/* * $Id: att_define_color.c,v 1.3 1999/03/01 09:07:01 couet Exp $ * * $Log: att_define_color.c,v $ * Revision 1.3 1999/03/01 09:07:01 couet * - previous commit was wrong * * Revision 1.2 1999/03/01 09:04:22 couet * - ERROR * * Revision 1996/03/01 11:38:53 mclareni * Paw * */ #include "paw/pilot.h" /*CMZ : 2.04/15 05/03/94 14.53.28 by Fons Rademakers*/ /*-- Author :*/ /***************************************************************************** * * * Manage the Define Color Dialog Box * * * *****************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "hmotif/uxxt.h" #include "hmotif/pawm.h" #include "hmotif/attstate.h" #define NBCOLOR 2 #define NBCUE 8 #define rgb_space True /* extern functions */ extern Widget create_defineColorDialog(); extern void ixgetcol(int num,float *r,float *g,float *b); extern void ChangeAttColor(XColor color,int num); extern void UpdateAfterReset(); /* extern widgets */ extern Widget ObjectRow; extern Widget HueScale,SaturationScale,LightnessScale, GreenScale,RedScale,BlueScale, GreenMax,GreenMin,BlueMax,BlueMin,RedMax,RedMin,SaturationMin,SaturationMax; extern Widget ColorIndex,ResetColorBut,DefineColorBut,NcolText; extern Widget DefineColorButton,CloseColorBut,ApplyColorBut,ResetColorButton; extern Display *UxDisplay; extern int UxScreen; extern Widget widget_color,AttColorText; extern Widget DefColorUpArrow,DefColorDownArrow,NcolUpArrow,NcolDownArrow; /* global data */ Widget widget_defineColor=(Widget) NULL; /* global function */ void show_defineColor (Widget w,caddr_t client_data, XmAnyCallbackStruct *call_data); void copy_color ( XColor *to,XColor *from); /* local function */ static void rgb_to_hls ( XColor *color,int *hue,int *light,int *sat ); static void hls_to_rgb( int hue,int light,int sat,XColor * color ); static void put_color_cues (); static void apply_color (int sender); static void MoveScale_cb(Widget w,caddr_t client_data, XmAnyCallbackStruct *call_data); static void ChangeColor(); static void DefineColor_cb(Widget w,caddr_t client_data, XmAnyCallbackStruct *call_data); static void ResetColor_cb (Widget w,caddr_t client_data, XmAnyCallbackStruct *call_data); static void NewColor_cb (Widget w,caddr_t client_data, XmAnyCallbackStruct *call_data); static void NewNcol_cb (Widget w,caddr_t client_data, XmAnyCallbackStruct *call_data); static void ApplyColorDialog_cb(Widget w,caddr_t client_data, XmAnyCallbackStruct *call_data); static void CancelColorDialog_cb (Widget w,caddr_t client_data, XmAnyCallbackStruct *call_data); static void ResetColorDialog_cb (Widget w,caddr_t client_data, XmAnyCallbackStruct *call_data); /* local data */ static Colormap sys_cmap; static int HueVal,SaturationVal,LightnessVal; static XColor EditColor,InitColor; static unsigned long ArrPixels[NBCOLOR+NBCUE]; static XColor cue_colors[NBCUE]; static Colormap OLDCOLORMAP; /***** MODIF ***/ /***************************************************************************** * * * Put attributes in widget_defineColor * * * *****************************************************************************/ void put_attributes_defineColor (char *label,char *value) { int tempint; char *text; float red,green,blue; XmAnyCallbackStruct cb; if (!strcmp(label,"NCOL")) { /* tempint=atoi(value); */ XmTextSetString(NcolText,value); } if (!strcmp(label,"COLOR")) { sscanf(value,"%d %f %f %f",&tempint,&red,&green,&blue); /* if it is the current color update view */ text = (char *) XmTextGetString(ColorIndex); if (tempint==atoi(text)) { cb.reason=0; cb.event=(XEvent *) NULL; XtCallCallbacks(ColorIndex,XmNactivateCallback,&cb); } XtFree(text); } } /***************************************************************************** * * * function which find the rgb number from an index using ixgetcol * * * *****************************************************************************/ void FindRgb(int Num,XColor *RgbColor) { float Red,Green,Blue; ixgetcol(Num,&Red,&Green,&Blue); RgbColor->red=Red*65535; RgbColor->green=Green*65535; RgbColor->blue=Blue*65535; RgbColor->flags=DoRed | DoGreen | DoBlue; } /***************************************************************************** * * * give