* * $Id: csskue.F,v 1996/02/26 17:16:17 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: csskue.F,v $ * Revision 1996/02/26 17:16:17 mclareni * Comis * * #include "comis/pilot.h" *CMZ : 1.11/01 24/01/91 11.36.35 by Rene Brun *-- Author : V.Berezhnoi SUBROUTINE CSSKUE ***-------------------------- * skips routine definition until END * now skips rest of the file (04.05.90) ***-------------------------- #include "comis/cslun.inc" C+SEQ,CSPAR. C+SEQ,CSREC. C+SEQ,CSPNTS. IF(ISTFIL.EQ.0)RETURN C 1 I=INDEX(REC,'#') C IF(I.NE.0)RETURN C I=INDEX(REC,'END') C IF(I.NE.0)THEN C N=MNBLAN(JSR,80) C IF(N.EQ.I+2)RETURN C ENDIF C READ(LUNFIL,77,END=99)REC C 77 FORMAT(A) C GO TO 1 99 ISTFIL=0 CLOSE(LUNFIL) END