* * $Id: piafs.F,v 1.6 1996/12/10 11:23:12 dinofm Exp $ * * $Log: piafs.F,v $ * Revision 1.6 1996/12/10 11:23:12 dinofm * Call a function to check the disk quota (if used). * * Revision 1.5 1996/09/25 12:39:32 dinofm * Old client warning message has been changed * * Revision 1.4 1996/09/17 08:37:27 dinofm * A constant Fortran PARAMETER was passed to PSPAR which in turn relayed it * to PSLAVE; unfortunately the latter used to manage that parameter as an * output one, thus assigning a new value to a constant. This behavior * caused a crash on the CS2 Piaf. The fix is just to assign the PARAMETER * to an integer variable, then pass the variable instead than the constant. * * Revision 1.3 1996/06/12 09:40:47 dinofm * Allow to change the ntuple cache size according to the configuration file * * Revision 1.2 1996/04/24 08:45:32 dinofm * The PIAF server tag is now correctly set at startup (ISERVERTAG=1). * A warning message is issued if an old PAW client is detected. * * Revision 1996/03/01 11:38:50 mclareni * Paw * * #include "paw/pilot.h" *CMZ : 24/01/96 13.27.09 by Timo Hakulinen *-- Author : #if !defined(CERNLIB_VAX) PROGRAM PIAFS #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_VAX) SUBROUTINE PIAFS(ARGS) include '($syidef)' #endif ******************************************************************** * * * Remote server for the Parallel Interactive Analysis Facility. * * * * The server is started when the PAW command CONNECT is invoked. * * HISTO/FILE commands for files starting with "//piaf" will open * * the Hbook file on the server and subsequent Ntuple operation * * are performed by the server. * * * ******************************************************************** * #include "hbook/czsock.inc" #include "hbook/czbuff.inc" #include "hbook/hcdire.inc" #include "hbook/hcpiaf.inc" #include "paw/pchost.inc" #include "paw/rzcxio.inc" #include "paw/pcargs.inc" #include "paw/pcwk.inc" #include "paw/quest.inc" * PARAMETER(NWPAW=2000000) PARAMETER(ISERVERTAG=1) COMMON /PAWC/ PAWCOM(NWPAW) COMMON /CDBUF/DBUF(10) CHARACTER*80 ARGS CHARACTER*80 VSIZE INTEGER IRET,MAXSLAVES EXTERNAL CZTCP,CZGETA,CZPUTA,FZIN,FZOUT #if defined(CERNLIB_VAX) INTEGER STATUS structure /itemlist/ integer*2 buflen integer*2 itemcode integer*4 buffadd integer*4 retladd end structure record /itemlist/ item_list(2) integer iosb(2) #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_HPUX) ON REAL UNDERFLOW IGNORE #endif * * Get command line arguments, 1st argument is either "piafserv" or "piafslave" * 2nd argument is the directory where the config file etc/piaf.conf resides * #if !defined(CERNLIB_VAX) CALL KGETAR(CHARGS) ARGS=CHARGS I = INDEX(ARGS,' ') CONDIR = ARGS(I+1:LENOCC(ARGS)) ARGS(I:) = ' ' #endif * * ISETUP was done by front-end server; initialize /CZSOCK/ * LUNCZ = 0 LBUFCZ = 270 ISKIN = 0 ISKOUT = 0 IADTCP = JUMPAD(CZTCP) IPROT = 0 ISLVID = 0 * CALL PFINIT * #if !defined(CERNLIB_VAX) CALL