* * $Id: pcnext.F,v 1996/03/01 11:38:44 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: pcnext.F,v $ * Revision 1996/03/01 11:38:44 mclareni * Paw * * #include "paw/pilot.h" *CMZ : 2.05/08 08/06/94 17.38.07 by Fons Rademakers *-- Author : Fons Rademakers 14/04/93 SUBROUTINE PCNEXT(IDN, NCHROW, NDIM, NROW, IEND) *.==========> *. *. Get the next chain file, connect the file and load the Ntuple. *. At end of chain, load again the first chain file and Ntuple. *. IEND <> 0 at end of chain. *. *..=========> ( A.A.Rademakers ) * #include "hbook/hcbook.inc" #include "hbook/hcbits.inc" #include "hbook/hcntpar.inc" #include "paw/quest.inc" #include "paw/pawcom.inc" #include "paw/pntold.inc" #include "paw/pawchn.inc" #include "paw/pawcfu.inc" * CHARACTER*80 CCHAIN CHARACTER*128 MEMBER, CHPATH, CHWARN INTEGER PCHEVT LOGICAL HNTNEW * NCHROW = NCHROW + NROW * CCHAIN = ' ' MEMBER = ' ' IEND = 0 NDIM = 0 NROW = 0 ICYCLE = 9999 * *-- get CWD and delete previous Ntuple * CALL HIDPOS(IDN, IDPOS) LCID = LQ(LTAB-IDPOS) CHPATH = ' ' IF (IQ(LCID-2) .NE. ZLINK) THEN NCHRZ = IQ(LCID+11) CALL UHTOC(IQ(LCID+12),4,CHPATH,NCHRZ) ELSE NCHRZ = IQ(LCID+ZNCHRZ) CALL UHTOC(IQ(LCID+ZNCHRZ+1),4,CHPATH,NCHRZ) ENDIF * *-- For memory resident Ntuples the path is not stored in the header. *-- The solution below is not fool proof since the current directory *-- might have been changed in a comis function. In general the usage *-- of memory resident Ntuples should be discouraged in chains. * IF (NCHRZ .EQ. 0) THEN CALL HCDIR(CHPATH,'R') ENDIF * CALL HDELET(IDN) * *-- get next chain entry * 10 CALL PCHNXT(CCHAIN, LC, MEMBER, LM) * *-- if at end of chain then get first entry again * IF (LM .EQ. 0) THEN CALL PCHSET(CURCHN, LENOCC(CURCHN), MEMBER, LM) IEND = 1 ENDIF * *-- open chain entry * CALL PCHROP(CURCHN, MEMBER(1:LM), IER) IF (IER .NE. 0) THEN WRITE(CHWARN,1000) MEMBER(1:LM) CALL HBUG(CHWARN,'PCNEXT',IDN) IF (IEND .EQ. 0) GOTO 10 GOTO 20 ENDIF * *-- CD to CWD and read Ntuple header * ID1 = IDN - JOFSET * CALL HCDIR(CHPATH,' ') IF (IQUEST(1) .NE. 0) THEN WRITE(CHWARN,1010) CHPATH(1:LENOCC(CHPATH)), MEMBER(1:LM) CALL HBUG(CHWARN,'PCNEXT',IDN) IF (IEND .EQ. 0) GOTO 10 GOTO 20 ENDIF CALL HRIN(ID1, ICYCLE, JOFSET) * CALL HFIND(IDN,'PCNEXT') IF (LCID .EQ. 0) THEN WRITE(CHWARN,1020) MEMBER(1:LM) CALL HBUG(CHWARN,'PCNEXT',IDN) IF (IEND .EQ. 0) GOTO 10 GOTO 20 ENDIF * CALL HDCOFL IF (I4 .EQ. 0) THEN WRITE(CHWARN,1030) MEMBER(1:LM) CALL HBUG(CHWARN,'PCNEXT',IDN) IF (IEND .EQ. 0) GOTO 10 GOTO 20 ENDIF * NTOLD = .NOT.HNTNEW(IDN) * *-- set addresses in Ntuple header in which the variables will be restored *-- (normally this is done in PADVAR) * IF (.NOT.NTOLD) THEN CALL HBNAME(IDN,' ',0,'$CLEAR') DO 30 I = 1, NVART2 CALL HNTGET(IDN, VAR(I), INDD, IT, IS, IE, IERROR) IF (IERROR .NE. 0) THEN WRITE(CHWARN,1050) MEMBER(1:LM) CALL HBUG(CHWARN,'PCNEXT',IDN) IF (IEND .EQ. 0) GOTO 10 GOTO 20 ENDIF 30 CONTINUE ENDIF * IF (NTOLD) THEN CALL HGNPAR(IDN,'PCNEXT') IF (LCIDN.LE.0) THEN WRITE(CHWARN,1040) MEMBER(1:LM) CALL HBUG(CHWARN,'PCNEXT',IDN) IF (IEND .EQ. 0) GOTO 10 GOTO 20 ENDIF IF (LQ(LCIDN-1).LE.0) THEN CALL HDELET(IDN) WRITE(CHWARN,1060) MEMBER(1:LM) CALL HBUG(CHWARN,'PCNEXT',IDN) IF (IEND .EQ. 0) GOTO 10 GOTO 20 ENDIF NDIM = IQ(LCIDN+2) NROW = IQ(LCIDN+3) ELSE IDNN = IDN CALL HPARNT(IDNN,'PCNEXT') IF (IDNN .EQ. 0) THEN WRITE(CHWARN,1040) MEMBER(1:LM) CALL HBUG(CHWARN,'PCNEXT',IDN) IF (IEND .EQ. 0) GOTO 10 GOTO 20 ENDIF IF (IQ(LCID+3) .EQ. -1) THEN CALL HDELET(IDN) WRITE(CHWARN,1060) MEMBER(1:LM) CALL HBUG(CHWARN,'PCNEXT',IDN) IF (IEND .EQ. 0) GOTO 10 GOTO 20 ENDIF NDIM = IQ(LCID+ZNDIM) NROW = IQ(LCID+ZNOENT) ENDIF * CFILE = MEMBER(1:LM) * *-- set the total number of rows for IDN in chain * 20 IF (IEND .EQ. 1) THEN NCHEVT = PCHEVT(CHPATH, LENOCC(CHPATH), IDN, NCHROW, 1) ENDIF * 1000 FORMAT('+Cannot open file ',A) 1010 FORMAT('+Cannot change directory to ',A,' in ',A) 1020 FORMAT('+Cannot find Ntuple in ',A) 1030 FORMAT('+Not an Ntuple in ',A) 1040 FORMAT('+Cannot read Ntuple header from ',A) 1050 FORMAT('+Variable not found in Ntuple in ',A) 1060 FORMAT('+Bad Ntuple header (try RECOVER) in ',A) * END