* * $Id: * * $Log: * #include "comis/pilot.h" *-- Author : O.Couet SUBROUTINE CSINC1(CHIN) * * This routine initialize the string INCNAM with an include file name * like: comisPID.inc. This file name is used when the directive * * #include ? * * is used in a uwfunc generated function. With PID inside the name, the * file is unique which allows to run several PAW sessions in the same * directory without names conflict. Previoulsy the name used was fixed * to "comis.inc". * CHARACTER*(*) CHIN #include "comis/csinc.inc" CHARACTER*8 CPID * Retrieve the process ID (IPID) and convert it in a string (CPID) CALL GETPIDF(IPID) WRITE(CPID,'(I8)') IPID * Supress the blank in CPID I=1 10 IF (CPID(I:I).EQ.' ') THEN I=I+1 IF (I.GT.8) THEN INCNAM='comis.inc' GOTO 999 ENDIF GOTO 10 ENDIF * Build the include file name INCNAM='comis' INCNAM(6:)=CPID(I:) INCNAM(LENOCC(INCNAM)+1:) = '.inc' * Return the include file name in CHIN 999 CHIN = INCNAM END