* * $Id: rzlogl.F,v 1996/03/06 10:47:25 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: rzlogl.F,v $ * Revision 1996/03/06 10:47:25 mclareni * Zebra * * #include "zebra/pilot.h" SUBROUTINE RZLOGL(LUN,LOGLEV) * ************************************************************************ * * To set the LOG level * Input: * LUN Logical unit number for which the logging level has to be set * LOGLEV Logging level * -3 Suppress all messages * -2 Error messages only * -1 Terse logging * 0 Normal logging: RZFILE, RZEND * 1 Log to watch rare events * 2 Log to monitor calls * 3 Short diagnostics * Short dumps to debug user-written output routines * 4 Full diagnostics * Full dumps to debug user-written output routines * * Called by * * Author : R.Brun DD/US/PD * Written : 01.04.86 * Last mod: 17.11.92 JDS - restrict loglevel to documented range * so that only 3 bits are required to store it (15-17) * ************************************************************************ #include "zebra/zunit.inc" #include "zebra/rzcl.inc" * *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * IQUEST(1)=0 IF(LQRS.EQ.0)GO TO 99 LRZ=LQRS 10 IF(LRZ.EQ.0)GO TO 99 IF(IQ(KQSP+LRZ-5).NE.LUN)THEN LRZ=LQ(KQSP+LRZ) GO TO 10 ENDIF * LOGL = MIN(LOGLEV,4) LOGL = MAX(LOGL, -3) + 3 CALL SBYT(LOGL,IQ(KQSP+LRZ),15,3) IF(LOGLEV.GE.0)WRITE(IQLOG,9022)LUN,LOGLEV 9022 FORMAT(' RZLOGL. File at LUN=',I6,', Diagnostic log level=',I2) * 99 RETURN END