* * $Id: pslave.F,v 1.2 1996/09/10 09:20:43 dinofm Exp $ * * $Log: pslave.F,v $ * Revision 1.2 1996/09/10 09:20:43 dinofm * The set of configureded slaves can now be split in two halves, i.e. to * allow to run PIAF only over 4 slaves out of the 8 configured. * The choice of the first or second nodes subset depends on the master PID * being odd or even. * * Revision 1996/03/01 11:39:27 mclareni * Paw * * #include "paw/pilot.h" *CMZ : 2.06/03 04/11/94 15.43.36 by Julian Bunn *-- Author : Fons Rademakers 11/08/93 SUBROUTINE PSLAVE(NSLAV, IDIAL) ************************************************************************ * * * Go into parallel mode with possibly NSLAV slaves. * * On output NSLAV is set to the actual number of active slaves (note * * that this is not the same as the number of running slaves). * * This routine reads the etc/piaf.conf file to see the available hosts * * and tries to start a piafslave on each host (depending on NSLAV). * * * * If IDIAL=1 have a dialog with the client after startup of every * * slave. * * * * For load balancing purposes we also could read the file * * etc/piaf.load which contains a list of nodes in order of increasing * * load. * * * ************************************************************************ * #include "hbook/hcdire.inc" #include "hbook/czsock.inc" #include "hbook/hcpiaf.inc" #include "paw/pchost.inc" #include "paw/pcwk.inc" * CHARACTER*80 CHFILE, LINE CHARACTER*16 CHPORT, CHCLUS, NODES(MXSLPF) INTEGER ISPLIT, ISPOFFS * *-- Trivial case is equivalent to sequential mode * IF (NSLAV .EQ. 1) THEN NSLAV = 0 RETURN ENDIF ISPLIT = 0 ISPOFFS = 0 * *-- Send new initial state to already open slaves joining the group * IF (NSLAV .GT. NSLAVE) THEN DO 5 I = NSLAVE+1, MIN(NSLAV, NSLVPF) CALL PFSOCK(I) CALL PSTATE(I, ISTAT) 5 CONTINUE CALL PFSOCK(0) ENDIF * *-- Check if already enough slaves are running * IF (NSLAV .LE. NSLVPF) RETURN * *-- We need more slaves * NMORE = NSLAV - NSLVPF * *-- Open Piaf config file and read on which nodes slaves may be started * #if !defined(CERNLIB_VAX) CHFILE = CONDIR(1:LENOCC(CONDIR))//'/etc/piaf.conf' CALL PALUNF(1,3,ILUN) CALL KUOPEN(ILUN,CHFILE,'UNKNOWN',ISTAT) #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_VAX) chfile = condir(:lenocc(condir)) // ':piaf.conf' CALL PALUNF(1,3,ILUN) CALL KUOPEN(ILUN,CHFILE,'OLD',ISTAT) #endif IF (ISTAT .NE. 0) GOTO 110 * *-- We expect the lines to have the format 'slave ' (with one blank) * NNODES = 0 10 READ(ILUN, '(A)', END=20, ERR=110) LINE *---- Do we have to split the set of nodes ? IF (LINE(1:5) .EQ. 'split') ISPLIT = NNODES IF (LINE(1:5) .EQ. 