MACRO PAWEX18 ************************************************************************** * PAW TUTORIAL EXAMPLE 18 * * Ntuple SCAN and the use of simple selection criteria * ************************************************************************** Exec ALLDEF hi/file 2 aptuple.hbook opt grid opt stat set stat 110 ALIAS/CREATE DIVEP 5 ALIAS/CREATE NATFR 7 cd //PAWC NT/SCAN //LUN2/10 nation=NATFR.and.division=DIVEP _ 10 1 5 age service children grade step hi/create/1d 200 'Number of years at CERN' 35 0. 35. max 200 250 set ndvx 507 set htyp 233 Nt/pl //LUN2/10.Service ! -200 ATITLE 'Years at CERN' 'Number of staff' set htyp 344 Nt/pl //LUN2/10.Service nation=NATFR -200 ! ! S set htyp 144 Nt/pl //LUN2/10.Service _ division=DIVEP.and.nation=NATFR -200 ! ! S close 2 set htyp 0 hi/de 0 zone RETURN