() : send returns <= 0"); if (errno == EINTR) continue; errno = 0; return 0; } } return 1; } static int recvul(int sock,unsigned long *ul) { char buf[MAX_ULSTR + 1]; if (!x_recv(sock,buf,sizeof buf)) { return 0; } *ul = strtoul(buf,(char **)0,10); return 1; } static int sendul(int sock,unsigned long ul) { char buf[MAX_ULSTR + 1]; sprintf(buf,"%lu",ul); if (!x_send(sock,buf,sizeof buf)) { return 0; } return 1; } static int sendstr(int sock,char *s) { size_t len = s ? strlen(s) : 0; if (!sendul(sock,(unsigned long)len)) return 0; if (len > 0) { if (!x_send(sock,s,len)) { return 0; } } return 1; } static int recvstr(int sock,char **s,size_t *len) { unsigned long ultmp; if (!recvul(sock,&ultmp)) return 0; *len = (size_t)ultmp; if (*s) free(*s); if (*len > 0) { *s = (char *)malloc(*len + 1); if (!x_recv(sock,*s,*len)) { return 0; } (*s)[*len] = '\0'; } else *s = (char *)0; return 1; } static int recvmstr(int sock,char **s) { char buf[MAX_MSGSTR + 1]; unsigned long ultmp; int i; size_t len; if (!recvul(sock,&ultmp)) return -1; len = (size_t)ultmp; if (len == 0 || len > MAX_MSGSTR) { piafl_error("recvmstr() : bad len"); return -1; } if (!x_recv(sock,buf,len)) { return -1; } buf[len] = '\0'; for (i = 0; s[i]; i++) if (!strcmp(s[i],buf)) return i; piafl_error("recvmstr() : unknown message"); return -1; } /* * Send the full client information. */ static int put_client(int sock,struct client *cl_dat) { /* user name */ if (!sendstr(sock,cl_dat->ct_username)) return 0; /* machine name */ if (!sendstr(sock,cl_dat->ct_machname)) return 0; /* ip address */ if (!sendstr(sock,cl_dat->ct_ipaddr)) return 0; /* ftp user name (optional) */ if (!sendstr(sock,cl_dat->ct_fusername)) return 0; /* user password on the client (optional) */ if (!sendstr(sock,cl_dat->ct_passwd)) return 0; /* client id */ if (!sendul(sock,cl_dat->ct_clientid)) return 0; return 1; } /* * Send the full specs of the file to be staged. */ static int put_stage(int sock,struct stage *st_dat) { int i; /* the source file */ if (!sendstr(sock,st_dat->sg_sfname)) return 0; /* the target file (optional) */ if (!sendstr(sock,st_dat->sg_tfname)) return 0; /* name of the preferred staging server (optional) */ if (!sendstr(sock,st_dat->sg_prserver)) return 0; /* file type */ if (!send_ftyp(sock,st_dat->sg_ftyp)) return 0; /* file size */ if (!sendul(sock,st_dat->sg_fsiz)) return 0; /* nowait flag */ if (!sendul(sock,st_dat->sg_nowait)) return 0; /* number of file stripes */ if (!sendul(sock,(unsigned long)st_dat->sg_fnum)) return 0; /* the physical target file(s) (optional) */ for (i = 0; i < st_dat->sg_fnum; i++) { if (!sendstr(sock,st_dat->sg_ptfname[i].pf_name)) return 0; if (!sendul(sock,(unsigned long)st_dat->sg_ptfname[i].pf_nrec)) return 0; if (!sendul(sock,st_dat->sg_ptfname[i].pf_size)) return 0; } /* master ip address */ if (!sendstr(sock,st_dat->sg_masterip)) return 0; /* server ip address */ if (!sendstr(sock,st_dat->sg_serverip)) return 0; /* stage id */ if (!sendul(sock,st_dat->sg_stageid)) return 0; /* queueing time */ if (!sendul(sock,(unsigned long)st_dat->sg_queuetime)) return 0; /* starting time */ if (!sendul(sock,(unsigned long)st_dat->sg_starttime)) return 0; /* ending time */ if (!sendul(sock,(unsigned long)st_dat->sg_endtime)) return 0; /* the original target file */ if (!sendstr(sock,st_dat->sg_otfname)) return 0; /* the physical source file (optional) */ if (!sendstr(sock,st_dat->sg_psfname)) return 0; /* how much of the file transferred */ if (!sendul(sock,st_dat->sg_fdone)) return 0; /* status indicator */ if (!send_status(sock,st_dat->sg_status)) return 0; /* stager return code */ if (!sendul(sock,(unsigned long)st_dat->sg_retcode)) return 0; /* the slavelist (optional) */ if (!sendstr(sock,st_dat->sg_slavelist)) return 0; return 1; } /* * Send the client information. */ static int put_clientspecs(int sock,struct client *cl_dat) { if (!put_client(sock,cl_dat)) return 0; return 1; } /* * Send the specs of the file to be staged. */ static int put_stagespecs(int