'slave') THEN NNODES = NNODES + 1 NODES(NNODES) = LINE(7:) ENDIF GOTO 10 20 CLOSE(ILUN) * * *-- Remove the nodes that already run a slave from the list * DO 50 I = 1, NSLVPF DO 40 J = 1, NNODES IF (SLHOPF(I) .EQ. NODES(J)) THEN DO 30 K = J+1, NNODES NODES(K-1) = NODES(K) 30 CONTINUE NNODES = NNODES - 1 GOTO 50 ENDIF 40 CONTINUE 50 CONTINUE * *-- Remove the bad nodes from the list * DO 80 I = 1, NSLBAD DO 70 J = 1, NNODES IF (SLHBAD(I) .EQ. NODES(J)) THEN DO 60 K = J+1, NNODES NODES(K-1) = NODES(K) 60 CONTINUE NNODES = NNODES - 1 GOTO 80 ENDIF 70 CONTINUE 80 CONTINUE * *-- Now open, if possible, NMORE slaves * NMORE = MIN(NMORE, NNODES) IF (NMORE .EQ. 0) GOTO 110 * IER = 0 PRINT *, ' ' * CHPORT = 'piafslave' CHCLUS = 'piaf' * *-- If we try to start the whole bunch of slaves and the set of nodes has *-- to be split, start the first subset of nodes or the second *-- depending on the master's PID being odd or even. *-- Splitting is not even tried if we there are bad nodes or slaves already *-- running. IF ((NMORE . EQ. NNODES).AND.(ISPLIT .GT. 0)) THEN IF (MOD(MASPID,2) .NE. 0) THEN NMORE = ISPLIT ELSE ISPOFFS = ISPLIT NMORE = NNODES - ISPLIT ENDIF ENDIF DO 100 I = 1, NMORE * CALL PZOPEN(CHPORT,CHCLUS,NODES(I+ISPOFFS),CHVERS,PIAFRC,ISTAT) IF (ISTAT .NE. 0) GOTO 90 CONNPF = .TRUE. * *-- Receive piafslave startup confirmation * CALL CZGETA(CHSMPF,ISTAT) IF (ISTAT .NE. 0) GOTO 90 L = LENOCC(CHSMPF) IF (CHSMPF(1:2) .EQ. 'OK') THEN LINE = ' '//CHSMPF(4:L) ELSE PRINT *, CHSMPF(1:L) ISTAT = 1 GOTO 90 ENDIF * *-- Send user account name, version id, workstation type, protocol level, *-- master's pid and slave id * WRITE(CHSMPF,'(2A16,4I12)') CHUSER, CHVERS, IWK, ISPROTO, + MASPID, NSLVPF+1 CALL CZPUTA(CHSMPF,ISTAT) IF (ISTAT .NE. 0) GOTO 90 * *-- Get motd message (no motd is send by the slaves, just get the empty log) * CALL PFLOOP(ISTAT) IF (ISTAT .NE. 0) GOTO 90 * NCHTOP = NCHTOP + 1 CHTOP(NCHTOP) = NODES(I) CALL CLTOU(CHTOP(NCHTOP)) ICHTOP(NCHTOP) = ISKIN+10000*ISKOUT ICHLUN(NCHTOP) = 0 HFNAME(NCHTOP) = 'Connection to '//NODES(I) * NSLVPF = NSLVPF + 1 SLHOPF(NSLVPF) = NODES(I) SLINPF(NSLVPF) = ISKIN SLUTPF(NSLVPF) = ISKOUT * *-- Transfer initial (i.e. current) state from master to slave server * CALL PSTATE(NSLVPF, ISTAT) IF (ISTAT .NE. 0) THEN NCHTOP = NCHTOP - 1 NSLVPF = NSLVPF - 1 CALL CZCLOS(IST) ENDIF * *-- In case of error add host to bad host list * 90 IF (ISTAT .NE. 0) THEN IER = 1 NSLBAD = NSLBAD + 1 SLHBAD(NSLBAD) = NODES(I) LINE = ' **** Error starting slave server @ '// + NODES(I)(1:LENOCC(NODES(I))) ENDIF * *-- Send result of startup for this slave to client * CALL PFSOCK(0) IF (IDIAL .EQ. 1) THEN CALL CZPUTA(LINE, ISTAT) ELSE PRINT *, LINE(2:LENOCC(LINE)) ENDIF 100 CONTINUE * IF (NSLVPF .EQ. 1) THEN PRINT *,' Could only create 1 slave server, will use', + ' sequential mode' NCHTOP = NCHTOP - 1 NSLVPF = NSLVPF - 1 CALL PFSOCK(1) CALL CZCLOS(IST) ENDIF * IF (IER.NE.0 .OR. IDIAL.EQ.0) PRINT *, ' ' * *-- Reset ISKIN and ISKOUT to talk again from master to client * 110 CALL PFSOCK(0) NSLAV = MIN(NSLAV, NSLVPF) * END