* * $Id: pfminmax.F,v 1.2 1996/06/03 13:28:50 couet Exp $ * * $Log: pfminmax.F,v $ * Revision 1.2 1996/06/03 13:28:50 couet * - add pilot.h * * Revision 1996/06/03 15:09:49 couet * Paw * * #include "paw/pilot.h" SUBROUTINE PFMINMAX (RMIN,RMAX) *.==========> *. *. To find lower and upper limit for 1D histo on a PIAF slave *. *..=========> ( Dino FM ) * *-- when running on a Piaf slave server send the lower and upper limits *-- to the master who will then return the final limits, depending on *-- the limits found by the other slaves * #include "hbook/hcpiaf.inc" #include "hbook/czbuff.inc" INTEGER NVAR,IB,ISTAT IB = 1 NVAR = 1 WRITE(CHSMPF,'(A,I12)') 'PPROJ0', NVAR CALL CZPUTA(CHSMPF, ISTAT) * *-- send the limits we found * WRITE(CHBUF(IB:IB+30-1),'(2E15.9)') RMIN, RMAX CALL CZPUTC(NVAR*30, ISTAT) * *-- get back the lower and upper ranges for the variables * CALL CZGETC(NVAR*30, ISTAT) READ(CHBUF(IB:IB+30-1),'(2E15.9)') RMIN,RMAX END