sock,struct stage *st_dat) { if (!put_stage(sock,st_dat)) return 0; return 1; } /* * Cipher user password. */ static char * cpass(char *s) { static char mask[] = { '\241','\212','\307','\266','w','\375','^','\303','{','Z', '\327','\357','-','\210','\353','\347','\217','.','t','\212', '\374','\241','z','d','\327','\271','\255','\267','.','\3', '\320','\317','\215','\230','\206','\5','\225','\344','\310','\20' }; static char buf[MAX_PASSWD + 1]; int i, lpw; unsigned int seed = 0; /* cipher it */ lpw = strlen(s); /* generate a 'unique' seed based on the password */ for (i = 0; i < lpw; i++) seed += (unsigned int)((s[i] & 0xff) * (i + 1)); srand(seed); for (i = 0; i < MAX_PASSWD; i++) buf[i] = (mask[i] ^ (i <= lpw ? s[i] : rand())) & 0xff; buf[MAX_PASSWD] = '\0'; return buf; } static char *masterip, *client_ip, *client_host, *client_user, *client_pass; static int masterport; static int stage_connect() { struct sockaddr_in addr; int sock, so = 1; memset((void *)&addr,0,sizeof addr); addr.sin_family = AF_INET; addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(masterip); addr.sin_port = htons(masterport); if ((sock = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0)) < 0) { piafl_error("stage_connect() : socket error"); return -1; } if (setsockopt(sock,IPPROTO_TCP,TCP_NODELAY,(char *)&so,sizeof so) < 0) { piafl_error("stage_connect() : setsockopt error"); goto err; } if (connect(sock,(struct sockaddr *)&addr,sizeof addr) < 0) { piafl_error("stage_connect() : connect error"); goto err; } return sock; err:; close(sock); return -1; } static char * fstrdup(char *str,int len) { char *s; if (!str) return (char *)0; while (len > 0 && str[len - 1] == ' ') len--; if (len > 0) { int i; for (i = 0; str[i] == ' '; i++, len--) ; s = (char *)malloc(len + 1); strncpy(s,&str[i],len); s[len] = '\0'; } else s = (char *)0; return s; } static int query_stage(struct client *cl_spec,char ***lines) { static char conerr[] = " *** Error talking to stager. Status query failed.\n"; int i, n = 0; int sock = -1, msg; unsigned long ultmp; *lines = (char **)malloc(sizeof(char *)); (*lines)[0] = (char *)malloc(sizeof conerr); strcpy((*lines)[0],conerr); errno = 0; /* user id stuff */ if ((sock = stage_connect()) < 0) { piafl_error("query_stage() : can't connect"); goto end; } if (!send_msg(sock,SGD_MSG_STATUS)) { piafl_error("query_stage() : send_msg trouble"); goto end; } if (!put_clientspecs(sock,cl_spec)) { piafl_error("query_stage() : put_clientspecs trouble"); goto end; } if (!recvul(sock,&ultmp)) { piafl_error("query_stage() : recvul trouble"); goto end; } { /* tricks to reuse an already allocated buffer */ char *tmp = (*lines)[0]; free(*lines); *lines = (char **)malloc((ultmp + 1) * sizeof(char *)); (*lines)[0] = tmp; } sprintf((*lines)[0],"Ongoing stages: "); if (ultmp > 0) sprintf((*lines)[0] + strlen((*lines)[0]),"%lu\n",ultmp); else sprintf((*lines)[0] + strlen((*lines)[0]),"none\n"); for (i = n = 0; i < (int)ultmp; i++) { char *buf = (char *)0; size_t len; if (!recvstr(sock,&buf,&len)) { if (buf) free(buf); continue; } if (buf) (*lines)[++n] = buf; } if ((msg = recv_msg(sock)) < 0) piafl_error("query_stage() : recv_msg trouble"); else if (msg == SGD_MSG_ERROR) piafl_error("query_stage() : status query returns error"); end:; if (sock >= 0) { shutdown(sock,2); close(sock); } return n; } static struct client cl_init; static struct stage st_init; /* * Global functions, fortran style. */ void stginit(char *mip,int port,char *cip,char *host,char *user) { if (!mip || !cip || !host || !user) return; if (masterip) free(masterip); masterip = strdup(mip); masterport = port; if (client_ip) free(client_ip); client_ip = strdup(cip); if (client_host) free(client_host); client_host = strdup(host); if (client_user) free(client_user); client_user = strdup(user); } #define CZPUTA czputa_ extern SUBROUTINE CZPUTA(char *,INTEGER *,int); #define CALL_CZPUTA(line,status) CZPUTA(line,status,strlen(line)) SUBROUTINE PSTAGE(char *sfname,char *tfname,char *chopt,char *locl, int len_sfname,int len_tfname,int len_chopt,int len_locl) { static char conerr[] = " *** Error talking to stager. Stage failed.