* * $Id: csterr.F,v 1996/02/26 17:16:21 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: csterr.F,v $ * Revision 1996/02/26 17:16:21 mclareni * Comis * * #include "comis/pilot.h" *CMZ : 1.18/14 27/09/94 13.22.14 by Vladimir Berezhnoi *-- Author : V.Berezhnoi SUBROUTINE CSTERR(IERR) ***--------------------------- * types translater's errors ***--------------------------- #include "comis/cspar.inc" #include "comis/csrec.inc" #include "comis/cspnts.inc" GO TO (1,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17, + 18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30 ,31,32,33, + 34,35,36,37,38,39 ),1-IERR WRITE(*,*)'CS ERROR?',IERR 1 REC1=' syntax error' GO TO 77 2 REC1=' no common or global block with name:' CALL CCOPYS(JID,JSR1+40,NCIDEN) GO TO 77 3 REC1=' comis does not support yet this statement' GO TO 77 4 REC1=' common and global block with same name' GO TO 77 5 REC1=' multiple definition of statement label' GO TO 77 6 REC1=' error in equivalence' GO TO 77 7 REC1=' adjustable array bounds must be dummy arguments' GO TO 77 8 REC1=' lower bound greater than upper bound' GO TO 77 9 REC1=' assignment to a non-variable or COMPILER ERROR' GO TO 77 10 REC1=' non constant subscript' GO TO 77 11 REC1=' comis does not support character functions' GO TO 77 12 REC1=' mixed numeric and character' GO TO 77 13 REC1=' non pozitive length of string' GO TO 77 14 REC1=' do_variable has wrong type' GO TO 77 15 REC1=' wrong number syntax' GO TO 77 16 REC1=' do - level > 10' GO TO 77 17 REC1=' non variable or array' GO TO 77 18 REC1=' character value required' GO TO 77 19 REC1=' multiple declaration of name' GO TO 77 20 REC1=' arithmetic value required' GO TO 77 21 REC1=' argument - character expression - not allowed' GO TO 77 22 REC1=' non integer expression' GOTO 77 23 REC1=' number of subscripts does not match array declaration' GO TO 77 24 REC1=' undefined variable' GO TO 77 25 REC1=' non constant expression' GO TO 77 26 REC1=' operation not allowed on these data types' GO TO 77 27 REC1='COMPILER STACK OVERFLOW' GO TO 77 28 REC1=' DO or IF block not closed' GO TO 77 29 REC1=' missing apostrophe' GO TO 77 30 GO TO 78 31 REC1=' array subscript out of range' GO TO 77 32 REC1=' comis does not support character equivalence' GO TO 77 33 REC1=' number of names exceeds number of values' GO TO 77 34 REC1=' number of values exceeds number of names' GO TO 77 35 REC1=' invalid repeat counter' GO TO 77 36 REC1=' too long hollerith constant' GO TO 77 37 REC1=' more then 7 dimensions' GO TO 77 38 REC1=' error in call to intrinsic' GO TO 77 39 REC1=' missing the END statement' GO TO 77 77 CALL CSSOUT(REC1) 78 END