/* * $Id: viewmenu.c,v 1996/03/01 11:39:09 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: viewmenu.c,v $ * Revision 1996/03/01 11:39:09 mclareni * Paw * */ /*CMZ : 2.07/00 18/04/95 17.36.42 by O.Couet*/ /*-- Author : Gregory Kozlovsky 09/04/95*/ /******************************************************************************* Callback functions for View menu. =====================> Author: G. Kozlovsky, 1994 <=========================== *******************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #include "hmotif/uxxt.h" #include "fpanelsh/fplocal.h" #define CONTEXT_MACRO_ACCESS 1 #include "fpanelsh/parlineform.h" #undef UxParent #include "fpanelsh/parhdrform.h" #undef UxParent #include "fpanelsh/mainpanel.h" #undef CONTEXT_MACRO_ACCESS #ifdef __cplusplus } /* extern "C" */ #endif /*********************************************************************** Insert a text widget(or a pair) in the chain of constraints. ***********************************************************************/ static void insertTextFields(Widget newlft, Widget newrgt) { Widget left, right; if (newrgt == parUppLimitText) { if (steps_shown) right = parStepText; else if (eparab_shown) right = parEparabText; else if (eminos_shown) right = parEplusText; else if (globcc_shown) right = parGlobccText; else right = NULL; left = parFixToggle; } else if (newrgt == parStepText) { if (eparab_shown) right = parEparabText; else if (eminos_shown) right = parEplusText; else if (globcc_shown) right = parGlobccText; else right = NULL; if (limits_shown) left = parUppLimitText; else left = parFixToggle; } else if (newrgt == parEparabText) { if (eminos_shown) right = parEminusText; else if (globcc_shown) right = parGlobccText; else right = NULL; if (steps_shown) left = parStepText; else if (limits_shown) left = parUppLimitText; else left = parFixToggle; } else if (newrgt == parEplusText) { if (globcc_shown) right = parGlobccText; else right = NULL; if (eparab_shown) left = parEparabText; else if (steps_shown) left = parStepText; else if (limits_shown) left = parUppLimitText; else left = parFixToggle; } else if (newrgt == parGlobccText) { right = NULL; if (eminos_shown) left = parEplusText; else if (eparab_shown) left = parEparabText; else if (steps_shown) left = parStepText; else if (limits_shown) left = parUppLimitText; else left = parFixToggle; } if (right != NULL) { XtVaSetValues(right, XmNleftWidget, newrgt, NULL); } XtVaSetValues(newlft, XmNleftAttachment, XmATTACH_WIDGET, XmNleftOffset,0, XmNleftWidget, left, NULL); XtManageChild(newlft); if (newrgt!= newlft) XtManageChild(newrgt); } /*********************************************************************** Delete a text widget(or a pair) from the chain of constraints. ***********************************************************************/ static void deleteTextFields(Widget dellft, Widget delrgt) { Widget left, right; if (delrgt == parUppLimitText) { if (steps_shown) right = parStepText; else if (eparab_shown) right = parEparabText; else if (eminos_shown) right = parEplusText; else if (globcc_shown) right = parGlobccText; else right = NULL; } else if (delrgt == parStepText) { if (eparab_shown) right = parEparabText; else if (eminos_shown) right = parEplusText; else if (globcc_shown) right = parGlobccText; else right = NULL; } else if (delrgt == parEparabText) { if (eminos_shown) right = parEminusText; else if (globcc_shown) right = parGlobccText; else right = NULL; } else if (delrgt == parEplusText) { if (globcc_shown) right = parGlobccText; else right = NULL; } else if (delrgt == parGlobccText) { right = NULL; } if (right != NULL) { XtVaGetValues(dellft, XmNleftWidget, &left, NULL); XtVaSetValues(right, XmNleftWidget, left, NULL); } XtVaSetValues(dellft, XmNleftAttachment, XmATTACH_NONE, NULL); XtUnmanageChild(dellft); if (delrgt!