\n"; int sock = -1, msg, i, nowait = 0; size_t fsize; char *pass; struct stage st_spec; struct client cl_spec; if (!client_ip || !client_host || !client_user) { printf(" *** Stager not initialised. Staging not available.\n"); return; } errno = 0; for (i = 0; i < len_chopt; i++) if (chopt[i] == 'N') { nowait = 1; break; } st_spec = st_init; cl_spec = cl_init; /* stage stuff */ st_spec.sg_sfname = fstrdup(sfname,len_sfname); st_spec.sg_tfname = fstrdup(tfname,len_tfname); for (i = 0; locl[i] == ' '; i++) ; if (isdigit(locl[i])) { long ll; char buf1[80], buf2[80]; sscanf(&locl[i],"%ld%s%s",&ll,buf1,buf2); fsize = ll; cl_spec.ct_fusername = strdup(buf1); pass = strdup(buf2); } else { fsize = 0; pass = (char *)0; } if (fsize > 0) st_spec.sg_ftyp = SGD_FTYP_LOCAL; else if (sfname[0] == '/' && sfname[1] == '/') st_spec.sg_ftyp = SGD_FTYP_FATMEN; else st_spec.sg_ftyp = SGD_FTYP_TAPE; st_spec.sg_fsiz = fsize; /* user id stuff */ cl_spec.ct_username = client_user; cl_spec.ct_machname = client_host; cl_spec.ct_ipaddr = client_ip; if (pass || fsize > 0) { if (client_pass) free(client_pass); client_pass = pass ? strdup(cpass(pass)) : (char *)0; } cl_spec.ct_passwd = client_pass; if ((sock = stage_connect()) < 0) { piafl_error("pstage() : can't connect"); printf("%s",conerr); goto end; } if (!send_msg(sock,SGD_MSG_STAGE)) { piafl_error("pstage() : send_msg trouble"); printf("%s",conerr); goto end; } if (!put_clientspecs(sock,&cl_spec)) { piafl_error("pstage() : put_clientspecs trouble"); printf("%s",conerr); goto end; } if (!put_stagespecs(sock,&st_spec)) { piafl_error("pstage() : put_stagespecs trouble"); printf("%s",conerr); goto end; } if ((msg = recv_msg(sock)) < 0) { piafl_error("pstage() : recv_msg trouble"); printf("%s",conerr); goto end; } else if (msg == SGD_MSG_ERROR) { piafl_error("pstage() : stager returns error"); printf("%s",conerr); goto end; } if (nowait) printf(" *** Stage job submitted successfully.\n"); else { #define DEF_STIME 2 unsigned stime = DEF_STIME, unslept; int nstg, running, err; size_t sflen = strlen(st_spec.sg_sfname), outbuflen = sflen + 50; char **lines, *outbuf; float odone = 0.0; INTEGER istat; outbuf = (char *)malloc(outbuflen); do { for (unslept = stime; unslept > 0;) unslept = sleep(unslept); nstg = query_stage(&cl_spec,&lines); running = err = 0; for (i = 1; i <= nstg; i++) { char *l = strchr(lines[i],' '); if (l) for (; *l == ' '; l++) ; if (l && !strncmp(st_spec.sg_sfname,l,sflen) && *(l + sflen) == ' ') { float done = odone; l += sflen; for (; *l == ' '; l++) ; if (!strncmp(l,"completed",9) || !strncmp(l,"error",5)) { err = !strncmp(l,"error",5); break; } running = 1; for (; *l != ' '; l++) ; sscanf(l," (%g%%",&done); if (done > odone) { float rate = (done - odone) / stime; stime = (unsigned)(10 / rate); if (stime < DEF_STIME) stime = DEF_STIME; odone = done; if (strlen(lines[i]) + 20 > outbuflen) { free(outbuf); outbuflen = strlen(lines[i]) + 20; outbuf = (char *)malloc(outbuflen); } sprintf(outbuf,"STAGEW %s",lines[i]); if (outbuf[strlen(outbuf) - 1] == '\n') outbuf[strlen(outbuf) - 1] = '\0'; CALL_CZPUTA(outbuf,&istat); } } free(lines[i]); } free(lines); } while (running); printf(" *** Stage result: %s %s\n",st_spec.sg_sfname, err ? "error" : "completed"); free(outbuf); } end:; if (sock >= 0) { shutdown(sock,2); close(sock); } if (st_spec.sg_sfname) free(st_spec.sg_sfname); if (st_spec.sg_tfname) free(st_spec.sg_tfname); if (cl_spec.ct_fusername) free(cl_spec.ct_fusername); if (pass) free(pass); } void stginfo() { struct client cl_spec; int i, nstg; char **lines; if (!client_ip || !client_host || !client_user) return; cl_spec = cl_init; /* user id stuff */ cl_spec.ct_username = client_user; cl_spec.ct_machname = client_host; cl_spec.ct_ipaddr = client_ip; nstg = query_stage(&cl_spec,&lines); for (i = 0; i < nstg + 1; i++) { printf("%s",lines[i]); free(lines[i]); } free(lines); }