* * $Id: pspaw.F,v 1.3 1996/09/09 12:37:16 couet Exp $ * * $Log: pspaw.F,v $ * Revision 1.3 1996/09/09 12:37:16 couet * - pawcut.inc not used * * Revision 1.2 1996/04/24 09:39:11 dinofm * Graphical cuts having more than 20 points are managed by getting many * 'chunks' of points, each one consisting of max 20 points. * * Revision 1996/03/01 11:39:28 mclareni * Paw * * #include "paw/pilot.h" *CMZ : 2.05/15 27/07/94 13.49.23 by Fons Rademakers *-- Author : Fons Rademakers 07/10/93 SUBROUTINE PSPAW(CHMESS,CHLINE,ISTAT) ************************************************************************ * * * Remote PAW procedure calls from the client to the master server or * * from a master server to the slave server. * * * ************************************************************************ * #include "hbook/czbuff.inc" #include "hbook/hcpiaf.inc" #include "paw/quest.inc" * PARAMETER (MAXBUFLEN = 480) CHARACTER*(*) CHMESS, CHLINE CHARACTER CCHAIN*80, MEMBER*128 CHARACTER*2048 TBUF * ISTAT = 0 * IF (CHMESS .EQ. 'PACUTS') THEN READ(CHLINE,'(I4,I3,A67)') ID, NP, CHSMPF IF (NP .EQ. 2) THEN L = 24 ELSE L = 24*NP ENDIF * IF (L.GT.MAXBUFLEN) THEN *-- The graphical cut has more than 20 points: Coordinates are split over *-- multiple physical data buffer CHBUF. CALL CZGETC(MAXBUFLEN, ISTAT) TBUF = CHBUF (1:MAXBUFLEN) LPTR = MAXBUFLEN DO 111 LREM = L - MAXBUFLEN,0,-MAXBUFLEN LENCHUNK = MIN(LREM,MAXBUFLEN) CALL CZGETC (LENCHUNK, ISTAT) TBUF = TBUF (1:LPTR) // CHBUF (1:LENCHUNK) LPTR = LPTR + LENCHUNK 111 CONTINUE ELSE CALL CZGETC(L, ISTAT) TBUF = CHBUF (1:L) ENDIF *-- Unpack the graphical cut structure from its string form to the native one CALL UNPACKGCUT(ID,CHSMPF,NP,TBUF,IERRP) IF (IERRP.EQ.0) THEN * *-- Propagate cut to active slave servers * IF (MASTPF) THEN DO 10 I = 1, NSLAVE CALL PFCUTS(ID, I, ISTAT) 10 CONTINUE ENDIF ENDIF ELSEIF (CHMESS .EQ. 'PCHROP') THEN READ(CHLINE,'(I6)') L CALL CZGETC(L, ISTAT) READ(CHBUF,'(A80,A128)') CCHAIN, MEMBER * CALL PCHROP(CCHAIN, MEMBER, IER) * *-- Propagate to active slave servers * IF (MASTPF .AND. IER.EQ.0) THEN WRITE(CHSMPF,'(A,I6)') 'PCHROP', L DO 20 I = 1, NSLVPF CALL PFSOCK(I) CALL CZPUTA(CHSMPF, ISTAT) IF (ISTAT .NE. 0) GOTO 20 CALL CZPUTC(L, ISTAT) 20 CONTINUE CALL PSLOOP(NSLVPF, ISTAT) ENDIF * IQUEST(1) = IER CALL PSPLOG(IQUEST(1), ISTAT) * ENDIF * END