/* * $Id: ntwork.c,v 1996/03/01 11:38:56 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: ntwork.c,v $ * Revision 1996/03/01 11:38:56 mclareni * Paw * */ #include "paw/pilot.h" /*CMZ : 2.04/15 11/03/94 19.25.08 by Fons Rademakers*/ /*-- Author : Fons Rademakers 03/05/93*/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "hmotif/pawm.h" /* extern functions */ extern Widget create_ntupleWork(Widget); /* extern widgets */ extern Widget km_toplevel; extern Widget messNtWLabel; extern Widget passNtWLabel; extern Widget minNtWLabel; extern Widget maxNtWLabel; extern Widget progressNtWScrollbar; extern Widget chainNtWLabel; extern Widget eventNtWLabel; extern Widget fileNtWLabel; extern Widget hostNtWLabel; extern Widget stopNtWButton; extern Widget stopNtWLabel; /* local data */ static Widget ntWorkDialog; static int interrupt; static int n_pass; static int i_pass; static int imin; static int imax; static int events_done; static int nchains; static int ichain; /*static char mess1[] = "Making 2 passes (lacking xx MB of buffer space).";*/ static char mess2[] = "Making 1 pass."; static char stop1[] = "at next update (no plotting will be done)."; static char stop2[] = "at next update."; /*********************************************************************** * * * User pressed the stop button. * * * ***********************************************************************/ static void stop_cb(Widget dialog, XtPointer cd, XmAnyCallbackStruct *cbs) { interrupt = 1; } /*********************************************************************** * * * Create, init and show the Ntuple Work dialog. * * * ***********************************************************************/ #ifdef vms void ntwork_init(int *npass, int *ipass, int *ifrom, int *ito, int *misbyt, int *nchain, struct dsc$descriptor_s *thost_dsc, int *lh) { char *thost = thost_dsc->dsc$a_pointer; #else void ntwork_init(int *npass, int *ipass, int *ifrom, int *ito, int *misbyt, int *nchain, char *thost, int *lh) { #endif char mess[128], host[80]; float mb; if (!ntWorkDialog) { ntWorkDialog = create_ntupleWork(km_toplevel); XtAddCallback(stopNtWButton, XmNactivateCallback, (XtCallbackProc)stop_cb, NULL); } /* initialize dialog */ if (*npass == 1) { XtVaSetValues(messNtWLabel, RES_CONVERT(XmNlabelString, mess2), NULL); XtVaSetValues(passNtWLabel, RES_CONVERT(XmNlabelString, "Pass 1"), NULL); XtVaSetValues(stopNtWLabel, RES_CONVERT(XmNlabelString, stop2), NULL); } else { if (*ipass == 1) { mb = (float)(*misbyt)/(1024.0*1024.0) + 1.0; sprintf(mess, "Making 2 passes (lacking %d MB of buffer space for one pass).", (int) mb); XtVaSetValues(messNtWLabel, RES_CONVERT(XmNlabelString, mess), NULL); XtVaSetValues(passNtWLabel, RES_CONVERT(XmNlabelString, "Pass 1"), NULL); XtVaSetValues(stopNtWLabel, RES_CONVERT(XmNlabelString, stop1), NULL); } else { XtVaSetValues(passNtWLabel, RES_CONVERT(XmNlabelString, "Pass 2"), NULL); XtVaSetValues(stopNtWLabel, RES_CONVERT(XmNlabelString, stop2), NULL); } } strncpy(host, thost, *lh); host[*lh] = '\0'; XtVaSetValues(hostNtWLabel, RES_CONVERT(XmNlabelString, host), NULL); XtVaSetValues(chainNtWLabel, RES_CONVERT(XmNlabelString, " "), NULL); XtVaSetValues(eventNtWLabel, RES_CONVERT(XmNlabelString, " "), NULL); XtVaSetValues(fileNtWLabel, RES_CONVERT(XmNlabelString, " "), NULL); XmScrollBarSetValues(progressNtWScrollbar, 0, 1, 0, 0, False); n_pass = *npass; i_pass = *ipass; imin = *ifrom; imax = *ito; nchains = *nchain; events_done = 0; ichain = 0; interrupt = 0; XtManageChild(ntWorkDialog); /* make sure updates in work dialog are visible */ ForceUpdate(ntWorkDialog); } /*********************************************************************** * * * Check Stop button and show progressin work dialog. * * * ***********************************************************************/ #ifdef vms void ntwork_check(int *iedone, struct dsc$descriptor *tfile_dsc, int *lf, struct dsc$descriptor *thost_dsc, int *lh, int *icont) { char *tfile = tfile_dsc->dsc$a_pointer; char *thost = thost_dsc->dsc$a_pointer; #else void ntwork_check(int *iedone, char *tfile, int *lf, char *thost, int *lh, int *icont) { #endif Display *dpy = XtDisplay(ntWorkDialog); Window win = XtWindow(stopNtWButton); XEvent event; char file[128], s[160], host[80]; float per; int iper; /* Make sure all our requests get to the server */ XFlush(dpy); /* Let Motif process all pending exporsure events for us */ XmUpdateDisplay(ntWorkDialog); /* Check the event loop for events in the dialog ("Stop"?) */ while (XCheckMaskEvent(dpy, ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask | ButtonMotionMask | PointerMotionMask | KeyPressMask | KeyReleaseMask, &event)) { /* got an interesting event */ if (event.xany.window == win) XtDispatchEvent(&event); /* it's in our dialog */ else XBell(dpy, 50); /* throw away and sound bell */ } events_done += *iedone; /* * when all files processed update progress scrollbar to 100% * and popdown workdialog */ if (*icont) { interrupt = *icont; XmScrollBarSetValues(progressNtWScrollbar, 0, 100, 0, 0, False); /* make sure updates in work dialog are visible */ XFlush(dpy); XmUpdateDisplay(ntWorkDialog); /* do not popdown when whe have to do second pass */ if (n_pass == 2 && i_pass == 1) return; } if (!interrupt) { per = (float) events_done / ((float)(imax-imin+1)) * 100.0; iper = (int) per; if (iper <= 0) iper = 1; if (iper > 100) iper = 100; XmScrollBarSetValues(progressNtWScrollbar, 0, iper, 0, 0, False); strncpy(file, tfile, *lf); file[*lf] = '\0'; XtVaSetValues(chainNtWLabel, RES_CONVERT(XmNlabelString, file), NULL); strncpy(host, thost, *lh); host[*lh] = '\0'; XtVaSetValues(hostNtWLabel, RES_CONVERT(XmNlabelString, host), NULL); sprintf(s, "%d (%d)", ichain, nchains); XtVaSetValues(fileNtWLabel, RES_CONVERT(XmNlabelString, s), NULL); ichain++; sprintf(s, "%d (%d)", events_done, imax-imin+1); XtVaSetValues(eventNtWLabel, RES_CONVERT(XmNlabelString, s), NULL); /* make sure updates in work dialog are visible */ ForceUpdate(ntWorkDialog); } else { UxPopdownInterface(ntWorkDialog); XFlush(dpy); } *icont = interrupt; }