= dellft) XtUnmanageChild(delrgt); } /*********************************************************************** Insert a label(or a pair) in the chain of constraints. ***********************************************************************/ static void insertLabel(Widget newlft, Widget newrgt) { Widget left, right; if (newrgt == parUppLimitLabel) { if (steps_shown) right = parStepLabel; else if (eparab_shown) right = parEparabLabel; else if (eminos_shown) right = parEplusLabel; else if (globcc_shown) right = parGlobccLabel; else right = NULL; left = parFixLabel; } else if (newrgt == parStepLabel) { if (eparab_shown) right = parEparabLabel; else if (eminos_shown) right = parEplusLabel; else if (globcc_shown) right = parGlobccLabel; else right = NULL; if (limits_shown) left = parUppLimitLabel; else left = parFixLabel; } else if (newrgt == parEparabLabel) { if (eminos_shown) right = parEminusLabel; else if (globcc_shown) right = parGlobccLabel; else right = NULL; if (steps_shown) left = parStepLabel; else if (limits_shown) left = parUppLimitLabel; else left = parFixLabel; } else if (newrgt == parEplusLabel) { if (globcc_shown) right = parGlobccLabel; else right = NULL; if (eparab_shown) left = parEparabLabel; else if (steps_shown) left = parStepLabel; else if (limits_shown) left = parUppLimitLabel; else left = parFixLabel; } else if (newrgt == parGlobccLabel) { right = NULL; if (eminos_shown) left = parEplusLabel; else if (eparab_shown) left = parEparabLabel; else if (steps_shown) left = parStepLabel; else if (limits_shown) left = parUppLimitLabel; else left = parFixLabel; } if (right != NULL) { XtVaSetValues(right, XmNleftWidget, newrgt, NULL); } XtVaSetValues(newlft, XmNleftAttachment, XmATTACH_WIDGET, XmNleftOffset,0, XmNleftWidget, left, NULL); XtManageChild(newlft); if (newrgt!= newlft) XtManageChild(newrgt); } /*********************************************************************** Delete a label(or a pair) from the chain of constraints. ***********************************************************************/ static void deleteLabel(Widget dellft, Widget delrgt) { Widget left, right; if (delrgt == parUppLimitLabel) { if (steps_shown) right = parStepLabel; else if (eparab_shown) right = parEparabLabel; else if (eminos_shown) right = parEplusLabel; else if (globcc_shown) right = parGlobccLabel; else right = NULL; } else if (delrgt == parStepLabel) { if (eparab_shown) right = parEparabLabel; else if (eminos_shown) right = parEplusLabel; else if (globcc_shown) right = parGlobccLabel; else right = NULL; } else if (delrgt == parEparabLabel) { if (eminos_shown) right = parEminusLabel; else if (globcc_shown) right = parGlobccLabel; else right = NULL; } else if (delrgt == parEplusLabel) { if (globcc_shown) right = parGlobccLabel; else right = NULL; } else if (delrgt == parGlobccLabel) { right = NULL; } if (right != NULL) { XtVaGetValues(dellft, XmNleftWidget, &left, NULL); XtVaSetValues(right, XmNleftWidget, left, NULL); } XtVaSetValues(dellft, XmNleftAttachment, XmATTACH_NONE, NULL); XtUnmanageChild(dellft); if (delrgt!= dellft) XtUnmanageChild(delrgt); } /*********************************************************************** Set optional text fields of a parameter line. ***********************************************************************/ void setLineView(void *plct) { UxParLineFormContext = (_UxCparLineForm *)plct; UxMainPanelShellContext = (_UxCmainPanelShell *)mainctxt; /****** insert optional text fields *****/ if (limits_shown) { insertTextFields(parLowLimitText,parUppLimitText); } if (steps_shown) { insertTextFields(parStepText,parStepText); } if (eparab_shown) { insertTextFields(parEparabText,parEparabText); } if (eminos_shown) { insertTextFields(parEminusText,parEplusText); } if (globcc_shown) { insertTextFields(parGlobccText,parGlobccText); } } /*********************************************************************** Toggle limits fields display in the parameter lines. ***********************************************************************/ void callbackViewLimits( Widget widget, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer call_data) { int iline; Widget left,right; UxMainPanelShellContext = (_UxCmainPanelShell *) client_data; limits_shown = XmToggleButtonGadgetGetState(viewMenuLimits); resizeParForm(UxMainPanelShellContext); UxParHeaderFormContext = (_UxCparHeaderForm *) UxGetContext(parHeader); if (limits_shown) { insertLabel(parLowLimitLabel,parUppLimitLabel); } else { deleteLabel(parLowLimitLabel,parUppLimitLabel); } for (iline=0; iline /********************************************************************** Compute preferred sizes of parameter lines elements. The sizes are kept as interface-specific variables. **********************************************************************/ void queryPreferredSizes(void *mctxt) { XtWidgetGeometry prefGeom; Dimension wNumberLabel; UxMainPanelShellContext = (_UxCmainPanelShell *) mctxt; if (parLines[0]==NULL) return; /****** compute preferred sizes of the line elements ******/ UxParHeaderFormContext = (_UxCparHeaderForm *) UxGetContext(parHeader); UxParLineFormContext = (_UxCparLineForm *) UxGetContext(parLines[0]); /****** query heights for parLine elements ******/ /* the line height is defined by the parNameText widget */ utlQueryDimensions(parNameText,&wNameText,&hNameText); utlQueryDimensions(parBotSeparator,NULL,&hBotSeparator); utlQueryDimensions(parTopSeparator,NULL,&hTopSeparator); wScaleAdjustButton = hNameText/2; /****** query widths for labels ******/ utlQueryDimensions(parNumberValueLabel,&wNumberValue,NULL); utlQueryDimensions(parNumberLabel,&wNumberLabel,NULL); wNumberValue = max(wNumberValue,wNumberLabel); /*utlQueryDimensions(parScale,&wScale,NULL);*/ wScale = scaleMinWidth; utlQueryDimensions(parValueText,&wValueText,NULL); utlQueryDimensions(parFixLabel,&wFixToggle,NULL); utlQueryDimensions(parLowLimitText,&wLowLimitText,NULL); utlQueryDimensions(parUppLimitText,&wUppLimitText,NULL); utlQueryDimensions(parStepText,&wStepText,NULL); utlQueryDimensions(parEparabText,&wEparabText,NULL); utlQueryDimensions(parEminusText,&wEminusText,NULL); utlQueryDimensions(parEplusText,&wEplusText,NULL); utlQueryDimensions(parGlobccText,&wGlobccText,NULL); /****** query misc dimensions ******/ utlQueryDimensions(parScaleMinMaxForm,&wScaleMinMaxForm,NULL); /*XtVaGetValues(parBotSeparator, XmNshadowThickness,&parBotSepShadowThickness,NULL);*/ XtVaGetValues(parScrolledWindow, XmNspacing,&dScrolledWinSpacing, XmNshadowThickness,&dScrolledWinShadow,NULL); /***** for some reason spacing is not right *****/ dScrolledWinSpacing += res_data.parScrolledCorrection; utlQueryDimensions(vertScrollBar,&wVertScrollBar,NULL); utlQueryDimensions(horlScrollBar,NULL,&hHorlScrollBar); } /********************************************************************** Set sizes of parameter line elements **********************************************************************/ void sizeParLines(void *mctxt, int istart, int nlines) { int iline; Dimension parActiveMargins; Dimension parActiveIndSize; Dimension parLineHei,parHeaderHei; XSetWindowAttributes attrs; UxMainPanelShellContext = (_UxCmainPanelShell *) mctxt; /****** set sizes of elements of header line ******/ parActiveMargins = hNameText/(Dimension)res_data.parActiveMarginFract; parActiveIndSize = hNameText-2*parActiveMargins; if (istart == 0) { UxParHeaderFormContext = (_UxCparHeaderForm *) UxGetContext(parHeader); XtVaSetValues(parNumberLabel, XmNheight,hNameText, XmNwidth,wNumberValue,NULL); XtVaSetValues(parNameLabel, XmNheight,hNameText, XmNwidth,wNameText,NULL); XtVaSetValues(parValueLabel, XmNheight,hNameText, XmNwidth,wValueText,NULL); XtVaSetValues(parFixLabel, XmNheight,hNameText, XmNwidth,wFixToggle,NULL); XtVaSetValues(parLowLimitLabel, XmNheight,hNameText, XmNwidth,wLowLimitText,NULL); XtVaSetValues(parUppLimitLabel, XmNheight,hNameText, XmNwidth,wUppLimitText,NULL); XtVaSetValues(parStepLabel, XmNheight,hNameText, XmNwidth,wStepText,NULL); XtVaSetValues(parEparabLabel, XmNheight,hNameText, XmNwidth,wEparabText,NULL); XtVaSetValues(parEminusLabel, XmNheight,hNameText, XmNwidth,wEminusText,NULL); XtVaSetValues(parEplusLabel, XmNheight,hNameText, XmNwidth,wEplusText,NULL); XtVaSetValues(parGlobccLabel, XmNheight,hNameText, XmNwidth,wGlobccText,NULL); } /****** set sizes of elements of parameter lines ******/ for (iline=istart; iline clipWindowWid) { /* horizontal bar is needed */ putHorlBar = True; if (parFormHei > clipWindowHei1) { putVertBar = True; } } else if (LineWid > clipWindowWid1) { if (parFormHei > clipWindowHei) { putVertBar = True; putHorlBar = True; } } else /* horizontal scroll bar not needed */ if (parFormHei > clipWindowHei) { putVertBar = True; } /****** compute and set the width of parForm ******/ if (putVertBar) visibleWid = clipWindowWid1; else visibleWid = clipWindowWid; parFormWid = max(LineWid,visibleWid); wScale = scaleMinWidth + parFormWid - LineWid; /* Dimension=unsigned short, therefore this trick is needed */ xScaleMinMaxInt = wNumberValue + wNameText + (wScale-wScaleMinMaxForm)/2; xScaleMinMax = (Dimension)max(0,xScaleMinMaxInt); parFormWidPix = XmConvertUnits(parForm, XmHORIZONTAL,Xm100TH_FONT_UNITS,parFormWid,XmPIXELS); parFormHeiPix = XmConvertUnits(parForm, XmVERTICAL,Xm100TH_FONT_UNITS,parFormHei,XmPIXELS); /****** manage parameter lines ******/ for (iline=0; ilinexconfigure.window != XtWindow(parScrolledWindow)) return; resizeParForm(UxMainPanelShellContext); }