Macro Pawlogon * Alias/Create go 'Exec ALL' Alias/Create clean 'Shell clean_demo' Alias/create Waiting 'Call Igterm ; Wait '' '' 3' Color 9 .8 .8 .8 * Mess Mess 'Enter GO to start all the examples (PAWEX and PAWTEST)' Mess 'Enter GO n m to start from the PAWEX n and PAWTEST m' Mess ' - If n>31, PAWEX are skipped' Mess ' - If m>8, PAWTEST are skipped' Mess Mess 'If the third parameter is ''CR'', hitting is mandatory' Mess 'after each macro execution.' Mess Mess 'If the third parameter is ''B'', batch mode is used' Mess 'PostScript files are created.' Mess * Return