* * $Id: cstypar.F,v 1996/02/26 17:16:33 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: cstypar.F,v $ * Revision 1996/02/26 17:16:33 mclareni * Comis * * #include "comis/pilot.h" *CMZ : 1.18/14 13/01/95 11.35.47 by Vladimir Berezhnoi *-- Author : V.Berezhnoi SUBROUTINE CSTYPAR(IADDR,IPAR,TPAR,ISIZE,NVDIM,IVDIM,IERR) ***-------------------------------- * input: IADDR -- cs-address of routine (iaddr=csaddr('name')) * input: IPAR -- the parameter index * output: TPAR(1:1)='I' for integer * ='R' for real * ='C' for character * ='L' for logical * ='D' for double pr. * ='S or E' for external * ='X' for complex * output: ISIZE -- the size in bytes of the base type, 4 for REAL ... * NVDIM, input: size of IVDIM; output: the number of array dimensions * output: IVDIM for each dimension the range * output: IERR 0-OK, 1- addr is wrong, 2-ipar is wrong, 3- ivdim to small * 4- no info ***-------------------------------- COMMON/MDPOOL/IQ(100) CHARACTER *(*) TPAR,REPL*8 INTEGER IVDIM(NVDIM) PARAMETER (KSDESP=5) DATA REPL/'IRCLDSXE'/ IERR=0 IF(IADDR.GT.0)THEN I=IQ(IADDR+KSDESP) NPAR=0 IF(I.EQ.0)THEN IERR=4 RETURN ENDIF 1 IF(I.GT.0)THEN NPAR=NPAR+1 IF(NPAR.EQ.IPAR)THEN * load info ITPAR=IQ(I+1) ISIZE=IQ(I+2) NDIM=IQ(I+3) TPAR(1:1)=REPL(ITPAR:ITPAR) IF(NVDIM.LT.NDIM)THEN IERR=3 RETURN ENDIF DO K=1,NDIM IVDIM(K)=IQ(I+K+3) ENDDO NVDIM=NDIM ELSE I=IQ(I) GO TO 1 ENDIF ELSE IERR=2 ENDIF ELSE IERR=1 ENDIF END