attributes values from widget_defineColor * * * *****************************************************************************/ char *get_attributes_defineColor(char *label) { char *temp; int colornum; XColor AskingColor; float red,green,blue; if (!strcmp(label,"NCOL")) { temp=(char *) XmTextGetString(NcolText); } else { sscanf(label,"COLOR %d",&colornum); FindRgb(colornum,&AskingColor); red=(float) AskingColor.red/65535; green=(float) AskingColor.green/65535; blue=(float) AskingColor.blue/65535; temp = XtCalloc(MAX_CMD_LENGTH,1); sprintf(temp,"%f %f %f",red,green,blue); } return temp; /* !!!!!!!!!! temp must be free by calling function */ } /***************************************************************************** * * *Copy the RGB components of one XColor to another.(first argument is target)* * * *****************************************************************************/ void copy_color (to, from) XColor *to, *from; { to->red = from->red; to->green = from->green; to->blue = from->blue; } /***************************************************************************** * * * Color conversions rgb to Hls * * * *****************************************************************************/ #define MAXIMUM(r, g, b) ((r>g) ? ((r>b) ? (r):(b)) : ((g>b) ? (g):(b))) #define MINIMUM(r, g, b) ((rred/65535; double g = (double) color->green/65535; double b = (double) color->blue/65535; double h, l, s; double rc, gc, bc; max = MAXIMUM(r, g, b); min = MINIMUM(r, g, b); l = (max + min)/2; if (max == min) { s = 0; h = 0; } else { if (l <= 0.5) { s = (max-min)/(max+min); } else { s = (max-min)/(2-max-min); } rc = (max-r)/(max-min); gc = (max-g)/(max-min); bc = (max-b)/(max-min); if (r == max) h = bc - gc; else if (g == max) h = 2 + rc - bc; else if (b == max) h = 4 + gc - rc; h = h*60; if (h < 0) h = h +360; } *hue = (unsigned short) (h); *light = (unsigned short) (l * 100); *sat = (unsigned short) (s * 100); } /***************************************************************************** * * * Color conversion hls to rgb * * * *****************************************************************************/ #define VALUE(n1, n2, h) ((h < 60) ? (n1 + (n2-n1)*h/60) : ((h<180) ? \ (n2) : ((h<240) ? (n1+(n2-n1)*(240-h)/60) : (n1)))) static void hls_to_rgb(hue, light, sat, color) int hue, light, sat; XColor * color; { double h = (double) hue; double l = (double) light/100; double s = (double) sat/100; double m1, m2; double r, g, b; if (l<= 0.5) m2 = l*(1 + s); else m2 = l + s - l*s; m1 = 2*l - m2; if ((s == 0) && (h == 0)) { r = l; g = l; b = l; } else { r = VALUE(m1, m2, (((h+120) > 360) ? (h-240) : (h+120))); g = VALUE(m1, m2, h); b = VALUE(m1, m2, (((h-120) < 0) ? (h+240) : (h-120))); } color->red = (int) (r * 65535); color->green = (int) (g * 65535); color->blue = (int) (b * 65535); } /***************************************************************************** * * * set all color cues to reflect the current edit_color. * * * *****************************************************************************/ static void put_color_cues () { hls_to_rgb (HueVal, LightnessVal, 99, &cue_colors[0]); hls_to_rgb (HueVal, LightnessVal,0, &cue_colors[1]); copy_color (&cue_colors[2], &EditColor); cue_colors[2].red = rgb_space ? 0 : 65535; copy_color (&cue_colors[3], &EditColor); cue_colors[3].red = rgb_space ? 65535 : 0; copy_color (&cue_colors[4],&EditColor); cue_colors[4].green = rgb_space ? 0 : 65535; copy_color (&cue_colors[5],&EditColor); cue_colors[5].green = rgb_space ? 65535 : 0; copy_color (&cue_colors[6], &EditColor); cue_colors[6].blue = rgb_space ? 0 : 65535; copy_color (&cue_colors[7],&EditColor ); cue_colors[7].blue = rgb_space ? 