* * $Id: cspecb.F,v 1996/02/26 17:16:32 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: cspecb.F,v $ * Revision 1996/02/26 17:16:32 mclareni * Comis * * #include "comis/pilot.h" *CMZ : 1.18/14 02/11/94 13.59.45 by Vladimir Berezhnoi *-- Author : Vladimir Berezhnoi 31/10/94 SUBROUTINE CSPECB(LISTCB) #include "comis/cspar.inc" #include "comis/mdpool.inc" #include "comis/cstabps.inc" #include "comis/cstab.inc" CHARACTER *32 CBNAME I=LISTCB 1 IF(I.EQ.0)RETURN IERR=0 CALL CSETCVA(IQ(I+1),IERR) IF(IERR.NE.0)THEN CALL CSGTIDB(IQ(I+2)-KSADGB,CBNAME,NC) print *,' CS Warning: mixed char and arith in common ', + cbname(1:nc) ENDIF I=IQ(I) GO TO 1 END