* * $Id: pfpaw.F,v 1.6 1997/10/23 13:00:28 mclareni Exp $ * * The dummy implementation for CERNLIB_WINNT has been introduced * Valery Fine * $Log: pfpaw.F,v $ * Revision 1.6 1997/10/23 13:00:28 mclareni * NT mods * * Revision 1.5 1996/09/18 14:26:09 dinofm * A new PSYNC message has been added to allow the slaves to synchronise * themselves before actually start to send to the client the points * generated by a 2D scatter plot. * Synchronization takes place only among the slaves that are working on * a 'not empty' set of data. * * Revision 1.4 1996/05/06 13:31:00 dinofm * Code modified to take care of empty histograms detection on slave(s). * * Revision 1.3 1996/04/29 09:03:11 cernlib * Replace tabs by white space * * Revision 1.2 1996/04/18 08:41:52 dinofm * A new pseudo-command PLABEL was added to compute the union of the labels * set found by slaves (and broadcast it back) * * Revision 1996/03/01 11:38:46 mclareni * Paw * * #include "paw/pilot.h" *CMZ : 2.04/15 11/03/94 20.52.52 by Fons Rademakers *-- Author : Fons Rademakers 12/05/93 SUBROUTINE PFPAW(CHMESS,CHLINE,NSLAV,ISLAV,ISTAT,EMASK) ************************************************************************ * * * Remote PAW procedure calls from the master server to the client or * * from a slave server to the master server. In case a slave calls the * * master, the master in turn makes an RPC to the client and, when * * necessary, relays the output parameter(s) back to the slave. * * * ************************************************************************ * #include "hbook/czbuff.inc" #include "hbook/hcpiaf.inc" #include "paw/pcntwk.inc" #include "paw/pawchn.inc" #include "paw/pccsel.inc" #include "paw/gplotst.inc" #include "paw/pchost.inc" * PARAMETER (MAXDIM = 13) CHARACTER*(*) CHMESS, CHLINE CHARACTER*16 CHOPT CHARACTER*80 CHMAIL, CHTITL, CHXVAR, CHYVAR, CHZVAR, CHTVAR INTEGER EMASK INTEGER NTSTOP, INIWRK, ENDWRK, INIPAN, PMASK, SYMASK, TMASK INTEGER LENCHUNK,LENTOT,LREM,MAXBUFLEN,LGETUS,LABELCNT REAL VLOW(MAXDIM), VUP(MAXDIM) SAVE NTSTOP,INIWRK,ENDWRK,INIPAN,VLOW,VUP,PMASK,SYMASK #ifdef CERNLIB_WINNT END #else * ISTAT = 0 * IF (CHMESS .EQ. 'PPROJ0') THEN * * Here we calculate the upper and lower limits of the default histogram. * The final limits can only be calculated when we have received the limits * from all slaves. Therefore this is a synchronisation point where all * slaves have to wait. After the limits are calculated they are multicasted * back to all slaves. This dialog is only between the slaves and the master. * Never between the master and the client. * INIT = 0 IF (2**NSLAV-1 .EQ. SMASK) INIT = 1 * READ(CHLINE,'(I12)') NVAR CALL CZGETC(NVAR*30, ISTAT) IB = 1 DO 10 I = 1, NVAR READ(CHBUF(IB:IB+30-1),'(2E15.9)') VL, VU IF (INIT .EQ. 1) THEN VLOW(I) = VL VUP(I) = VU ELSE IF (VL .LT. VLOW(I)) VLOW(I) = VL IF (VU .GT. VUP(I)) VUP(I) = VU ENDIF IB = IB + 30 10 CONTINUE * CALL PFMASK(ISLAV, SMASK, 0) IF (SMASK .EQ. 0) THEN IB = 1 DO 20 I = 1, NVAR WRITE(CHBUF(IB:IB+30-1),'(2E15.9)') VLOW(I), VUP(I) IB = IB + 30 20 CONTINUE * DO 30 I = 1, NSLAV CALL PFSOCK(I) CALL CZPUTC(NVAR*30, ISTAT) 30 CONTINUE * CALL PFMASK(NSLAV, SMASK, -1) ENDIF * ELSEIF (CHMESS .EQ. 