* * $Id: rzstrip.F,v 1996/03/06 10:47:26 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: rzstrip.F,v $ * Revision 1996/03/06 10:47:26 mclareni * Zebra * * #include "zebra/pilot.h" #if defined(CERNLIB_QMUIX) SUBROUTINE RZSTRIP(CHFILE,NST,NRS,LREC,ISTAT) * ********************************************************************** * * Routine called by RZOPEN and RZIODO for striped files * * CHFILE Name of the header description file (Ascii) * NST* Number of striped files * NRS* Number of records in each file * LREC* Record length in words of the files * ISTAT* return sattus * * Description of the /RZCSTR/ structure * ISLAST File number currently described in the structure * ISTRIP Current striped file number for file ISLAST * NSTRIP Number of striped files for ISLAST * NRSTRIP Number of records in each file of file ISLAST * * Example of a descriptor file (starts in column 1) * ============================ * * The first line after the ###FTRIPE line contains * nstrip, Total_number_of_records, Record_Length_in_words, File_size * * ###FSTRIPE-V001### * 5 3872 1024 15859712 * 775 3174400 /user/brun/hbook/hart.hbook_1 * 775 3174400 /user/brun/hbook/hart.hbook_2 * 775 3174400 /user/brun/hbook/hart.hbook_3 * 775 3174400 /user/brun/hbook/hart.hbook_4 * 772 3162112 /user/brun/hbook/hart.hbook_5 * * * Author : R.Brun CERN/CN * Written : 10.06.94 * ************************************************************************ * #include "zebra/rzcstr.inc" character*(*) chfile character*128 file character*10 strip integer istat,nst,nrs parameter (lunhead=121) * *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * istat=1 open(unit=lunhead,file=chfile,status='old') read(lunhead,'(a)',err=20,end=20)strip if(strip.ne.'###FSTRIPE')go to 20 read(lunhead,*,err=20,end=20)nst,nrtot,lrec,nwords if(nst.le.0)go to 20 nrs=(nrtot+nst-1)/nst if(nrs.le.1)go to 20 if(nst.ge.maxstrip)go to 20 do 10 i=1,nst read(lunhead,'(a)',err=20,end=20)file isl=index(file,'/') if(isl.eq.0)go to 20 rzsfile(i)=file(isl:) 10 continue rzsfile(maxstrip)=chfile istat=0 20 close(lunhead) * end #endif