* * $Id: pfclos.F,v 1996/03/01 11:38:45 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: pfclos.F,v $ * Revision 1996/03/01 11:38:45 mclareni * Paw * * #include "paw/pilot.h" *CMZ : 2.04/12 13/02/94 21.37.53 by Fons Rademakers *-- Author : Alfred Nathaniel 01/05/93 SUBROUTINE PFCLOS * * Close the connection to the Piaf server and * remove all remote file table entries * #if defined(CERNLIB_CZ) #include "paw/pawlun.inc" #include "hbook/hcdire.inc" #include "hbook/hcpiaf.inc" * *========================================================= * 1 CONTINUE DO 20 I=1,NCHTOP IF(ICHTOP(I).GT.1000 .AND. + MOD(ICHTOP(I),10000).EQ.CLINPF) THEN IF(ICHLUN(I).EQ.0) THEN * *-- Close socket connection to the Piaf server * CALL PFSOCK(0) CALL PZSYNC(-1) CALL CZCLOS(ISTAT) PRINT *,' *** Connection to Piaf server closed' ENDIF * *-- Remove socket and file entries from Hbook tables (see also HREND) * CALL HNTDEL(CHTOP(I)) LUNIT(ICHLUN(I)) = 0 NCHTOP=NCHTOP-1 DO 10 J=I,NCHTOP ICHTOP(J)=ICHTOP(J+1) ICHLUN(J)=ICHLUN(J+1) ICHTYP(J)=ICHTYP(J+1) CHTOP(J)=CHTOP(J+1) HFNAME(J)=HFNAME(J+1) 10 CONTINUE * IF(I.EQ.ICDIR) THEN CALL HCDIR('//PAWC',' ') ENDIF * GOTO 1 ENDIF 20 CONTINUE CONNPF=.FALSE. * #endif #if !defined(CERNLIB_CZ) PRINT *,' PAW not compiled with communication option' #endif END