* * $Id: lintra.F,v 1996/03/01 11:38:37 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: lintra.F,v $ * Revision 1996/03/01 11:38:37 mclareni * Paw * * #include "paw/pilot.h" *CMZ : 2.03/13 27/09/93 09.04.53 by Rene Brun *-- Author : SUBROUTINE LINTRA(IDN,NVARJ,NVAR,IFROM,ITO,IVARS,INORM,IOPTP) C C C ****************************************************************** C * * C * * C * operates a linear transformation on original * C * variables. computes eigenvectors and eigenvalues * C * corresponding to the matrix of transformation. * C * punches the fortran code of the subroutine * C * permiting the transformations. * C * * C ****************************************************************** C C #include "hbook/hcunit.inc" #include "paw/pcchar.inc" #include "paw/pclint.inc" DIMENSION IVARS(NVAR) #if defined(CERNLIB_IBM) #include "paw/pcwk.inc" CHARACTER*8 CW #endif * * ------------------------------------------------------------------ * * * INITIALISATION * DO 10 I=1,KNTMA2 AR(I)=0. AM(I)=0. EIGVEC(I)=0. 10 CONTINUE DO 20 I=1,KNTMAX DEIGVA(I)=0. DWORK(I)=0. SS(I)=0. XX(I)=0. XA(I)=0. EIGVAL(I)=0. XSI(I)=0. R(I)=0. S(I)=0. 20 CONTINUE * * print constants of program * CALL LMATOU(1,NVAR,IFROM,ITO,NVARJ,INORM) * *---- compute transformation to hyperplane * CALL LINEAR(XX ,XA ,AM ,AR ,EIGVEC , + EIGVAL ,S ,SS ,DEIGVA,DWORK ,NVAR, + IDN,IFROM,ITO,IVARS,INORM) * * * print of the complete results * IF(IOPTP.NE.0) THEN CALL LMATOU(2,NVAR,IFROM,ITO,NVARJ,INORM) ENDIF C C restore RMS if no normalisation C IF(INORM.EQ.0) CALL VFILL( S(1),NVAR,1.) * * CREATE XTOXSI.FORTRAN ROUTINE * CALL PAWJOJ(IVARS,NVAR) * WRITE (LOUT,10000) NVAR,CHFILE,NVAR * * plot of eigenvalues * #if defined(CERNLIB_IBM) IF(IWK.GT.0) THEN CALL KUPROC('Type CR to continue',CW,NCW) ENDIF #endif CALL LMATOU(3,NVAR,IFROM,ITO,NVARJ,INORM) * #if defined(CERNLIB_UNIX) #define CERNLIB_NAME_FORMAT A8 #elif defined(CERNLIB_VAXVMS) || defined(CERNLIB_APOLLO) #define CERNLIB_NAME_FORMAT A10 #elif defined(CERNLIB_IBM) #define CERNLIB_NAME_FORMAT A14 #else #define CERNLIB_NAME_FORMAT A14 #endif 10000 FORMAT (///,' ==> PRINCIPAL COMPONENTS ANALYSIS :',/, + ' The principal components XSI(1) to XSI(',I2,') can b +e obtained using the function :',/, +30X,'-> ',CERNLIB_NAME_FORMAT,'(I) <-',/ +50X,'with I = 1 to ',I2,///) * #undef CERNLIB_NAME_FORMAT END