* * $Id: linear.F,v 1996/03/01 11:38:37 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: linear.F,v $ * Revision 1996/03/01 11:38:37 mclareni * Paw * * #include "paw/pilot.h" *CMZ : 1.13/01 05/03/92 17.05.08 by Rene Brun *-- Author : SUBROUTINE LINEAR (XX,XA,A,AR,EIGVEC,EIGVAL,S,SS,DEIGVA, + DWORK,NVA,IDN,IFROM,ITO,IVARS,INORM) C C C ****************************************************************** C * * C * * C * purpose * C * linear fits many points in M dimensions to a * C * L-(or lower) dimensional hyperplane * C * i.e. finds the L most significant * C * linear combinations * C * * C * description of parameters * C * XX ORIGINAL VARIABLES * C * XA mean value of each X variable * C * A matrix of the linear transformation * C * AR local array * C * EIGVEC matrix of eigenvectors * C * EIGVAL matrix of eigenvalues * C * DEIGVA double precision eigenvalues * C * DWORK double precision working space * C * NVA number of dimension in input data * C * * C * remarks * C * EIGVEC(M,L) contains the L most significant * C * linear combinations. The significances are * C * indicated by EIGVAL(L1) , L1=1,NVA. * C * * C * * C ****************************************************************** C C C C #include "paw/pawidn.inc" #if defined(CERNLIB_DOUBLE) DOUBLE PRECISION AR,DWORK,DEIGVA,SS,SSQ,T1 #endif DIMENSION SS(NVA),DEIGVA(NVA),DWORK(NVA),S(NVA) DIMENSION A(NVA,NVA),AR(NVA,NVA),EIGVEC(NVA,NVA) DIMENSION EIGVAL(NVA),XA(NVA),XX(NVA) DIMENSION IVARS(NVA) C C C ------------------------------------------------------------------ C C C find dispersion matrix C IEVENT=IFROM C CALL HGNF(IDN,IEVENT,X,IERROR) IF(IERROR.NE.0) RETURN * DO 5 I=1,NVA XX(I)=X(IVARS(I)) 5 CONTINUE * CALL UCOPY(XX,XA,NVA) CALL VFILL(S,NVA,1.) * AC=1. IEVENT=IEVENT+1 10 CALL HGNF(IDN,IEVENT,X,IERROR) IF(IERROR.NE.0) RETURN DO 15 I=1,NVA XX(I)=X(IVARS(I)) 15 CONTINUE * IEVENT=IEVENT+1 C IF(IEVENT.GT.ITO) GO TO 30 AC=AC+1. COR=1.-1./AC C DO 20 I=1,NVA C XA(I)=COR*XA(I)+XX(I)/AC T1=(1./(AC-1.))*(XX(I)-XA(I)) C DO 20 J=1,I C 20 AR(I,J)=COR*AR(I,J)+T1*(XX(J)-XA(J)) C C IF(IEVENT.GT.ITO) GO TO 30 GO TO 10 30 CONTINUE C C DO 40 I=1,NVA SS(I)= SQRT(AR(I,I)) S(I)=SS(I) IF(INORM.EQ.0) GO TO 40 DO 35 J=1,I 35 AR(I,J)=AR(I,J)/(SS(I)*SS(J)) 40 CONTINUE 50 SSQ=0. C DO 60 K=1,NVA 60 SSQ=SSQ+AR(K,K) EIGVAL(NVA+1)=SSQ C IM=NVA-1 DO 70 I=1,IM JM=I+1 DO 70 J=JM,NVA 70 AR(I,J)=AR(J,I) C C SCALE C DO 80 I=1,NVA DO 80 J=1,NVA AR(I,J)=AR(I,J)/SSQ A(I,J)=AR(I,J) 80 CONTINUE C C determine NVA eigenvalues & eigenvectors C CALL LTRED2(NVA,NVA,DEIGVA,DWORK,AR) CALL LTQL2(NVA,NVA,DEIGVA,DWORK,AR,IERR) C DO 90 I=1,NVA II=NVA+1-I 90 EIGVAL(II)=DEIGVA(I) C DO 100 J=1,NVA JJ=NVA+1-J DO 100 I=1,NVA EIGVEC(I,J)=AR(I,JJ) 100 CONTINUE C RETURN END