65535 : 0; XStoreColors (UxDisplay,sys_cmap,cue_colors, 8); } /***************************************************************************** * * * adjust scrollbars and cues to reflect edit_color. * * * *****************************************************************************/ static void apply_color (int sender) { if (sender <= 10 ) { /* rgb have change */ rgb_to_hls (&EditColor, &HueVal, &LightnessVal, &SaturationVal); XmScaleSetValue(HueScale,HueVal); XmScaleSetValue(LightnessScale,LightnessVal); XmScaleSetValue(SaturationScale,SaturationVal); } if (sender >=10) { /* hls have change */ XmScaleSetValue(RedScale,(int) EditColor.red); XmScaleSetValue(GreenScale,(int) EditColor.green); XmScaleSetValue(BlueScale,(int) EditColor.blue); } XStoreColor (UxDisplay, sys_cmap,&EditColor); put_color_cues (); } /***************************************************************************** * * * Manage mouvement of the colors scales * * * *****************************************************************************/ static void MoveScale_cb(Widget w,caddr_t client_data, XmAnyCallbackStruct *call_data) { switch ((int ) client_data) { case 1 : /* RED */ EditColor.red=((XmScaleCallbackStruct *) call_data)->value; break; case 2: /* Green */ EditColor.green=((XmScaleCallbackStruct *) call_data)->value; break; case 3: /* Blue */ EditColor.blue=((XmScaleCallbackStruct *) call_data)->value; break; case 11 : /* Hue */ HueVal=((XmScaleCallbackStruct *) call_data)->value; hls_to_rgb(HueVal,LightnessVal,SaturationVal,&EditColor); break; case 12 : /* Saturation */ SaturationVal=((XmScaleCallbackStruct *) call_data)->value; hls_to_rgb(HueVal,LightnessVal,SaturationVal,&EditColor); break; case 13 : /* Lightness */ LightnessVal=((XmScaleCallbackStruct *) call_data)->value; hls_to_rgb(HueVal,LightnessVal,SaturationVal,&EditColor); break; default : fprintf(stderr,"Error in function MoveScale_cb"); } /*end of switch */ apply_color((int) client_data); } /***************************************************************************** * * * A new edit color * * * *****************************************************************************/ static void ChangeColor() { copy_color(&EditColor,&InitColor); apply_color(10); /* pour init */ } /***************************************************************************** * * * Update the init color with the current edit color : Define color button * * * *****************************************************************************/ static void DefineColor_cb(Widget w,caddr_t client_data, XmAnyCallbackStruct *call_data) { char *ComStr; int NumCol,RVal,GVal,BVal; float red,green,blue; NumCol=atoi((char *) XmTextGetString(ColorIndex)); XmScaleGetValue(RedScale,&RVal); XmScaleGetValue(GreenScale,&GVal); XmScaleGetValue(BlueScale,&BVal); ComStr=XtCalloc(MAX_CMD_LENGTH,1); red=(float) RVal/65535; blue=(float) BVal/65535; green=(float) GVal/65535; sprintf(ComStr,"COLOR %d %f %f %f",NumCol,red,green,blue); red=RVal/65535; blue=BVal/65535; green=GVal/65535; execute_kuip_cmd(ComStr); if (appres.auto_refresh) { plot_current_histo(); } copy_color(&InitColor,&EditColor); /* To Change the Color of the Arrow in ColorSettings */ if (widget_color) ChangeAttColor(EditColor,NumCol); XtFree(ComStr); /* storecolor update-view et apply-init */ } /***************************************************************************** * * * reset original color (copy init to edit color) ; Reset Color Button * * * *****************************************************************************/ static void ResetColor_cb (Widget w,caddr_t client_data, XmAnyCallbackStruct *call_data) { copy_color(&EditColor,&InitColor); apply_color(10); } /***************************************************************************** * * * A new color has been choosen * * * *****************************************************************************/ static void NewColor_cb (Widget w,caddr_t client_data, XmAnyCallbackStruct *call_data) { int ColorNum; char SValue[5]; int Ncol; Widget CurrentObject; TStateObject *data; char *ComStr; ColorNum=atoi((char *)XmTextGetString(ColorIndex)); switch((int) client_data) { case 1: /* UpArrow */ ColorNum++; break; case 2: /* DownArrow */ ColorNum--; case 3: /* the text has been changed */ break; default : fprintf(stderr,"Internal error in function NewColor_cb"); } Ncol=atoi((char *) XmTextGetString(NcolText)); if (ColorNum>=Ncol) { ColorNum=Ncol-1; } if (ColorNum<0) { ColorNum=0 ; } sprintf(SValue,"%d",ColorNum); XmTextSetString(ColorIndex,SValue); FindRgb(ColorNum,&InitColor); ChangeColor(); } /***************************************************************************** * * * Manage