PSHOST(CHHOST) #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_VAX) item_list(1).buflen = 15 item_list(1).itemcode = syi$_nodename item_list(1).buffadd = %loc(chhost) item_list(1).retladd = %loc(lchhost) item_list(2).buflen = 0 item_list(2).itemcode = 0 status = sys$getsyi(,,,item_list,iosb,,) if(.not.iosb(1)) chhost = '?????? ' chhost(lchhost+1:) = ' ' if(index(args,'piafserv').ne.0) then args = 'piafserv' else args = 'piafslave' endif condir = 'PIAF_DIR ' CALL VMSSOCK(ISKIN,ISKOUT) #endif * * Tell client that the startup went fine * IF (ARGS .EQ. 'piafserv' .or. ARGS.eq.'PIAFSERV') THEN CHSMPF = 'OK: **** Welcome to the Piaf/QP server @ '// + CHHOST(1:LENOCC(CHHOST))//' ****' MASTER = 1 MASTPF = .TRUE. CALL GETPIDF(MASPID) *1 if (mastpf) then * i = 1 * goto 1 * endif ELSE CHSMPF = 'OK: **** Piaf/QP slave @ '// + CHHOST(1:LENOCC(CHHOST))//' started ****' MASTER = 0 SLAVPF = .TRUE. *2 if (slavpf) then * i = 1 * goto 2 * endif ENDIF CALL CZPUTA(CHSMPF,ISTAT) * * Get the user's name on the client side which we use as name for * the working directory, get the version which is used when * starting the slaves, get the workstation type and the protocol level * CALL CZGETA(CHSMPF,ISTAT) IF (MASTPF) THEN READ(CHSMPF,'(2A16,2I12)') CHUSER, CHVERS, IWK, ISPROTO PIAFRC = ' ' IF (ISPROTO .GE. 1) THEN * * Read the userpass information necessary to start the slave servers * CALL CZGETA(CHSMPF,ISTAT) READ(CHSMPF,'(A64)') PIAFRC ENDIF ELSE READ(CHSMPF,'(2A16,4I12)') CHUSER, CHVERS, IWK, ISPROTO, + MASPID, ISLVID ENDIF * * Divert output socket from stdout * CALL PSDVRT(ISKOUT, MASTER, CHBUF, CHUSER, CHVERS, CONDIR, + ISPROTO, IWK, ISLVID) * * Initialize packages * CALL PAWINT2(NWPAW,'P',0,IWTYP) CALL PAWINT3 CALL KIPIAF(CZGETA,CZPUTA,FZIN,FZOUT) CALL PZCXIO(RZXIN,RZXOUT) CALL PSADDR(NSLAVE, NSLVPF, SLINPF(1), SLHOPF(1)) * * Enter the socket connection into CHTOP * NCHTOP=NCHTOP+1 ICHTOP(NCHTOP)=CLINPF+CLUTPF*10000 ICHLUN(NCHTOP)=0 * * Open FZ buffers; set LBUF and IADTCP in /CZSOCK/ * CALL FZFILE(998,LBUFCZ,'SOC') CALL FZFILE(999,LBUFCZ,'SIOC') CALL FZHOOK(998,CZTCP,DBUF) CALL FZHOOK(999,CZTCP,DBUF) * * If no logins on PIAF are allowed ISLVID = -1 * IF (MASTPF .AND. ISLVID.EQ.-1) THEN IQUEST(1) = 1 CALL PSPLOG(IQUEST(1), ISTAT) CALL PSEXIT(CLINPF) GOTO 999 ENDIF * * Init PIAF version * CALL SETPIAFVER(ISERVERTAG) * * Adjust PAW's VMEM size if required * CALL VMSIZE (VSIZE,IRET) IF (IRET.NE.0) THEN CALL KUEXEC('VMEM '// VSIZE) ENDIF * * Start slave servers * MAXSLAVES = MXSLPF CALL PSPAR(MAXSLAVES, 0) * * Send motd message to client * CALL PSPLOG(0, ISTAT) IF (MASTPF) THEN CALL CQUOTA IF (ISPROTO .LT. 2) THEN * * Send a warning * PRINT *,' ' PRINT *, 'PIAF warning: old PAW client detected:' PRINT *, 'some graphics side effect may occur.' PRINT *,' ' ENDIF ENDIF * * Main loop on client messages * CALL PSMAIN(CLINPF,CLUTPF) * CALL PSEXIT(CLINPF) * * Force loading of dummy definitions * CALL PSDUMM CALL PAEXIT * 999 CONTINUE END