'PLABEL') THEN * * Here we calculate the Union of the sets of labels for character columns. * The Union set can only be calculated when we have received the partial sets * from all slaves. Therefore this is a synchronisation point where all * slaves have to wait. Once the Union set is computed is is multicasted * back to all slaves. This dialog is only between the slaves and the master. * Never between the master and the client. * *-------- Physical length of the communication buffer MAXBUFLEN = LEN (CHBUF) *-------- Read the total length of data READ(CHLINE,'(I12)') LENTOT * IF ( 2**NSLAV-1 .EQ. PMASK ) THEN *----------- 1st time: allocate the Union set using kind of approximated *----------- estimate of total no. of labels... CALL INITUS (1024) ENDIF *-------- Read the physical buffers (for this slave) and add the *-------- 'decoded' content to the Union set DO 111 LREM = LENTOT , 0, -MAXBUFLEN LENCHUNK = MIN(LREM,MAXBUFLEN) CALL CZGETC (LENCHUNK, ISTAT) *----------- Add labels to the Union Set CALL ADDUS (CHBUF (1:LENCHUNK), LENCHUNK) 111 CONTINUE * CALL PFMASK(ISLAV, PMASK, 0) IF (PMASK .EQ. 0) THEN *----------- All slaves sent their partial sets. Multicast the Union set back *----------- Compute the lenght of the Union set as a string LENTOT = LGETUS() WRITE (CHSMPF,'(I12)') LENTOT *----------- Send total length of the Union as a string to each slave DO 112 I = 1, NSLAV CALL PFSOCK(I) CALL CZPUTA (CHSMPF,ISTAT) 112 CONTINUE *----------- Compose the buffers required and multicast them to slaves LABELCNT = 0 DO 114 LREM = LENTOT, 0, -MAXBUFLEN LENCHUNK = MAXBUFLEN CALL CGETUS (CHBUF,LENCHUNK,LABELCNT) DO 113 I = 1, NSLAV CALL PFSOCK(I) CALL CZPUTC(LENCHUNK, ISTAT) 113 CONTINUE 114 CONTINUE * CALL PFMASK(NSLAV, PMASK, -1) *----------- Deallocate the Union set CALL RELUS ENDIF * ELSEIF (CHMESS .EQ. 'PEMPTY') THEN * * If a slave produces an empty plot it notifies this to the master * The master counts how many slaves sent such a notification. If all * slaves did, the master relays the notification to the client. * The client handle the notification in the same way the new QP would. * L = LENOCC (CHLINE) IF (MASTPF) THEN CALL PFMASK(ISLAV, EMASK, 0) IF (EMASK .EQ. 0) THEN *---- Old PAW client can't cope with PEMPTY command IF (ISPROTO.GE.2) THEN CALL PFSOCK(0) CALL PFEMPTY (CHLINE(1:L)) ELSE PRINT *, 'PIAF: no events selected' ENDIF ENDIF ELSE CALL HPLFRA(0.,10.,0.,10.,'A') CALL IGTEXT(5.,5.,'Empty',.3,0.,'C') CALL HPLTIT(CHLINE(1:L)) ENDIF * ELSEIF (CHMESS.EQ.'PSYNC') THEN * *-- Sync the slaves (e.g. before to start writing points in a scatter plot) *-- Note that EMASK is used to take care only of the slaves that are *-- working on a not-empty set of data * IF (MASTPF) THEN CALL PFMASK(ISLAV, SYMASK, 0) IF (IAND (SYMASK,EMASK) .EQ. 0) THEN CALL PFMASK(NSLAV, SYMASK, -1) WRITE(CHSMPF,'(A)') 'RESTART' DO 120 I = 1, NSLVPF TMASK = EMASK CALL PFMASK(I, TMASK, 0) IF ( TMASK.NE.EMASK ) THEN *-- Slave I is 'active' CALL PFSOCK(I) CALL CZPUTA(CHSMPF, ISTAT) ENDIF 120 CONTINUE ENDIF ENDIF * ELSEIF (CHMESS .EQ. 