/* * $Id: style.h,v 1996/03/01 11:39:14 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: style.h,v $ * Revision 1996/03/01 11:39:14 mclareni * Paw * */ /*CMZ : 2.04/15 05/03/94 14.45.07 by Fons Rademakers*/ /*-- Author :*/ /*********************************************************************** * * * style.h: declarations and definitions for the style structure. * * * ***********************************************************************/ #ifndef _style_h #define _style_h #include "axis.h" #include "attstate.h" /* type definitions */ typedef struct Style Style; typedef struct Color Color; struct Style { char *Header; int OFile; int ODate; int OFit; int OStat; int File; int Date; char Fit[4]; char Stat[8]; int Zone[2]; float Angle[2]; char *Label[9]; int Linx; int Liny; int Linz; int Grid; char Ndvx[MAX_NUMBER]; char Ndvy[MAX_NUMBER]; char Ndvz[MAX_NUMBER]; float Ymgu; float Gsiz; float Ygti; float Xmgr; float Xwin; float Xmgl; float Smgu; float Smgr; float Xlab; float Ywin; float Ysiz; float Xsiz; float Ytic; float Xval; float Vsiz; float Ymgl; float Xtic; float Tsiz; float Yhti; float Ylab; float Asiz; float Baro; float Barw; float Csiz; float Hmax; float Errx; float Yval; float Hcol; float Bcol; float Pcol; float Fcol; float Xcol; float Ycol; float Mscf; int Mtyp; int Ltyp; int Htyp; int Btyp; int Ptyp; int Ftyp; int Dmod; int Ncol; int Bwid; int Hwid; int Fwid; int Pwid; int Xwid; int Ywid; char Cfon[4]; char Tfon[4]; char Lfon[4]; char Vfon[4]; char Gfon[4]; Color *Col; char Ptit[MAX_TITLE_SIZE]; char Htit[MAX_TITLE_SIZE]; char Atit[2*MAX_TITLE_SIZE]; Style *link; }; struct Color { float red; float green; float bleu; }; /* global data */ extern Style *style_root; extern Style *current_style; #endif /* _style_h */