* * $Id: tjmufl.F,v 1996/03/06 10:47:02 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: tjmufl.F,v $ * Revision 1996/03/06 10:47:02 mclareni * Zebra * * #include "test_include/pilot.h" SUBROUTINE TJMUFL (CHNAME,MUSTFL) C- Check the FL parameters are what they should be #include "zebra/zunit.inc" #include "zebra/quest.inc" #include "test_include/testla.inc" #include "test_include/testll.inc" #include "tejqdd.inc" #include "test_include/testiq.inc" #include "test_include/testee.inc" #include "zebra/jzuc.inc" C-------------- End CDE -------------- CHARACTER CHNAME*4 DIMENSION MUSTFL(10) DO 24 JL=1,10 IF (JQFLAG(JL).NE.MUSTFL(JL)) GO TO 92 24 CONTINUE RETURN C---- Faults 92 WRITE (IQLOG,9092) JL, JQFLAG(JL), MUSTFL(JL) 9092 FORMAT (/' !!! ',5X,'Faulty flag',I3,' value have/must =',2I4) 97 WRITE (IQLOG,9097) CHNAME 9097 FORMAT (10X,'Fault in processor "',A,' !!!') CALL ZFATAL END * ================================================== #include "zebra/qcardl.inc"