'PNWORK') THEN * READ(CHLINE,'(4I2,5I9,A16)') IMODE, NPASS, IPASS, NTCONT, + NCHAIN, IMINEV, IMAXEV, + MISBYT, IEDONE, CRHOST CALL CZGETA(CFILE,ISTAT) * IF (MASTPF) THEN * * First time IMODE=1 we call PNWORK, after we ignore IMODE=1 * Last time IMODE=3 we call PNWORK, before we ignore IMODE=3 * CALL PFSOCK(0) IF (IMODE.EQ.1 .AND. INIWRK.EQ.0) THEN CALL PNWORK(IMODE) INIWRK = 1 ELSEIF (IMODE .EQ. 2) THEN * * When in master do not propagate to client when client already told * a previous slave to stop. Just tell this slave to stop too. * IF (NTSTOP .EQ. 1) THEN NTCONT = 1 GOTO 50 ENDIF CALL PNWORK(IMODE) IF (NTCONT .EQ. 1) NTSTOP = 1 ELSEIF (IMODE.EQ.3 .AND. ENDWRK+1.EQ.NSLAV) THEN CALL PNWORK(IMODE) INIWRK = 0 ENDWRK = 0 ELSEIF (IMODE .EQ. 3) THEN ENDWRK = ENDWRK + 1 NTCONT = 1 ENDIF ELSE CALL PNWORK(IMODE) ENDIF 50 WRITE(CHMAIL,'(I2)') NTCONT IF (MASTPF) CALL PFSOCK(ISLAV) CALL CZPUTA(CHMAIL,ISTAT) * ELSEIF (CHMESS .EQ. 'PACSEL') THEN * CALL CZGETA(CHCSEL,ISTAT) * * Only propagate the cselect string coming from the first slave to the client * IF (MASTPF) THEN IF (ISLAV .EQ. 1) THEN CALL PFSOCK(0) CALL PACSEL ENDIF ELSE CALL PACSEL ENDIF * ELSEIF (CHMESS .EQ. 'PANT3D') THEN * * 3/4D Ntuple plot * CHOPT = CHLINE CALL CZGETA(CHTITL,ISTAT) CALL CZGETA(CHMAIL,ISTAT) READ(CHMAIL,'(4E16.8)') XLO,XHI,YLO,YHI CALL CZGETA(CHMAIL,ISTAT) READ(CHMAIL,'(4E16.8)') ZLO,ZHI,TLO,THI CALL CZGETA(CHXVAR,ISTAT) CALL CZGETA(CHYVAR,ISTAT) CALL CZGETA(CHZVAR,ISTAT) CALL CZGETA(CHTVAR,ISTAT) LL=MAX(1,LENOCC(CHTITL)) LX=MAX(1,LENOCC(CHXVAR)) LY=MAX(1,LENOCC(CHYVAR)) LZ=MAX(1,LENOCC(CHZVAR)) LT=MAX(1,LENOCC(CHTVAR)) LO=MAX(1,LENOCC(CHOPT)) * * When master server, relay only the first call to PANT3D to the client * IF (MASTPF) THEN IF (INIPAN .EQ. 0) THEN INIPAN = 1 CALL PFSOCK(0) CALL PANT3D(XLO,XHI,YLO,YHI,ZLO,ZHI,TLO,THI, + CHXVAR(:LX),CHYVAR(:LY),CHZVAR(:LZ), + CHOPT(:LO)) ENDIF * * Send back resulting change in /GPLOTST/ * WRITE(CHMAIL,'(4E16.8,I12)') (RMINP(I),I=1,4),ISTCNT INEW = 0 IF (NEW) INEW = 1 WRITE(CHTITL,'(4E16.8,I12)') (RMAXP(I),I=1,4),INEW * CALL PFSOCK(ISLAV) CALL CZPUTA(CHMAIL,ISTAT) CALL CZPUTA(CHTITL,ISTAT) * ELSE CALL PANT3D(XLO,XHI,YLO,YHI,ZLO,ZHI,TLO,THI, + CHXVAR(:LX),CHYVAR(:LY),CHZVAR(:LZ), + CHOPT(:LO)) * * Send back resulting change in /GPLOTST/ * WRITE(CHMAIL,'(4E16.8,I12)') (RMINP(I),I=1,4),ISTCNT CALL CZPUTA(CHMAIL,ISTAT) INEW = 0 IF (NEW) INEW = 1 WRITE(CHMAIL,'(4E16.8,I12)') (RMAXP(I),I=1,4),INEW CALL CZPUTA(CHMAIL,ISTAT) ENDIF * ELSEIF (CHMESS.EQ.'CLEAR') THEN * *-- Reset some flags * NTSTOP = 0 INIWRK = 0 ENDWRK = 0 INIPAN = 0 CALL PFMASK(NSLAV, PMASK, -1) CALL PFMASK(NSLAV, SYMASK, -1) * ELSE PRINT *,' PFPAW:',CHMESS,'?? ' ENDIF * END #endif