* * $Id: rzallo.F,v 1.2 1996/04/24 17:26:38 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: rzallo.F,v $ * Revision 1.2 1996/04/24 17:26:38 mclareni * Extend the include file cleanup to dzebra, rz and tq, and also add * dependencies in some cases. * * Revision 1996/03/06 10:47:22 mclareni * Zebra * * #include "zebra/pilot.h" SUBROUTINE RZALLO(CHROUT,N,IALLOC) * *********************************************************************** * * Returns the first N consecutive records free starting at IALLOC * Input: * CHROUT Name of the calling routine * N Number of consecutive records requested * Output: * IALLOC first of the N records available * * Called by RZOUT,RZVOUT,RZMDIR,RZEXPD * * Author : R.Brun DD/US/PD * Written : 01.04.86 * Last mod: 26.10.93 JDS. Unique IQUEST(1) codes * * IQUEST(1) = 1 : request exceeds quota * = 2 : cannot find the requested number of free records * *********************************************************************** #include "zebra/zunit.inc" #include "zebra/rzcl.inc" #include "zebra/rzk.inc" CHARACTER*6 CHROUT * *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * #include "zebra/q_jbyt.inc" LOGLV=JBYT(IQ(KQSP+LTOP),15,3)-3 IF(LFREE.EQ.0)GO TO 90 NFREE=IQ(KQSP+LFREE+1) IF(NFREE.EQ.0)GO TO 90 * DO 10 I=1,NFREE IR1=IQ(KQSP+LFREE+2*I) IRL=IQ(KQSP+LFREE+2*I+1) IF(IR1+N-1.LE.IRL)THEN IALLOC=IR1 GO TO 20 ENDIF 10 CONTINUE GO TO 90 * * Check if allocation is not above quota * 20 IF((IQ(KQSP+LCDIR+KRUSED)+N.GT.IQ(KQSP+LCDIR+KQUOTA)-3).OR. + (IALLOC.GT.IQ(KQSP+LFREE+2*NFREE+1)-3))THEN IF(LOGLV.GE.-2) WRITE(IQLOG,1000)CHROUT 1000 FORMAT(1X,A,'. Request exceeds quota') IALLOC=0 IQUEST(1)=1 IQUEST(10)=IQ(KQSP+LCDIR+KQUOTA)-3 IQUEST(11)=IQ(KQSP+LFREE+2*NFREE+1)-3 IQUEST(12)=N ENDIF GO TO 99 * * Error * 90 IF(LOGLV.GE.-2) WRITE(IQLOG,2000)CHROUT,N 2000 FORMAT(1X,A,'. Cannot find the ',I3,' records requested') IALLOC =0 IQUEST(1) =2 IQUEST(10)=N * 99 RETURN END