the changement of NCOL * * * *****************************************************************************/ static void NewNcol_cb (Widget w,caddr_t client_data, XmAnyCallbackStruct *call_data) { int Ncol; int ColorNum; char SValue[5]; char *ComStr; int AttColor; XmAnyCallbackStruct cb; Ncol=atoi((char *)XmTextGetString(NcolText)); switch((int) client_data) { case 1: /* UpArrow*/ Ncol++; break; case 2: /* DownArrow */ Ncol--; break; case 3: /* Text */ break; default : fprintf(stderr,"Error in switch in NewNcol_cb "); } if (Ncol<8) { Ncol=8; } sprintf(SValue,"%d",Ncol); XmTextSetString(NcolText,SValue); ColorNum=atoi((char *) XmTextGetString(ColorIndex)); if (ColorNum>=Ncol) { ColorNum=Ncol-1; sprintf(SValue,"%d",ColorNum); XmTextSetString(ColorIndex,SValue); /* the callback is going to update color of arrow */ cb.reason=0; cb.event=(XEvent *)NULL; XtCallCallbacks(ColorIndex,XmNactivateCallback,&cb); /* XtCallCallbacks(AttColorText,XmNactivateCallback,&cb); */ } ComStr=XtCalloc(MAX_CMD_LENGTH,1); sprintf(ComStr,"IGSET NCOL %d",Ncol); execute_kuip_cmd(ComStr); if ((appres.auto_refresh) && (call_data->reason != -999)) { plot_current_histo(); } XtFree(ComStr); } /***************************************************************************** * * * Manage the Apply Button * * * *****************************************************************************/ static void ApplyColorDialog_cb(Widget w,caddr_t client_data, XmAnyCallbackStruct *call_data) { plot_current_histo(); } /***************************************************************************** * * * Manage the Cancel button * * * *****************************************************************************/ static void CancelColorDialog_cb (Widget w,caddr_t client_data, XmAnyCallbackStruct *call_data) { XtUnmanageChild(widget_defineColor); XtSetSensitive(DefineColorButton,True); } /***************************************************************************** * * * Manage the reset button * * * *****************************************************************************/ static void ResetColorDialog_cb (Widget w,caddr_t client_data, XmAnyCallbackStruct *call_data) { XmAnyCallbackStruct cb; /* sprintf(ComStr,"IGSET NCOL 8"); */ /* the igset ncol order is doing by the callback */ execute_kuip_cmd("COLOR 0 1 1 1"); execute_kuip_cmd("COLOR 1 0 0 0"); execute_kuip_cmd("COLOR 2 1 0 0"); execute_kuip_cmd("COLOR 3 0 1 0"); execute_kuip_cmd("COLOR 4 0 0 1"); execute_kuip_cmd("COLOR 5 1 1 0"); execute_kuip_cmd("COLOR 6 0 1 1"); execute_kuip_cmd("COLOR 7 1 0 1"); /*cb.reason=1; */ /* ou zero ??? */ if (call_data->reason != -999) cb.reason = 1; else cb.reason = -999; cb.event=(XEvent *)NULL; XmTextSetString(ColorIndex,"0"); XtCallCallbacks(ColorIndex,XmNactivateCallback,&cb); /* Reset Ncol */ XmTextSetString(NcolText,"8"); XtCallCallbacks(NcolText,XmNactivateCallback,&cb); if (widget_color) UpdateAfterReset(); if ((appres.auto_refresh) && (call_data->reason != -999)){ plot_current_histo(); } } /***************************************************************************** * * * Init the Color Dialog Box and PopupInterface * * * *****************************************************************************/ void show_defineColor (Widget w,caddr_t client_data, XmAnyCallbackStruct *call_data) { int i=0,j=0; static MenuCbStruct *menu_a_settings; XmAnyCallbackStruct cb; char temp[6]; float currentValue; if (!widget_defineColor) { widget_defineColor= create_defineColorDialog(); menu_a_settings = make_menuStruct(w, widget_defineColor); InstallMwmCloseCallback(XtParent(widget_defineColor), (XtCallbackProc)cancel_cb, (XtPointer)menu_a_settings); /* setup of colors */ sys_cmap=DefaultColormap(UxDisplay,UxScreen); if ( ! XAllocColorCells(UxDisplay,sys_cmap,False,NULL,0, ArrPixels,NBCOLOR+NBCUE)) { km_inform_user(XtParent(w),"Unable to allocate new \ colors: restart server or close the application using color",""); widget_defineColor=0; return; } EditColor.pixel=ArrPixels[0];EditColor.flags=DoRed | DoBlue | DoGreen; InitColor.pixel=ArrPixels[1];InitColor.flags=DoRed | DoBlue | DoGreen; for (i=0;i